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Lowongan Kerja PLN Jakarta - SMA

Written By Juwita on Saturday, February 25, 2012 | 3:44 PM

Lowongan PLN Jakarta
Lowongan PLN Jakarta - SMA - PT PLN (Persero) is the Indonesian-based government owned electricity power service company. The Company head quartered in Jakarta and operated 48 business units and 11 subsidiaries company in all over Indonesia. The Company successful to improved the national electrification rate from 63.75% in 2009 into 66.51% in 2010 through its "One Day One Million Concestion" movement. PLN Jakarta Distribution Area (PLN Dis Jaya) is one of the largest business unit of PLN with operated 23 areas. PLN Dis Jaya began in 1897, by working on power plants (PLTU) by NV NIGM (one of the Dutch company) located in Gambir.

Lowongan Kerja PLN Jakarta - SMA
In line with the increasing demand of electricity power connection, currently PT PLN (Persero) invites the best Indonesian young people to join as following positions which will placed in PLN - Jakarta :

No - Position - Code - Education
1 Junior operator/junior Technicial di bidang distribusi Tenaga listrik - DIS - SMA IPA/SMK Teknik Mesin/Listrik
2 Junior Operator/Junior Technicial di bidang Tranmisi Tenaga Listrik - TRS - SMA IPA/SMK Teknik Mesin/Listrik
3 Junior Operator/Junior Technicial di bidang Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik - KIT - SMA IPA/SMK Teknik Mesin/Listrik
4 Junior Officer di bidang Administrasi - ADM - SMA IPA/IPS, SMK Perkantoran, Niaga dan Kesekretariatan

For further detail job requirements, required documents and how to apply in each positions, please refer official source from Lowongan Kerja PT PLN (Persero) Jakarta  on following link below. Closing date 7 March 2012 (Post Stamp). Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Source PLN Jakarta
3:44 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri
Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri - PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Tbk ( BSM ) is an Indonesian-based Islamic financial company and focused in sharia banking services. The Bank is part of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, the Indonesian largest state-owned commercial banking company. Bank Syariah Mandiri based in Jakarta and supported by 630 branch offices in 33 provinces in all over Indonesia. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri also supported by more than 13,185 employees in all branch offices. In 2001, PT Bank Syariah Mandiri awarded as The Best Islamic Bank in Indonesia from Islamic Finance News (Redmoney Malaysia). In 2012, the Comany also awarded as The Most Popular Brand of Islamic Banking (iB) and The Bes of Brand Equity Champion of Islamic Banking (iB) from Marketeers and Markplus Insight.

In line with its vision, to be the most trusted and preferred sharia bank for business partners, now PT Bank Syariah Mandiri open vacancy to join as following positions :

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri
1. Officer Gadai
2. Penaksir Gadai


* Hold min S1 from all majors (Officer Gadai) and D3 from all majors (Penaksir Gadai)
* Min GPA 2.75 (Accredited A) or min 3.00 (Accredited B)
* Max age in 31 January 2012 : 35 years old (Officer Gadai) and 26 yares old (Penaksir Gadai)
* Experienced in organizations
* Min 1 year experience in sales/marketing, banking/finance institution, gold pawn business

For further detail information about job requirements and to apply in each positions, please refer official source from Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri on following link below. Closing date 1 March 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Official Source Here Bank Syariah Mandiri
3:31 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Indofood Tbk

Lowongan Kerja Indofood Tbk
Lowongan Kerja Indofood Tbk - PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk is an Indonesian based food product manufacturing company. The Company is one of business unit of PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk and as a subsidiary company of PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. The Company is one of the largest instant noodles producers in the world with annual capacity in excess of 15 billion packs. The Company diverse brand portfolio, which include Indomie, Supermie, Sarimi, Sakura, Pop Mie, Pop Bihun and Mi Telur Cap 3 Ayam, caters to all merket segments. Indomie became the Company's flagship and awarded the Greatest Brand of The Decade Award and Indonesia's Most Favorite Netizen Brand Award in 2010.

In line with its vision, to became the leading consumer goods company, PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk currently invites the best candidates to join as position below which will be placed in Semarang Branch :

Lowongan Kerja Indofood Tbk
1. Area Sales & Promotion Representative (ASPR)
2. District Administration (Adm)
3. Finance Staff (Fin)
4. Preventive Maintenance Technician (TF)
5. Process Field Quality Control (QC)


* Male, single (1,3,4,5), Male/Female, single (2)
* Max 28 years old (1,2,3,4,5)
* S1 all majors (1,2), S1 Accounting/management (3), D3 Electrical Engineering (4), D3/S1 Chemical Engineering/MIPA Chemical/Agricultural Technology
* Computer literate (2,3)
* Willing to work in field area, has SIM A (1)
* Willing to be placed in Central java and DIY area (1,2)
* Mastering in PLC, Inverter and Electricity
* Preferably experienced (1,2,3,4,5)

For further detail information, please refer official source from Lowongan Kerja PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk on following link below. Should you interested, please submit your complete application and write position code on top right your envelope not later than 3 March 2012 to following address below. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk
Noodles Division Semarang - Jl Tambak Aji II / 8 Semarang 50185
Official Source Here
3:22 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PLN Jawa Tengah

Written By Juwita on Friday, February 24, 2012 | 3:43 PM

Lowongan Kerja PLN
Lowongan Kerja PLN Jawa Tengah - PT PLN (Persero) is the Indonesian-based government owned electricity power service company. The Company based in Jakarta and operated 48 business units and 11 subsidiaries company in all over Indonesia. The Company successful to improved the national electrification rate from 63.75% in 2009 into 66.51% in 2010 through its "One Day One Million Concestion" movement.

PLN Annual Resport 2010, the Company in 2010 gained a net profit of Rp10.086 trillion, close to 2009's net profit. This was supported by 14.2% growth of electricity revenues (only 4.31% in 2009), which resulted in total revenues of Rp162.3 trillion, while total cost was Rp149.1 trillion (Rp135.2 trillion in 2009). The Company achieved electricity production in 2010 of 169,786.21 GWh, an increase from 156,797.25 GWh in 2009, and electricity sales of 147,729.47 GWh.

