Written By Juwita on Saturday, June 2, 2012 | 5:03 PM
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Danamon Indonesia 2012 - PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk melalui segmen Danamon Simpan Pinjam menawarkan kredit bagi usaha kecil dan mikro dengan pendekatan community banking. Pada tahun 2011, kami akan membuka 200 unit baru diluar 1.090 unit yang sudah ada saat ini, yang lokasinya tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. PT Bank Danamon Indonesia menawarkan 10.000 lapangan kerja baru untuk berbagai posisi yaitu: Unit Manager, Credit Officer, Sales Officer dan Collector. Saat ini PT Bank Danamon Simpan Pinjam didukung oleh 18.000 pegawai yang sudah meraih kesuksesan bersama.
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk membuaka Lowongan Kerja Juni 2012 dan membutuhkan tenaga profesional dan handal serta berkesempatan untuk menjadi karyawan tetap untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
Persyaratan: 1. Pria/Wanita, dengan usia maksimal 35 tahun 2. Pendidikan minimal D3 segala jurusan 3. Berjiwa marketing dan menyukai tugas lapangan 4. Berdomisili di wilayah berikut: Cirebon, Majalengka, Kuningan, Brebes, Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Purwokerto, Purbalingga, Cilacap
Remunerasi yang ditawarkan dari PT Bank Danamon Indonesia: 1. Gaji tetap dan insentif yang menarik 2. Asuransi kecelakaan, jiwa dan kesehatan termasuk keluarga inti 3. THR 2 kali setahun 4. Program training yang berkesinambungan 5. Jenjang karier dan suasana kerja yang dinamis
Bagi Anda yang tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Bank Danamon Indonesia dan ingin bergabung dengan PT Bank Danamon, silahkan kirimkan lamaran lengkap Anda, paling lambat tanggal 21 Juni 2012 ke alamat berikut: PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Komp. Ruko Permata Hijau Jl. Brigjen Darsono Bypass No. 10 Kav. 6 Cirebon 45312 Email: desmi.mariana@danamon.co.id Official by: fb.com/mochamad.rohadi
Lowongan Kerja PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) 2012 is a state owned company, one of the most leading company in Port Services. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II is one of the Indonesian largest state-owned enterprises (BUMN) in ports management services. The Company established in 1960 and its 100% shares owned by the Government of Republic of Indonesia. The main business of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II includes : Ship services, Cargo services, and other related services. With the headquarter in Jakarta, the operational areas of Pelindo 2 covers 10 provinces and manages 12 commercialized ports. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II supported by 3 subsidiary companies and 1 affiliate company, 2 business units and 1 joint operation company. Based on Pelindo 2 Annual Report 2010, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia managed to strengthen its financial performance in 2010.
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II Juni 2012 will be invites the best candidates to join as following position and we are looking for highly motivated individual:
Requirements Lowongan BUMN Pelabuhan Indonesia II:
Max age 39 years old
Experience as a captain min 3 years
Willing to follow Diklat Calon Pandu
Willing to be placed in all working area of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Health and drug free
Min height 160cm
Not color blind and normal visus (not wearing glasses both Plus or Minus)
Fluent in English
Willing to join a bond department (ikatan dinas)
For further detail information about requirements and how to apply Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II, please refer official source from PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) on following link below. Registration valid until 16 Juni 2012 (post stamps). Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Source Here
Lowongan Kerja Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan 2012 - Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) adalah suatu lembaga independen yang berfungsi menjamin simpanan nasabah perbankan di Indonesia. LPS berfungsi menjamin simpanan nasabah bank dan turut aktif dalam menjaga stabilitas sistem perbankan sesuai kewenangannya. Tujuan kebijakan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan tersebut adalah untuk melindungi simpanan nasabah kecil karena berdasarkan data distribusi simpanan per 31 Desember 2006, rekening bersaldo sama atau kurang dari Rp 100 juta mencakup lebih dari 98% rekening simpanan. Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan mengamanatkan pembentukan suatu Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) sebagai pelaksana penjaminan dana masyarakat ditetapkan pada 22 September 2004. Fungsi Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan.
Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) memiliki dua fungsi yaitu menjamin simpanan nasabah bank dan melakukan penyelesaian atau penanganan bank yang tidak berhasil disehatkan atau bank gagal. Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) saat ini sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja Juni 2012 dengan posisi dan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Analisis Risiko Bank dan Skim Penjaminan (SO-RBSP) - S2 Economic/Finance/Accounting
Dukungan Pelayanan Operasional (SO-DPO) - S1 Information System
Analisis Skim dan Cadangan Klaim Penjaminan (O-ASCK) - S2 Economic/Finance/Accounting
Dukungan Infrastruktur dan Pengendalian Mutu (O-DIPM) - S1 Information System
Analisis Kondisi Makro (O-AKM) - S2 Economic/Finance/Actuarial
Analisis Kondisi Bank (O-AKB) - S2 Economic/Finance/Accounting
General Requirements Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan 2012:
S1 Graduated from reputable universtities (PTN/PTS), overseas graduates should be recognized by the Ministry of Education
Have a working background and experienced in same filed
Fluent in English (spoken and written)
Max age as of 31 Juli 2012 : Senior Officer : 40 years old , Officer : 35 years old
For further detail requirements Lowongan Kerja 2012 Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, jobs responsibilities and how to apply in each positions above, please refer official source from Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan on following link below. Registration closed on 11 Juni 2012 and only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process. Official Source Here
Lowongan Kerja PT Wijaya Karya 2012 - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) adalah salah satu perusahaan konstruksi di Indonesia. WIKA lahir dengan nama Perusahaan Negara Bangunan Widjaja Karja. PT Wijaya Karya selalu melakukan terobosan. Berevolusi menjadi perusahaan infrastruktur yang terintegrasi melalui pengembangan sejumlah anak perusahaan. Diantaranya PT Wijaya Karya Beton, PT Wijaya Karya Intrade, dan PT Wijaya Karya Realty. Pertumbuhan PT Wijaya Karya sebagai perusahaan infrastruktur terintegrasi yang kuat semakin mendapat pengakuan dari berbagai pihak dan peraturan pemerintah yang mengharuskan BUMN kembali kebisnis intinya.
PT Wijaya Karya dalam meluaskan operasinya ke luar negeri dan terus mengembangkan Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC), serta berinvestasi dan mengembangkan sejumlah proyek infrastruktur, khususnya proyek-proyek yang menjadi program pemerintah terkait dengan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) maupun Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD). PT Wijaya Karya saat ini sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja Juni 2012 dengan posisi dan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Persyaratan PT Wijaya Karya Tbk: 1. Pria/Wanita, Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani serta belum menikah. 2. Berdedikasi, Ulet, Pekerja Keras dan Sanggup menerima tantangan. 3. Usia Maksimal 28 tahun 4. Pendidikan D3 atau S1, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan 5. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer khususnya Ms Office, Auto Cad. Akan lebih baik menguasai program lain seperti SAP 2000 , ETABS dan Plaxis. 6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Wilayah Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat
Persyaratan PT Wijaya Karya Tbk: 1. Pria/Wanita, Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani serta belum menikah 2. Disiplin, Berdedikasi, Ulet, Pekerja Keras dan Sanggup menerima Tantangan 3. Usia Maksimal 28 tahun 4. Pendidikan D3 atau S1, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan atau memiliki pengetahuan tentang SHE. 5. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer khususnya Ms Office. 6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Wilayah Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat
Kirim lamaran Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Wijaya Karya Tbk, CV, ijasah, Foto dan lampiran lain, ditujukan via email paling lambat tanggal 8 Juni 2012 ke : PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk Wilayah VII (Kaltim - Kalbar) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 222 C (sebelah SPBU) Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur Telp/Faks : 0541 - 7779980 Email : wika.wil.7@gmail.com dan cc ke: mu_amal@yahoo.com Official source here
Written By Juwita on Friday, June 1, 2012 | 4:18 PM
Lowongan Kerja PT Mayora Indah Juni 2012 - Lowongan Kerja PT Mayora Indah Tbk atau Mayora Group adalah salah satu kelompok bisnis produk konsumen di Indonesia, yang didirikan pada tanggal 17 Februari 1977. PT Mayora Indah telah tercatat di Bursa Efek Jakarta sejak tanggal 4 Juli 1990. Saat ini mayoritas kepemilikan sahamnya dimiliki oleh PT Unita Branindo sebanyak 32,93%. PT Mayora indah Tbk merupakan perusahaan besar yang mempunyai inti usaha dibidang makanan. Makanan yang diproduksi dari berbagai jenis kebutuhan pasar seperti biskuit, permen, wafer, cokelat, makanan kesehatan dan juga kopi.