Lowongan Kerja PLN Jawa Tengah
In line with the increasing demand of electricity power connection, currently PT PLN (Persero) invites the best Indonesian young people to join as following positions which will placed in PLN - Jateng & DIY:

No - Position - Code - Education
1 unior Operator di Bidang Operasi Distribusi OPT-DIST SMA IPA atau SMK Teknik
2 Junior Technician di Bidang Pemeliharaan Distribusi TKS-DIS SMA IPA atau SMK Teknik
3 Junior Technician di Bidang Pemeliharaan Penyaluran TKS-TRS SMA IPA atau SMK Teknik

General Requirements

* Male, single, not married and willing for not married during education
* Hold min SMA (IPA) or SMK engineering
* Max age 20 years old
* Heigh min 155cm and proportional weight (Max BMI 28)
* Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind
* No tattoos and pierced
* Not tied to any agency working ties
* Not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances
* Pass the selection process

For further detail job requirements, required documents and how to apply in each positions, please refer official source from LOWONGAN KERJA PT PLN (Persero) Jateng DIY on following link below. Closing date 9 March 2012 (Post Stamp). Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Source
3:43 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Penyuluh Lapangan

Penyuluh Lapangan
Lowongan Kerja Penyuluh Lapangan - PT Ciomas Adisatwa (Japfa Group) merupakan Perusahaan perunggasan berskala nasional dengan wilayah operasional meliputi Jawa, Bali, Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi dan berkantor pusat di Jakarta, saat ini membuka peluang kepada profesional muda untuk bergabung sebagai :

Lowongan Kerja Penyuluh Lapangan
Penyuluh Lapangan
Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Lampung


* Mengawasi, membimbing dan memberikan penyuluhan pelaksanaan program pemeliharaan ayam, sejak persiapan chick-in sampai dengan panen
* Membuat program kerja harian dan bulanan kandang
* Merawat dan memelihara barang/perlengkapan inventaris kandang (milik Company Farm)
* Wilayah kerja : Lampung, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur


* SNAKMA, D3 Peternakan/Kesehatan Hewan
* Pengalaman 1 - 2 tahun di posisi yang sama
* Terbuka kesempatan untuk fresh graduate
* Berintegritas, teamworker, komunikasi efektif dan mempunyai motivasi berprestasi

Kirimkan CV lengkap LOWONGAN KERJA beserta pasfoto terbaru ke :; atau
Cantumkan subject/judul dengan lokasi, misal : Penyuluh Lapangan - Lampung.
3:28 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Photo : Bencana Puting Beliung di Pakpak Bharat 1 Tewas

Satu orang tewas dan puluhan rumah rusak dalam bencana puting beliung yang terjadi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat, Sumatera Utara (Sumut), Jumat (24/2/2012). Akibat kejadian ini jaringan listrik juga rusak parah.

Keterangan yang diperoleh menyebutkan, angin puting beliung tersebut terjadi sekitar pukul 14.20 WIB. Daerah yang paling parah terutama di Kecamatan Salak dan Siempat Rube.

Di Desa Boangmanalu, Kecamatan Salak, selain rumah-rumah penduduk kerusakan juga terjadi pada bangunan Poskesdes, gedung SKB dan bangunan Pendidikan Usia Dini (PAUD). Hujan deras dan angin kencang juga merobohkan beberapa tiang PLN di desa itu yang mengakibatkan terputusnya jaringan PLN daerah itu.

Sementara dari kecamatan Siempat Rube diperoleh informasi, angin kencang menumbangkan sejumlah pohon di daerah itu. Salah satu pohon durian di samping rumah warga yang tumbang hingga menewaskan seorang pria berusia 60 tahun, Sekka Anakampun.

"Menurut anak korban Simsim Anakampun, orangtuanya tertimpa pohon durian tumbang saat akan menyelamatkan diri keluar dari rumah," ujar Kabag Humas Pemkab Pakpak Bharat, Kastro Manik, melalui telepon, Jumat malam.

Data sementara yang diperoleh menunjukkan, rumah warga yang rusak di Kecamatan Siempat Rube terutama di Desa Traju, dan juga di Desa Jambu Mbllang, dan Desa Traju. Bangunan gereja GKPPD, gardu PLN dan tiang listrik banyak rusak di kecamatan tersebut.

Berkenaan dengan penanganan bencana ini, Kabag Humas menyatakan sesaat setelah kejadian, Bupati Pakpak Bharat Remigo Yolando Berutu segera turun ke lokasi dan memerintahkan jajaran melakukan penanganan terhadap para korban.

"Semua pihak yang terkait segera melakukan langkah-langkah cepat, menginventarisir dan mengevakuasi lokasi-lokasi kejadian akibat hujan deras dan angin kencang ini," kata Manik.
Sumber Berita : Detik News : Puting Beliung Tewaskan Seorang Warga di Sumut 

Inilah photo - photo Bencana Puting Beliung di Pakpak Bharat:

 Credit Photo : Ar Tinambunan
8:24 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PLN

Written By Juwita on Thursday, February 23, 2012 | 3:27 PM

Lowongan Kerja PLN
Lowongan Kerja PLN - PLN is the Indonesian-based government owned electricity power service company. The Company head quartered in Jakarta and operated 48 business units and 11 subsidiaries company in all over Indonesia. The Company successful to improved the national electrification rate from 63.75% in 2009 into 66.51% in 2010 through its "One Day One Million Concestion" movement. PLN Jakarta & Tangerang Distribution Area (PLN Dis Jaya) is one of the largest business unit of PLN with operated 23 areas. PLN Dis Jaya began in 1897, by working on power plants (PLTU) by NV NIGM (one of the Dutch company) located in Gambir.

In line with the increasing demand of electricity power connection, currently PT PLN (Persero) invites the best Indonesian young people to join as following positions which will placed in PLN - Jakarta & Tangerang :

Lowongan Kerja PLN
1. Junior operator/junior Technicial di bidang distribusi Tenaga listrik (DIS)
2. Junior operator/junior Technicial di bidang tranmisi tenaga listrik (TRS)
3. Junior operator/junior Technicial di bidang pembangkit tenaga listrik (KIT)
4. Junior officer di bidang administrasi (ADM)

For further detail job requirements, required documents and how to apply in each positions, please refer official source from LOWONGAN KERJA PT PLN (Persero) Jakarta Raya and Tangerang on following link below. Closing date 7 March 2012 (Post Stamp). Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Official Source Here
3:27 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Bukopin

Lowongan Kerja Bank Bukopin
Lowongan Kerja Bank Bukopin - Bank Bukopin is one of the fast growing private banking company in Indonesia. The Company established since 10 July 1970 and focused to financing UMKMK (Micro, Small, Medium and Cooperative Business) segment. Bank Bukopin based in Jakarta and operated 280 branch offices spreading in 22 provinces all over Indonesia. In 2006 the Bank listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange and conducted the Initial Public Offering (IPO) to its stronger capital structure. Based on Bukopin Annual Report 2010, as of December 2010, total assets of Bank Bukopin reached Rp47,489 billion and increased 28% from Rp37,173 billion in 2009 with nett income recorded Rp493 billion, increased 36% from Rp362 billion in 2009. Bank Bukopin supported by 2 subsidiary companies consist of PT Bukopin Finance and PT Bank Syariah Bukopin.