PT. Mayora Indah Tbk. sejak pertama kali didirikan pada tahun 1977, PT Mayora Indah Tbk telah menjadi salah satu industri makanan penting di Indonesia. Sebagai hasil dari pertumbuhan negara di bidang ekonomi dan pergeseran pola konsumtif terhadap produk sosial yang lebih praktis PT Mayora menawarkan pertumbuhan pesat selama bertahun-tahun. Saat ini PT Mayora Indah Tbk sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja Juni 2012 dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
AREA OPERATION MANAGER Requirements PT Mayora Indah Tbk:
Usia Max. 38 Tahun
Memiliki pendidikan Min. S1, lebih disukai dari ekonomi keuangan atau accounting dengan IPK Min. 2.75
Memiliki pengalaman Min. 2 tahun sebagai kepala cabang, terutama dari perusahaan consumer goods, retail, atau distribusi
Mengusai Microsoft Office
Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang baik dan mampu mengarahkan tim
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Mampu bekerja secara individual maupun di dalam tim
Penempatan: Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, dan Medan. lebih diutamakan kandidat yang berdomisili di daerah yang dicari
Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi LOWONGAN KERJA 2012 PT Mayora Indah Tbk di atas, segera kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap ke alamat: PT. Inbisco Niagatama Semesta (IBN 1) Jl. Daan Mogot KM.18, Kalideres Jakarta Barat - 11840 atau email: hrd.recruitment@mayora.co.id dan recruitment.mayora@yahoo.com
Lowongan Kerja KiSEL Koperasi Telkomsel - KiSEL Koperasi Telkomsel (kisel) adalah lembaga penyedia jasa Distribution Channel (Penjualan dan Distribusi), General Service (Layanan Umum) dan Telco Infrastructure (Layanan Infrastuktur Telekomunikasi), dengan jaringan kantor operasional sebanyak 58 buah kantor wilayah/cabang yang tersebar dari Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam hingga Provinsi Papua dan didukung oleh 3.778 orang anggota dengan mayoritas anggota adalah karyawan PT Telkomsel. Koperasi Telekomunikasi Seluler (Kisel) mencatatkan pendapatan Rp 2,7 triliun pada tahun 2010. Guna meningkatkan kinerja tahun 2011, Kisel memperkuat aliansi bisnis dengan 10 mitra strategis.
KiSEL Koperasi Telkomsel yang tersebar di 60 titik kantor cabang seluruh Indonesia siap mendukung kelancaran operasional para mitra, Selain fokus menjadi partner bisnis perusahaan yang bernaung dalam Telkom Group, Kisel juga aktif melakukan kerja sama dengan perusahaan-perusahaan dengan lini bisnis telekomunikasi lainnya. Saat ini KiSel Koperasi Telkomsel sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Sales Promotion ( SPG ) Jawa Tengah Responsibilities: Selling Maintenance Outlet
Requirements KiSEL Koperasi Telkomsel 2012:
Pendidikan minimal SMA / Sederajat
Umur maksimal 28 tahun
Penampilan rapi dan menarik
Memiliki kendaraan pribadi &and SIM C
Ditempatkan di wilayah Tegal
Temporary staff untuk 3 bulan
TPR (Telkomsel Personal Representative) Jawa Tengah Responsibilities: Selling Maintenance Outlet
Requirements KiSEL Koperasi Telkomsel Juni 2012:
Pendidikan minimal SMA / Sederajat
Umur maksimal 28 tahun
Penampilan rapi dan menarik
Memiliki kendaraan pribadi dan SIM C
Ditempatkan di wilayah Tegal
Bagi yang memenuhi syarat LOWONGAN KERJA 2012 KiSEL Koperasi Telkomsel , dapat kirim berkas lamaran kealamat berikut: KiSEL Koperasi Telekomunikasi Selular JL. KS. Tubun No 12 C Tegal
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Rukindo Juni 2012 - PT (Persero) Pengerukan Indonesia atau PT RUKINDO berdiri pada tanggal 1 oktober 1991, PT RUKINDO (Persero), merupakan satu-satunya Lowongan Kerja BUMN jasa pengerukan dan reklamasi, mengundang putera/puteri terbaik untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir di PT RUKINDO (Persero).