Due to rapid expansion and growth, PT Bank Bukopin Tbk currently looking for qualified and dedicated candidate who seek a challenging career to join for the following position which will placed in Solo Branch Office:

1. Account Officer (AO)
2. Relationship Officer (RO)


* Male/Female with max age 27 years old for fresh graduate, 35 years old for experienced in marketing field
* Hold min S1 from all majors with min GPA 2.50
* Have a wide networking
* Have a good analytical skills
* Good looking, good personality, hardworking, honest, confident and good communications skill
* Have a good selling skills
* Height and weight proportional

Should you interested and qualified, please submit your application to following address below max one week after this advertisement. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
PT Bank Bukopin Tbk - Solo Branch
Jl Sudirman 10 Solo 57111
Official Source
3:22 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank OCBC NISP

Lowongan Kerja Bank OCBC NISP
Lowongan Kerja Bank OCBC NISP - PT. Bank OCBC NISP,Tbk since its establishment in 1941 has been consistently implementing the prudential banking principles and has succeeded to conduct a healthy banking practices and survive through many crises in Indonesia.

Along with its aim to be one of the National Bank in 2010 based on the API (Indonesian Banking Architecture), Bank OCBC NISP continues to develop high quality products and increases its relations with costumers by opening many new offices in various major cities and districts.

It can’t be denied that the development of Bank OCBC NISP is also due to the important roles and large contributions of its employees

Realizing the need of employees to support the development of the business, we open opportunities for you join and develop a carrier in banking industry with us.

We invite you who has the spirit, full of initiative, high self-confidence, good communication and interpersonal skill and a willingness to learn to join us and actively participate towards a ”BANK OCBC NISP” as one of the Successful National Bank.

Lowongan Kerja Bank OCBC NISP
Currently we are looking for qualified candidates to fill following positions:

# Position - Work Location - Closing Date

1. Consumer Banking Manager - Batam - 29 February 2012
2. Management Development Program - Jakarta Raya - 11 March 2012
3. Personal Financial Consultant Program - Jakarta Raya - 17 March 2012
4. Secured Loan Officer Program - Jakarta Raya - 17 March 2012
5. Central Payment Support Officer - Jakarta Raya - 21 March 2012
6. Management Development Program - Jakarta Raya - 23 March 2012
7. Marketing Program (Consumer Banking Academy) - Jakarta Raya - 23 March 2012

If you are interested in LOWONGAN KERJA taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, please apply online to: Apply Here
3:17 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI

Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI
Lowongan Kerja Bank BRI - Bank Rakyat Indonesia’s ( BRI ) vision is to become a leading commercial bank that always prioritizes customer satisfaction. BRI missions is to achieve the vision, BRI has decided on trhree missions that have to be undertaken, namely: BRI provides the best banking operation by prioritizing services for Micro, Small, and Medium Businesses in order to support people’s economy.

BRI offers sevices to customers through a network that are spread all over Indonesia and supported by professional human resources who implement the Good Corporate Governance practices. BRI creates values and produce optimal benefits to all stakeholders

In line with its vision, to become a leading commercial bank that always prioritizes customer satisfaction, currently PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk provides the opportunity for potential candidates to join as:


S1/S2 scholars from the Universities Accredited A / B

* To graduate from the Faculty of Public PPS / Major: Economics, Law, Engineering, Agricultural Technology, Psychology, Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisipol (Just for the Department of International Relations, Communication Studies, Fiscal Administration, Business Administration, and State Administration), Mathematics (only for the department of Mathematics, Statistics)
* For PPS Auditor graduated from the Faculty / Department: Economics, Law, Engineering, Agriculture, Fisipol (Only For Fiscal Administration Department, Business Administration, and State Administration), Mathematics (only for mathematics, statistics)
* For the PPS IT graduates from the Faculty / Department: Computer Science, Information Engineering
* Minimal GPA S1 2.75 (PTN), 3.00 (PTS)
* S2 GPA of at least 3:25 with the provisions of S.1 GPA min. 2.75 (PTN) & 3.00 (PTS)
* Old max. 27 years (for graduates S1), and max. 30 years (for graduates S2)
* Willing to follow the selection process.
* Not Married Not Married & Available up to 1 (one) year from the BRI was appointed as permanent workers.
* Willing to be placed around the working area of ​​BRI
* Willing to sign a Letter of Agreement with BRI been accepted as a participant if the PPS BRI

For those applicants who are interested, can be present at the event:

1. DAYS OF LAW CAREER FAKULTAS HUKUM UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA, Date. 22 to 24 February 2012 at the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia
2. BRI Job Expo Surabaya, Date March 1, 2012 At 9:00 to 14:00 pm In Gedung Graha Sativa Bulog, Jl. A. Yani 146-148 Surabaya.

by Lowongan Kerja bringing new Color Photo 3x4 size as much as 1 (one). Forms will only be given at the site JOB FAIR. Official info
3:12 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina - Medco E&P

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina - Medco E&P - Joint Operation Body (JOB) Pertamina – Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi is joint operating body between PT Pertamina Hulu Energi and PT Medco E&P Indonesia. We are one of the national oil & gas companies based on Jakarta, Indonesia. Our project in Central Sulawesi offshore (Senoro) has been operating since February 2011. We are currently inviting highly dynamic, self-motivated and committed applicants to apply several positions in challenging work environment as follow:

1. Land Acquisition Officer
2. Legal Officer
3. Buyer
4. Vendor Performance Management Analyst (VPM)
5. Material Analyst
6. Contract Analyst

• Bachelor Degree in Law or any major in Engineering (number 1 & 2)
• Bachelor Degree in Management or any major in Engineering (number 3 – 6)
• Diploma Degree in any major
• Minimum experience 3 – 5 years in related field, experience in oil and gas industry would be advantage.
• Willing to travelling to site (Sulawesi)
• Certified in PTK 007 Rev 2 (number 1 – 6) would be preferable

7. C & B and Payroll Analyst
(Jakarta – Site)

• Mengevaluasi dan menganalisa struktur upah secara berkesinambungan mengacu kepada data survey market salary terkini untuk menjaga daya saing struktur upah perusahaan dengan market salary.
• Melakukan perhitungan terkait rekomendasi kenaikan gaji pekerja dengan memperhatikan internal equity dan external competitiveness salary market, untuk menjaga tingkat kepuasan pekerja diukur dari rendahnya tingkat employee turn over
• Menganalisa dan memperhitungkan besaran paket kompensasi yang diberikan kepada kandidat pekerja sesuai bidang keahliannya dengan melihat pada internal equity dan external competitiveness sehingga paket kompensasi yang ditawarkan menjadi daya tarik dengan hasil akhir adalah mendapatkan pekerja yang berkualitas.
• Menganalisa, mengevaluasi dan memperhitungkan anggaran terkait kompensasi dan benefit pekerja dalam tahun berjalan serta proyeksi satu tahun kedepan, untuk menghasilkan anggaran yang dapat mengakomodir pelaksanaan program kompensasi dan benefit yang telah direncanakan.
• Melakukan transaksi payroll yang terdiri atas pembayaran gaji, tunjangan, jamsostek, pajak, dana pensiun, dan program benefit lainnya serta melakukan kajian terhadap semua perhitungan tersebut, agar pembayaran dilakukan secara akurat dan tepat waktu.
• Melakukan pelaporan kewajiban perpajakan, jamsostek, dana pensiun dan program benefit lainnya kepada instansi terkait secara tepat waktu dan jumlah agar terhindar dari sanksi denda dan administratif.
• Memberikan penjelasan terhadap pertanyaan pekerja terkait permasalahan kompensasi dan benefit, agar pekerja memperoleh informasi yang lengkap dan transparan terhadap hak-hak yang didapat.

• S1 Ekonomi / Matematika/ Engineering/ Psikologi
• Minimal 3 – 5 tahun pengalaman di bidang Sumber Daya Manusia dalam industry MIGAS
• Menguasai program SAP
• Menguasai perhitungan pajak

8. PA & Security Officer

• Melaksanakan pemeliharaan hubungan kerja dengan muspika (musyawarah pimpinan kecamatan) wilayah kerja perusahaan agar tercipta hubungan kerja yang baik antara perusahaan dengan muspika
• Melakukan komunikasi dan program pengembangan masyarakat di sekitar wilayah kerja perusahaan untuk menjaga hubungan baik dengan masyarakat guna mendukung kelancaran operasional perusahaan.
• Membuat pelaporan kegiatan public affairs serta mendokumentasikannya agar seluruh kegiatan terdokumentasi dengan baik.
• Menganalisa permintaan bantuan dari masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah di wilayah kerja perusahaan, untuk dijadikan usulan kepada manajemen kantor Jakarta dalam mengakomodir bantuan kepada masyarakat dan pemerintah di lapangan operasi.
• Mengawasi dan menganalisa isu-isu keamanan yang berkembang baik di kalangan internal maupun eksternal untuk mencegah situasi tidak kondusif yang mungkin terjadi.
• Mengkoordinasikan dan mengawasi kegiatan pengamanan yang dilakukan oleh petugas keamanan pihak ketiga untuk memastikan terlaksananya pengamanan yang sesuai dengan prosedur keamanan perusahaan.
• Melakukan kerjasama dan pembinaan hubungan kerja dengan aparat keamanan Negara untuk memberikan rasa aman terhadap kegiatan operasi lapangan.
• Membuat laporan keamanan termasuk kejadian tidak aman yang terjadi serta mendokumentasikannya untuk digunakan sebagai masukan dalam memperbaiki system keamanan yang telah ada.

• D3 Komunikasi Massa
• Pelatihan kehumasan perusahaan minyak dan gas
• Keterampilan negosiasi
• Basic oil and gas for nonengineer
• Perusahaan minyak dan gas di bidang public affairs 3 tahun

9. Technical Interface Coordinator

• Co-ordinate project technical interfaces between multiple work packages/contractors, drilling and reservoir engineering to ensure: compliance with schedule, consistent design basis and data set, overall design consistency and integrity.
• To ensure a cost effective integration between different packages/contractors and between surface and subsurface facilities activities.
• Interface responsibility definition.
• Technical integrity of interfaces.
• Effective interface management and control including their relevant activities, facilitating the traceability of agreements and changes, if any.
• To assure technical cooperation in the team and with contractors in order to minimize technical and economical risks.
• Liaising with all technical managers in order to assure the alignment and consistency of technical designs.
• Assuring interface status reports (including progress status and identification of concerns and highlight areas).
• Managing meetings, as necessary, between different contractors in order to reduce technical and economical risks, negotiating the best resolution of interface discrepancy, if any.

• Bachelor degree relevant major
• 10 extensive experience in the oil & gas industry
• Several years of coordination activities in project team

10. Completion Engineer

• Making database summary of completed drilling project for comparison data to the next drilling program/plan (Offset Well Data).
• Designing well and details of drilling program for a well construction project (onshore & offshore) including all technical/engineering plan, cost estimation, material purchase plan and drilling equipment (Well Construction Program)
• Preparing cost estimation proposal and technically presented the plan to BPMIGAS to get an approval for executing the project (AFE & WP&B )
• Searching and analyze necessary material & equipment to be applied in the drilling project and estimate risk & cost analyst (Technology Scouting)
• Analyze and plan optimalization well design, drilling & completion, and overall budget proposal from the drilling summary result made by Drilling Superintendent.
• Supervise HQ activity, assist Drilling Superintendent to conduct quality control process (QC) during drilling ptoject.

• Bachelor Dgeree in Petroleum, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Electrical, and Industrial Engineering.
• Minimum 3 -5 years experience in drilling of oil and gas operation.
• Certified in Drilling Engineering / Operation
• Certified well control (IWCF - Surface / subsea stack)
• Certified in T-Bosiet (Sea Survival, HUET, Fire Fighting)

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut Lowongan Kerja ini silahkan masuk ke website kami di:
"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "
3:07 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mayapada - SMA/D3

Written By Juwita on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 | 3:51 PM

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mayapada
Lowongan Kerja Bank Mayapada - PT Bank Mayapada International, Tbk (Jateng)adalah sebuah Bank Swasta Devisa Nasional membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga professional dan dinamis untuk bergabung dan menjalin karir bersama kami sebagai:

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mayapada - SMA/D3

Kolektor (Kol) - Jawa Tengah, Yogyakarta


* Pendidikan minimal D3 (Any faculty) / SMU atau sederajat
* Usia maksimal 37 tahun
* Jujur, tekun, komunikatif, dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan ataupun target
* Memiliki pengalaman kolektor di Perbankan atau di lembaga keuangan lainnya
* Untuk Area : Solo, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Kudus ( Jateng - DIY )

Alamat Lamaran harap dikirim ke alamat email di bawah ini :

( HRD Regional Jateng - DIY )

Alamat Kantor HRD Regional Jateng - DIY :
Bank Mayapada Cabang Semarang
Jl. MT. Haryono No. 647 Semarang
3:51 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN
Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN - Bank BTPN telah memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 50 tahun dalam bisnis perbankan, berkomitmen untuk membantu 23 juta wanita Indonesia dalam mewujudkan mimpi dan meningkatkan potensi keluarga pra sejahtera melalui program pemberdayaan Bank BTPN.

Jadikanlah Ibadah dan pekerjaan menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan. Bergabunglah brsama kami sebagai :

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN
Wakil Manajer Sentra (WMS) Jawa Tengah


* Pendidikan D3/S1 untuk semua jurusan
* Diutamakan Wanita dan belum menikah
* Usia maksimal 27 tahun
* Pernah aktif bergabung dalam organisasi
* Berpengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
* Mampu mengendarai sepeda motor
* Bersedia tinggal dan kerja di desa-desa wilayah Jawa Tengah
* Menyukai pekerjaan dengan mobilitas tinggi dan tugas lapangan
* Tertarik untuk membantu dan melayani keluarga pra sejahtera

Gaji Tetap, Asuransi Kesehatan, THR, Fasilitas Kendaraan Kerja, Pelatihan dan Jenjang karir yang terbuka dan jelas

Informasi lebih lanjut & Registrasi Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN melalui SMS ke 0821 9713 0030
3:43 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Kementerian BUMN

Lowongan Kerja Kementerian BUMN
Lowongan Kerja Kementerian BUMN - Kementerian BUMN is one of the ministries in the government of republic of Indonesia. Kementerian BUMN is the transformation of work unit Echelon II in Ministry of Finance (1973-1993) who later became the first-echelon units (1993-1998 and 2000-2001). The main duty of Ministry of State Owned Enterprises is to assist the president in formulating policy and coordination in the field of establishment of state-owned enterprises (BUMN). The Ministry based in Jakarta and headed by a Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOE Minister) that since October 19, 2011 held by Dahlan Iskan.