PT Rukindo kini sedang mencari putra putri terbaik bangsa untuk mengisi Lowongan Kerja yang sedang kosong dengan jabatan dan kualifikasinya sebagai berikut:
Pendidikan minimal S1 untuk nomor 4 s.d. 11, atau minimal D3 untuk nomor 3, 8 & 12, dari PTN/PTS yang telah mendapat akreditasi A/B atau dari Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri yang telah mendapat pengesahan dari KEMENDIKBUD RI.
WNI, sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun pada 1 Juni 2012 untuk nomor 4 s.d.12 atau usia tidak lebih dari 32 tahun pada 1 Juni 2012 untuk nomor 1 s.d. 3.
IPK minimal 3,00 (skala 4) untuk nomor 9 s.d. 12 atau IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4) untuk nomor 3 s.d. 8.
Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dengan baik.
Mampu menggunakan komputer (microsoft office) dan internet (browsing dan surat elektronik).
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT RUKINDO.
Untuk nomor 1 s.d. 3 akan ditempatkan sebagai awak/crew kapal.
Lamaran PT RUKINDO (Persero) harus melampirkan, sbb:
Daftar riwayat hidup, dengan formulir pada www.rukindo.co.id.
Foto copy ijasah dan transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir sebanyak 1 lembar.
Pas photo berwarna ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 3 lembar yang terbaru.
Foto copy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang dilegalisir (1 lembar).
Foto copy keterangan pengalaman kerja (jika ada).
Foto copy sertifikat keterampilan (jika ada).
Surat keterangan sehat jasmani dan rohani dari RS atau dokter yang terbaru.
Lain Lain dari PT RUKINDO (Persero): Iklan LOWONGAN KERJA 2012 ini dapat dilihat di www.rukindo.co.id Penyampaian surat lamaran pertamatama dikirim melalui email ke rekrutmen@rukindo.co.id, kemudian disusuli secara tertulis melalui pos kilat, selambat-lambatnya tanggal 15 Juni 2012 (stempel pos) dan diberikan kode pendidikan disebelah kiri atas amplop lamaran, ditujukan kepada: Senior Manajer SDM PT Rukindo Jl. Raya Ancol Baru, Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara – 14310. Lamaran yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan dan persyaratan, tidak akan diproses *). Pengumuman hasil seleksi dapat dilihat www.rukindo.co.id pada tanggal 26 Juni 2012 *). Official source here
Lowongan Kerja Astra Honda Motor Juni 2012 - PT Astra Honda Motor operated as a joint venture company between PT Astra International Tbk, one of the Indonesian largest private automotive holding company with Honda Motor Company Ltd, one of the largest automotive company in the world from Japan. PT Astra Honda Motor based in Jakarta and supported by 3 manufacturing plants with production capacity of 4.3 million units of motorcycles per year. PT Astra Honda Motor obtained a prestigious award from Indonesia Best Brand Award 2010 as "The Most Valuable Brand in Indonesia" in the category of Non-Matic Motorcycle and Sport Motorcycle. This award held by SWA Magazine and MARS. PT AHM also awarded as “The Company with The Best in Building and Managing Corporate Image” (category: Automotive 2 wheels) from IMAC 2011 Bloomberg Businessweek.