Currently Kementerian BUMN invites the best Indonesian people to join as following positions :

Lowongan Kerja Kementerian BUMN
Web Programmer (PHP) (6 Positions)


* Programming: PHP, Jquery, HTML (4/5), CSS (2/3), XML, JSON
* Database: MySQL, Other (value added)
* Framework: WordPress (mandatory), Zend (value added)
* Others: The ability of high algorithm, experienced with SVN, Creative and Imaginative for web design / logo etc.
* Work experience min. 3 years
* Education min. S1 with min GPA 3:00

Web Programmer (WordPress) (1 Position)


* Programming: PHP, Jquery, HTML (4/5), CSS (2/3), XML, JSON
* Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL (required)
* Framework: Zend (mandatory), other (value added)
* Others: The ability of high algorithm, experienced with SVN, Creative and Imaginative for web design / logo etc.
* Work experience min. 3 years
* Education min. S1 with min GPA 3:00

Web Programmer (WordPress) 1 Position


* Programming: PHP, Jquery, HTML (4/5), CSS (2/3), XML, JSON
* Database: PostgreSQL, Other (value added)
* Framework: Zend (mandatory), other (value added)
* Other: Ability to translate business processes into the application, has the ability to develop Business Intelligence and Abilities Ability to manage Programmer Algorithms and experienced with SVN
* Work experience min. 5 years
* Education min. S1 with min GPA 3:00

For further detail information about LOWONGAN KERJA requirements and responsibilities, please refer official source from Ministry of State Owned Enterprises on following link below. Should you interested and qualified, please submit your application letter, CV, diploma and transcripts sent via email to cc: no later than 24 February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted via email. Official Source Here
3:24 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Toyota Motor

Lowongan Kerja Toyota Motor
Lowongan Kerja Toyota Motor - PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMI) - PT TMMI is an Indonesian-based automotive manufacturing company. The Company focused assembler of Toyota products and exporter of Toyota vehicles and also spare parts manufacturer. The Company established in 2 April 1971 and its head quarter located in Jakarta. The controlling shareholders of PT TMMI hold by Toyota Motor Corporation with 95% shares owned. Other shares owned by PT Astra International Tbk with 5% total shares. The Company operated 2 (two) plants in Sunter for Assembly Plant, Packing and Karawang for Welding Plant, Painting, Assembly.

In line with its growth, PT Toyota Motor Manufactuing Indonesia is currently looking for high talented and motivated candidates to fill the following positions:



* ACADEMY Graduate, Majoring from Engineering (Mechanical, Industrial, Electrical, Computer Science, Metallurgy) with GPA > 2.75 (scale of 4.00) with strong involvement in organizational activities;
* Preferably of age are max. 25 years old;
* Computer literate, min. Ms. Office;
* Fluent in English both oral & written (preferably those with TOEFL score min. 450);
* Having high willingness to learn;
* Initiative and good analysis;
* Hard work and able to work in team.

If you are interested, kindly apply your latest CV to: For further detail information and how to apply, please refer official source from CDC FT UI on following link below. Closing date 20 March 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Source
3:17 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Trans7

Lowongan Kerja Trans7
Lowongan Kerja Trans7 - Trans7 (formerly known as TV7) is an Indonesian commercial television station based in Central Jakarta. It is jointly owned by the Gramedia Group and Trans TV. It began broadcasting on 15 December 2001. On 15 December 2006, the official name became Trans 7 from TV 7 due to its half ownership by Trans Corp, a company that also owned Trans TV.

Lowongan Kerja Trans 7
Trans7, a Trans Corp Company is currently seeking competent candidates for the following positions:

No Positions Education Discipline Closing Date PIC
1 Quality Control (TR7-SS) Min. D3 All major 29/2/2012 Silmi
2 Technical Support (TR7-TS) Min. D3 Electrical 29/2/2012 Silmi
3 Motion Graphic (TR7-MG) Min. D3 All Major 29/2/2012 Silmi
4 Set Design (TR7-SD) Min. S1 Architecture / Design 29/2/2012 Silmi
5 Set Builder (TR7-SB) Min. D3 Civil 29/2/2012 Silmi
6 Video Editor (TR7-VE) Min. D3 All Major 29/2/2012 Silmi
7 Audioman (TR7-AUDIO) Min. D3 All Major 29/2/2012 Silmi
8 Lighting Person (TR7-LIGHTING) Min. D3 All Major 29/2/2012 Silmi
9 Camera Person (TR7-CAMPERS) Min. D3 All Major 29/2/2012 Silmi
10 Technical On Air (TR7-TOA) Min. D3 Telecomunication / Electronics 29/2/2012 Silmi
11 IT Support (TR7-SS) Min. D3 Information Technology 29/2/2012 Silmi
12 Mutimedia (TR7-MM) Min. D3 Information Technology 29/2/2012 Silmi
13 Software Developer (TR7-SDV) Diploma or Bachelor degree Information Technology 29/2/2012 Silmi

Include the POSITION CODE in the subject e-mail
Specific to Job List numbers 1-8, please send CV, photograph and supporting documents Lowongan Kerja to:

Can also be sent via POS to address:
Ged. TRANSTV, Lt. 3A
Jl. Kapt. Tendean Kav. 12 – 14A

For More information Please visit Career Trans 7 Here
3:07 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah

Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah
Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah - Forging the 1997 financial crisis proved the toughness of Islamic banking system. Shariah principles with 3 (three) pillars are fair, transparent and beneficiaries are able to answer the needs of people in the banking system more equitable. With based on Law No.10 of 1998, on the date 29 April 2000 established Sharia (UUS) BNI with 5 branches in Yogyakarta, Malang, Pekalongan, Jepara and Banjarmasin. Next UUS BNI continues to expand to 28 branch offices and 31 branch offices.

Lowongan Kerja BNI Syariah
In line with its vision, become the people choice in Sharia Banking, which is provenly leading in service and performance, currently PT Bank BNI Syariah invites the potential candidates to join as following position which will be placed in Bogor, Cibinong, Cibubur Branch:

1. Funding Executive
2. Direct Sales Pembiayaan


* Hold min Diploma from all majors
* Have a wide networking
* Good looking and communicative
* Have own motor cycle and SIM C

For further detail information and to apply online in each positions, please refer official source from CDA IPB on following link below. Should you interested, please submit your complete application through walk in interview that will held on 28 February - 16 March 2012 at following address below. Only short-listed candidates will be notified on This Lowongan Kerja.

Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah Bogor Branch Office
Jl. Pajajaran No. 27 A-B, telp 0251-8337828,8337620
Bogor, Indonesia
3:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Saudara

Written By Juwita on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | 3:34 PM

Lowongan Kerja Bank Saudara
Lowongan Kerja Bank Saudara - PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk (Bank Saudara) is an Indonesia-based financial institution engaged in Banking services. Bank Saudara is part of Medco Group owned by Arifin Panigoro, established since 1906. The Bank's products and services include savings and checking accounts, fixed deposits, credit loans and other banking services. As of December 31, 2011, Bank Saudara was supported by 1 head office, 9 branch offices, 55 supporting branches, 12 cash offices, 30 automated teller machines (ATM) and one payment point.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Saudara
Bank Saudara now opened the opportunity for the best candidates to be able to develop a banking career as below whic will be placed in Solo Branch:

1. Analis Kredit (AK)
2. Resident Audit (RA)
3. Staff Marketing Kredit Komersil/UMKM (MKK)
4. Staff Marketing Funding (MF)
5. Staff Marketing Kredit Konsumer (MKU)

General Requirements

* Male/Female
* Good looking, friendly, communicative, thorough and workmanlike
* Computer literate min MS Office
* Have a good analytical skills & honest
* Service oriented
* Able to work with a team and work under pressure
* Experienced in Bank / finance institution is a plus

Specific Requirements

* Max age 27 years old (AKR, RA), 35 years old (MKK, MF, MKU)
* Hold min D3 in all majors with GPA min 2.75 (AKR, MKU, MF, MKK)
* Experienced in credit analyst min 1 year (AKR)
* Hold min S1 in Accounting from reputable university with min GPA 3.00 (RA)
* Mastering in PSAK, PAPI, SPFAIB, Law, Taxation and statistic
* Experienced in banking audit or public accountant firm
* Love challenges, target oriented and have a wide networking (MKU, MF, MKK)
* Experienced in funding min 1 year (MF)
* Experienced in lending min 1 year (MKK)
* Has a consumer-based pension and experiences in the field of pension credit min 2 years

For further detail information Lowongan Kerja Bank, please refer official source from CDC UNS on following link below. Should you interested and qualified, please submit your cover letter, CV and color photograph via express pos no later than 28 February 2012 (post stamp) to address below. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Info Here

Bank Saudara - Solo Branch
Jl Ronggowarsito 53 B Keprabon Banjarsari Solo
3:34 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah
Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah - PT BANK MEGA SYARIAH saat ini terus berekspansi mengembangkan segmen usaha pembiayaan mikro dengan brand MEGA MITRA SYARIAH (M2S) dan GADAI SYARIAH MEGA. seiringan dengan perkembangan tersebut. Bank Mega Syariah membuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk bergabung bersama kami, dan menjadi bagian dari kesuksesan kami:

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah
Distrik Risk Control Officer

Position Requirements:

Pendidikan Min S1
Berpengalaman sebagai analis pembiayaan / Credit Officer / Risk Control dari Perbankan/Leasing/Perusahaan Pembiayaan
Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai Mikro Banking
Bertempat tinggal di Pematang Siantar, Rantau Prapat, Pekanbaru

Kirim Surat Lamaran Lowongan kerja beserta CV melalui e-mail / Pos paling lambat 27 Februari 2012, dengan menuliskan Penempatan beserta kode posisi pada Kolom Subject atau bagian kanan atas amplop,

Contoh : Pekanbaru – RC

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mega Syariah
HCM Recruitmen & Learning Dept
Gd.Smesco UKM
Jl.Gatot Subroto Kav.94 Lt.14
e-mail :

Note: Only listed candidate will be Process
3:26 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Indofood

Lowongan Kerja Indofood
Lowongan Kerja Indofood - PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk merupakan produsen berbagai jenis makanan dan minuman yang bermarkas di Jakarta, Indonesia. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1990 oleh Sudono Salim dengan nama Panganjaya Intikusuma yang pada tahun 1994 menjadi Indofood. Perusahaan ini mengekspor bahan makanannya hingga Australia, Asia, dan Eropa.

Dalam beberapa dekade ini PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (Indofood) telah bertransformasi menjadi sebuah perusahaan Total Food Solutions dengan kegiatan operasional yang mencakup seluruh tahapan proses produksi makanan, mulai dari produksi dan pengolahan bahan baku hingga menjadi produk akhir yang tersedia di rak para pedagang eceran.

We are looking for talented and highly motivated young professionals to prove themselves and grow their career with our winning team as:

Lowongan Kerja Indofood

Position Requirements

A. Basic Requirement
• Bachelor degree (S1) from reputable university majoring in Public Health (Safety and Health more preferable) with minimum GPA 3.0
• Male
• Having at least 1 year experience in Industrial Safety and Health area
• Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia

B. Competencies
• Having a good understanding of Industrial Safety and Health Implementation
• Computer literate, able to operate MS Office (esp Ms.Excel)
• Strong leadership
• Good interpersonal and communication skills
• Good analytical thinking and problem solving

Position Responsibilities

Maintain safety and health environment implementation in our factories, giving recommendation about safety and other task in safety, health and environment area.

Lowongan Kerja : Resourceful and confident applicants are invited to submit full detailed resume and recent photograph, with the position code as email subject, to below addresses Lowongan kerja:
3:16 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Lowongan Kerja Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk- Bank Mandiri is an Indonesian-based state-owned banking company. The Bank is the largest bank in Indonesia in terms of total assets, loans and deposits. As per year end 2009, the Bank recoderded Rp394.6 trillion (US$42 billion) as a total assets. Bank Mandiri managed more than 8.7 million customers, which makes it, based on number of customers, one of the largest retail banks in Indonesia. In 2010, Corporate Banking executed strategic initiatives related to the improvement of the organization with the establishement of a Corporate Transaction Banking Sales (CTBS) work unit. This unit serves to optimize the growth potential of business transactions, fund deposits, and receipt of fee based income in the wholesale segment, especially in the corporate segment.

In line with its vision, become the Indonesia's most admired and progressive financial institution, currentlty PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk is looking for the best candidates to join as following positions:

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Senior Internal Auditor (Treasury and Risk Management)


* Max. age 35 years old
* Undergraduate / Master degree in accounting, management, statistical or relevant major from a reputable university.
* Good understanding of banking operation and transactions is a must.
* Good analytical skill.
* Good oral and written communication skill, both Indonesian and English.
* At least 4 years experience in Top Five’s of Public accountant firm or Banking Audit majoring in Treasury and Risk Management Audit
* Hands on with Microsoft Windows environment and Microsoft Office utility.

Secretary to Executive Management


* Candidate must possess at least Bachelor Degree
* Max age 35 years
* Minimum 4 years experience as secretary, with 2 years experience as secretary to Executive Vice President
* Required skill(s): familiar with Microsoft Office Program
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
* Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Secretarial/Executive & Personal Assistant or equivalent. Job role in Secretary/Personal Assistant or equivalent.

Should you interested and meet the minimum qualifications Lowongan kerja, please refer official source from Bank Mandiri on following link below to apply online. Closing date 21 March 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Official Source Here
2:12 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN

Written By Juwita on Monday, February 20, 2012 | 3:26 PM

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN
Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN -PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) mulai di Bandung pada tahun 1959. Pada awalnya bank ini dibentuk untuk melayani kebutuhan para pensiunan personil Angkatan Bersenjata dengan nama Bank Pegawai Pensiunan Militer atau BAPEMIL. Dengan berjalannya waktu, bank ini berkembang dan mulai melayani para pensiunan karyawan sipil.

Selama lebih dari 50 tahun, BTPN memfokuskan layanan perbankannya untuk para pensiunan bekerja sama dengan PT Tabungan Asuransi Pensiunan, PT Taspen, serta PT Pos Indonesia. Nama bank kemudian berubah di tahun 1986 menjadi Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional hingga saat ini. Status BTPN pun ditingkatkan dari bank tabungan menjadi bank umum dengan dikeluarkannya ijin usaha pada tahun 1993. Di bulan Maret 2008, BTPN menjadi perusahaan publik yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Pemegang saham utama BTPN, TPG Nusantara S.a.r.l, adalah perusahaan investasi yang dimiliki oleh TPG (Texas Pacific Group – perusahaan investasi global dari Amerika Serikat) dengan kepemilikan saham sebesar 71,6%. Selain bisnis intinya di pasar pensiun, BTPN telah meluncurkan bisnis kredit Mikro, btpn | mitra usaha rakyat, pada tahun 2008. Di akhir Desember 2009, BTPN mengoperasikan sebanyak 1.030 cabang di Indonesia, termasuk 539 cabang kredit mikro.

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN
Reporting & Analytics Officer (RAO-TUR)
Jakarta Raya - Jakarta


* Bertanggung jawab dalam membuat laporan dan menganalisa data rekrutmen
* Menyajikan laporan rekrutmen mingguan dan bulanan


* Pria/Wanita, maksimal usia 26 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal S1 dari semua jurusan dengan IPK > 3.00 (skala 4.00)
* Mahir mengoperasikan Ms. Office (Power Poin dan Excell) serta program statistik
* Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, proaktif dan memiliki daya analisa yang kuat
* Diutamakan telah memiliki pangalaman di bidang rekrutmen
* Fresh graduate dipersilahkan untuk melamar
* Bersedia bergabung secepatnya
Untuk registrasi pendaftaran Lowongan Kerja Bank BTPN Klik Disini
3:26 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PLN - SMA/SMK 2012

lowongan pln
Lowongan Kerja PLN - PLN is the Indonesian-based state owned electricity power service company. The Company head quartered in Jakarta and operated 48 business units and 11 subsidiaries company in all over Indonesia. PLN successful in improving the national electrification rate from 63.75% in 2009 into 66.51% in 2010 through its "One Day One Million Concestion" movement. PLN Distribusi Jatim (East Java Distribution Area) is one of the largest business unit of PLN. The amount of PLN customers in East Java until June 2011 is 7,671,007 11,331,554 MVA with power connected, with an average sale of 1,970,727 MWH per month, and average income per month of Rp 1.3 trillion.

In line with the increasing demand of electricity power connection, currently PT PLN (Persero) invites the best Indonesian young people to join as following positions which will placed in PLN - East Java Distribution Area :

Lowongan Kerja PLN - SMA/SMK 2012
lowongan pln smu smk
For further detail position available, job requirements, required documents and how to apply, please refer official source from Lowongan Kerja PT PLN (Persero) on following link below. Closing date 7 March 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Source Here
3:20 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PT FIF

Lowongan Kerja PT FIF
Lowongan Kerja PT FIF ( Federal International Finance ) - PT FIF is an Indonesian-based multifinance company. The Company is one of the largest multifinance company and as part subsidiary company of PT Astra Interbational Tbk. The Company established since 1989 under the name of PT Mitrapusaka Artha Finance and in 1991 rename with the present name. FIF focused on motorcycle financing, multi-product financing solutions for customers other items such as home appliances. FIF is the market leader in Honda Motorcycle financing and serving more than 3 millions active customers in all province of Indonesia. FIF based in Jakarta with 493 office branches and supported by more than 20,000 human resources in all over Indonesia and cooperated with 5,251 dealers.

In line with its vision, to offer the best financial solutions to retail customers, PT Federal International Finance are seeking for highly dedicated, dynamic, and motivated individuals with a passion for challenge and success to join as positions below :

Lowongan Kerja PT FIF - Federal International Finance
Corporate Planning Analyst


* Bachelor Degree from Marketing, Communication, Accounting, Management or Psychology from reputable university
* Familiar to work with Ms. Office
* Excellent communication and presentation skills
* Excellent analytical thinking and planning
* Maximum 27 years old

HR Admin


* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma in any field.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Good planning skill
* Hard worker
* Able to work under pressure

For further detail job responsibilities Lowongan Kerja PT FIF, other positions avaliable and how to apply, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Closing date 24 February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview.
3:09 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Central Asia

lowongan bank bca
Lowongan Kerja Bank Central Asia - Bank BCA is an Indonesian-based private banking company. The Bank is one of the largest private banking company with total assets reported Rp245 trillion. Bank BCA operated for more than 50 years and supported by more than 895 office networks spread in all over Indonesia.. Based on The Bank Annual Report 2010, as of year-end 2010, BCA's loan portfolio grew 24.2% compared to an overall sector average loan growth of 22.1%. In 2010, the loan portfolio showed an upward trend in all segments. Consumer loans registered growth at 31.9% to a total of Rp36,5 trillion. SME and commercial enterprises loans achieved a 27.6% growth totaling Rp60 trillion, while corporate loans grew 17.9% to Rp56.3 trillion.

In line with the Company's vision, to be the bank of choice and a major pillar of the Indonesian Economy, currently PT Bank Central Asia Tbk are looking for high talented people to joint as following position:

Lowongan Kerja Bank Central Asia
BCA Development Program (BDP) 2012


* Hold min Bachelor degree (S1) or Master Degree (S2) from the reputable universities with GPA min 3.00 for Bachelor degree (S1) and 3:25 for Master Degree (S2)
* Maximum age 25 years old for S1 and 27 years old for S2
* Have a good communication skills
* Have high motivation and analysis.
* Able to work in teams
* DRUG-free.
* Not married and willing to not get married during the education.
* Willing to be assigned and placed in the branches throughout the territory of Indonesia
* Willing to undergo education and the bond department after education.
* Passed in the selection process

Should you interested and meet the qualification above Lowongan Kerja Bank Central Asia, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below to apply online. Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview. Official Source Here
3:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah

Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah
Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah - BNI Syariah is a fast growing Islamic banking company in Indonesia. BNI Syariah as a part of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and focused in Sharia banking sector. The Composition of BNI Syariah's Shareholders per December 2010 is as follows : PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk with 99.9% shares, PT BNI Life Insurance with 0.1% shares. The Bank established on 19 June 2010 and based in Jakarta. Currently BNI Syariah operated 29 branch office networks and 31 sub branch offices. As of 2010, an exciting business growth was recorded, the Thrid Party Funds (DPK) reached Rp5.163 trillion, compared to December 2009 amounted of Rp4.173 trillion. While financing as of December 2010 amounted to Rp3.558 trillion, compared to December 2009 of Rp3.265 trillion.