PT. Astra Honda Motor has a system of management of human resources professionals with the principles of Fair Internally and externally Competitive accompanied by the development of human resources through training programs and other development and a clear career path in line with the development of the motorcycle business increased. PT Astra Honda Motor is a company manufacturing and distribution of the largest motorcycle in Indonesia, with the number of employees over 10,000 people. To support the Company's growth, currently PT Astra Honda Motor are invites the best candidates to join as following positions:
Recruitment PT Astra Honda Motor D3, S1 PT AHM Juni 2012
For further detail information about Lowongan Kerja 2012 Astra Honda Motor requirements and how to apply, please refer official info from PT Astra Honda Motor career website on link below. All applicants will be treated in strict confidence, only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Source Here
Written By Juwita on Thursday, May 31, 2012 | 4:49 PM
Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Syariah Juni 2012 - PT Bank BNI Syariah as the leading Islamic banks are growing rapidly, providing opportunities for professional and reliable manpower to be placed in the area of Bogor and Cibubur. PT Bank BNI Syariah is a subsidiary of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, a state-owned banking company in Indonesia, engaged in Sharia banking sector. Based on Law No.10 of 1998, on the date of 29 April 2000 Sharia Unit (UUS) BNI was established with 5 branch offices in Yogyakarta, Malang, Pekalongan, Jepara and Banjarmasin. Furthermore UUS BNI continues to grow to 28 Branch Offices and 31 Branch Offices.
Bank BNI Syariah incorporated in 19 Juni 2010 and operated as a part of PT Bank BNI (Persero) Tbk, one of the Indonesian largest state-owned (Kerja BUMN) financial companies. Bank BNI Syariah based in Jakarta and as of March 2012 BNI Syariah operated 38 branch offices and 55 sub branch offices, 5 cash offices and 5 micro units in all over Indonesia. In 2010, The Company awarded as The Best in Achieving Total Customer Satisfaction category Sharia Savings Account from ICSA - Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award 2010 held by Frontier Consulting Group and SWA.
In line with its vision, become the people choice in Sharia Banking, which is provenly leading in service and performance, currently PT Bank BNI Syariah invites the potential candidates to join as following position
Minimum S1 graduated from Economics, Law, Engineering, Computer - Informatics, MIPA, Agriculture from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.00
Willing to follow a complete selection in Jakarta.
Willing to follow the training and the bond department.
Willing to be placed in all Bank BNI Syariah branch offices throughout Indonesia.
Should you interested and qualified Lowongan Kerja 2012 Bank BNI Syariah, refer official source from PT Bank BNI Syariah on following link below not later than 15 Juni 2012. Only suitable candidates will be notified. Official Source Here
Lowongan Kerja PT Unilever Indonesia Juni 2012 - PT Unilever Indonesia is offered its shares to the public in 1981 and has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange since 11th January 1982. As at the end of 2009, the Company ranked seventh on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in terms of market capitalisation. Unilever Indonesia’s portfolio includes many of the world’s best known and well loved brands, such as Pepsodent, Pond’s, Lux, Lifebuoy, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Rexona, Vaseline, Rinso, Molto, Sunlight, Wall’s, Blue Band, Royco, Bango and more.
PT Unilever Indonesia Juni 2012 owns six factories in Jababeka Industrial Estate, Cikarang, Bekasi and two factories in Rungkut Industrial Estate, Surabaya, East Java, with its head office in Jakarta. Its products consist of about 32 key brands and 700 SKUs which are sold through a network of about 370 independent distributors covering hundreds of thousands of outlets throughout Indonesia. Products are distributed through its own central distribution centres, satellite warehouses, depots and other facilities.
In line with its vision, become the people choice in Sharia Banking, which is provenly leading in service and performance, currently PT Unilever Indonesia invites the potential candidates to join as following position:
Marketing IM Ast Mgr Reference : SDC-2012, S1, Marketing, Jakarta
Job Description PT Unilever Indonesia:
Work between business and IT (preferable related to marketing and/or market research )
Work with systems/databases/reporting applications
Sign off report to be published (management report).
BB information services.
Prepare high-exposure reports
Control of deadlines and internal SLA.