In line with its vision, become the people choice in Sharia Banking, which is provenly leading in service and performance, currently PT Bank BNI Syariah invites the potential candidates to join as following position which will be placed in Palangkaraya :

Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah
Assistant (Administration / Back Office, frontliner)


* Male /Female with max age 25 years old (maximum born in 1 February 1987)
* Min. D3 from all the majors, with GPA min. 2.75
* Good looking
* Single (not married)
* Status of workers: permanent employees with retirement at age 35 years old
* Computer literated
* Creative and tenacious
* Willing to be placed in Palangkaraya Branch

Account Officer


* Male /Female with max. age 26 years old
* Hold min. S1 with GPA min. 3.00Experienced min. 1 year in same position
* Male /Female
* Computer literated
* Creative and tenacious
* Willing to be placed in Palangkaraya Branch

(Spv. Marketing Lending, Spv. Marketing Funding, Spv. Operations, Spv. Finance & General)


* Male /Female with max. age 35 years old
* Hold min. S1 in all majors with GPA min. 3.00
* Experienced min. 3 years in Banking
* Willing to work with the target system
* Male /Female
* Computer literated
* Creative and tenacious
* Willing to be placed in Palangkaraya Branch

For further detail information and to apply online in each positions, please refer official source from Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah on following link below. Closing date 26 February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Source Here
2:54 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Sinarmas Tbk

Written By Juwita on Sunday, February 19, 2012 | 3:29 PM

Lowongan Kerja Bank Sinarmas Tbk
Lowongan Kerja Bank Sinarmas Tbk - PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. merupakan bagian dari SINAR MAS GROUP - Divisi Financial yang bergerak dalam bidang Perbankan. PT. Bank Sinarmas Tbk. melangkah maju mengembangkan diri secara berkesinambungan dengan semangat dan komitmen yang tinggi. Dan untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan dengan standar yang paling tinggi kepada para nasabah dan disertai dengan struktur keuangan yang kuat maka PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga muda yang unggul dan menyukai tantangan untuk mengisi beberapa posisi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Bank Sinarmas Tbk
Management Development Program (Code: MDP)
Aceh, Bali, Bengkulu, Papua, Jakarta Raya, Jambi, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Yogyakarta, Gorontalo, Maluku Utara, Kepulauan Riau, Papua Barat, Sulawesi Barat


* Pria / Wanita, max usia 28 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal S1 – Segala Jurusan
* IPK min. 2.85
* Mampu berbahas Inggris (bahasa Mandarin Lebih diutamakan)
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Mempunyai kemampuan analisa dengan baik
* Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan yang diadakan Diklat Bank Sinarmas
* Bersedia di tugaskan di seluruh Wilayah kerja - Cabang di Indonesia
* Bersedia menjalani ikatan selama 3 tahun
* Penempatan : Seluruh INDONESIA

Kirimkan aplikasi surat lamaran Lowongan Kerja anda via email dengan mencantumkan kode Code: MDP ke: paling lambat 16-Maret-12
3:29 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri Majenang

Bank Syariah Mandiri Majenang
Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri Majenang - Bank Syariah Mandiri adalah lembaga perbankan di Indonesia. Bank ini berdiri pada 1973 dengan nama Bank Susila Bakti. Pada saat krisis moneter tahun 1999, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Pembangunan Indonesia, Bank Bumi Daya, dan Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia merger membentuk Bank Mandiri.

Bank Syariah Mandiri membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang memiliki kompetensi tinggi untuk berkarir di Bank Syariah Terbesar di Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri Majenang
Teller - Jawa Tengah


* Wanita usia maks. 27 tahun
* Lulusan S1 Universitas Negeri /Swasta
* Memiliki Relasi yang Luas
* Berpenampilan Menarik
* Sehat Jasmani & Rohani
* Belum Menikah
* Dapat Bekerja Mandiri dan Team
* Jujur, Menyukai Kerja Keras dan Tantangan
* Mampu Mengoperasionalkan Komputer
* Diutamakan Memiliki Pengalaman Di Bidang Sejenis
* Siap Ditempatkan Di Majenang.

Kirimkan surat lamaran Lowongan Kerja anda via pos dengan melampirkan Daftar Riwayat Hidup, pas photo, copy Ijazah, no. Telp yang mudah dihubungi dan dokumen lainnya yang mendukung, ke :

Bagian Sumber Daya Insani
PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Majenang
Jl. Diponegoro No. 60, Sindangsari, Majenang
Cilacap-Jawa Tengah 53257.
Telp. (0280) 623095.

Cantumkan kode jabatan yang dilamar pada sebelah kiri atas amplop lamaran.
Paling lambat tanggal 25 Februari 2012
3:21 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Yayasan Sosial Al irsyad Cilacap

Yayasan Sosial Al irsyad
Lowongan Kerja Yayasan Sosial Al irsyad Cilacap -Yayasan Sosial Al-Irsyad Cilacap adalah institusi yang bergerak dalam bidang sosial pendidikan, melaksanakan semua kegiatan berlandaskan visi “Mewujudkan Generasi Khoiru Ummah”, memiliki 4 unit kerja (Sekretariat, Klinik Al-Irsyad, Butterfly Learning Centre dan Manna CafĂ© Al-Irsyad) dan 10 unit pendidikan (TK Al-Irsyad 01,02,03; SD Al-Irsyad 01,02,03; SMP Al-Irsyad 01,02; SMA Plus Al-Irsyad; dan STIKES Al-Irsyad Cilacap), kami berupaya mewujudkan generasi muda berkualitas dengan memprogram pendidikan yang berkualitas, serta aktif dalam kegiatan-kegiatan sosial dan dakwah.

Lowongan Kerja Yayasan Sosial Al irsyad Cilacap
Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP Al-Irsyad Gandrungmangu
Cilacap (Jawa Tengah)


* Melaksanakan proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP Al-Irsyad Gandrungmangu
* Membuat perangkat administrasi pembelajaran.
* Mengupayakan anak didik lulus Ujian Nasional 100%
* Membuat evaluasi kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan anak didik.
* Membuat report ke pihak-pihak berwenang.


* Usia minimal 20 tahun, maksimal 35 tahun
* Lulusan S1 Pendidikan Bhs. Inggris/Sastra Inggris
* IPK minimal 3,00
* Siap Kontrak dengan Yayasan Sosial Al-Irsyad Cilacap
* Mencantumkan nomer HP pada berkas lamaran.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut Lowongan Kerja silahkan masuk ke website kami di
Website:  email:
3:12 PM | 0 comments | Read More