Qualification PT Unilever Indonesia: - S1 - Max 30 years old - Minimum 1 year experience on market/consumer research related field as assistant manager -Databases understanding -Skills in Access, Excel and/or Visual Basic -Databases understanding -Strong analytical skills -Ability to deal with large amounts of data -Basic or advanced financial knowledge depending on the scope -General understanding of business -Information management basics (reconciliation, etc.) -Process mindset and understanding of information flows across functions -Problem solver -Strong accountability to deadlines and accuracy -Ability to work under time pressure -Ability to work as part of the wider virtual ES team and keen to exploit global capabilities
Valid until : 11 Juni 2012 Job type/status : Permanent - full time English proficiency : Basic
Job Description PT Unilever Indonesia: 1. Ensure the day to day business partnering related to sourcing unit operation mainly with GMM’s and Team (Manufacturing Manager, Engineering Manager, SU Planner, Quality, Supply Management, etc) , and Category Finance Team. 2. Creating value to the sourcing unit operations,: •Savings program robust tracking and help to trigger new initiatives •Business waste control and improvements •Production cost efficiency and analysis •Slow moving and expired material control •Employee development (subordinate only) 3.Highlighting operational performance and provide valued feedback to the Sourcing Unit through a effective KPI monitoring and actionable recommendation Further information on job
Requirements PT Unilever Indonesia: - Willing to be placed in Cikarang Factory - 0-2 years experience within Supply Chain/ Factory Finance - University degree in Accounting - Has excellent analytical skills and interpersonal skills - Perform good communication skills - Advantage if have experienced in internal Audit department and operation. - Excellent knowledge in MS Excell - Fluent English
Valid until : 18 Juni 2012 Job type/status : Permanent - full time English proficiency : Fluent
Asst Mgr Finance Business Partnering Reference : 2012-SDC-V-AMBPFIN, S1, Finance, Jakarta
Job Description PT Unilever Indonesia: - Responsible for coordinating overall finance process for the division: monthly results, rolling forecast, division commentaries, long term planning, rigor analysis in advertising and promotion by type. - Responsible for interpreting results/ forecasts to marketing teams and using output to drive responsible change in current/ future decision making - Drive the agenda for Return on Marketing Investments, helping the business maximize return on investments, especially on account payable. Further information on job
Qualifications PT Unilever Indonesia: - Excellent academic record with University S1 in Accounting - Min 2 years experience in a large business of which the most recent role should be in business partnering and Profit and Loss management. - Good command of written and spoken English - Excellent in MS Excell - Good project management - Strong in strategic infuencing
Valid until : 18 Juni 2012 Job type/status : Permanent - full time English proficiency : Fluent
Information Management Finance Asst Mgr Reference : 2012-SDC-V-AMFIN, S1, Finance, Jakarta
Job Description PT Unilever Indonesia: Key Tasks: - Sign off report to be published (management report) - Acting as information services to Finance leaders - Prepare high-exposure reports to Finance leaders - Proactive in driving improvements and simplification ideas - Membership of global CoP (Community of Practice) - Control of deadlines and internal Service Level Agreement - Expertise regarding system scope, content and processes - Responsibility for maintenance of global/ local hierarchy - Implementation global rules to local system and process - User training/ promotion of system usage
Skills and Competencies PT Unilever Indonesia: - Min S1 Accounting from reputable University with GPA min 3.00 - Good commands in English - Experience working in an information delivery organisation may be sufficient, handling management reporting - Skills in MS Access, MS Excell and/or Visual Basic - Experience in SAP ECC/ SAP BW will be an advantage - Databases understanding - Strong analytical skills - Ability to deal with large amounts of data
Valid until : 18 Juni 2012 Job type/status : Permanent - full time English proficiency : Fluent
If you’re a recent graduate, PT Unilever Indonesia is a great place to begin your career. We offer exceptional prospects and tailored development programmes. If You're experienced professionals and ready for a new challenge. At LOWONGAN KERJA 2012 PT Unilever Indonesia, you have the chance to make a genuine impact on the business.
You can apply onlinE:
You can also send your application letter, CV and completed application form to : recruitment.indonesia@unilever.com
Lowongan Kerja PT HM Sampoerna Juni 2012 - PT HM Sampoerna Tbk is one of the Indonesian market leader tobacco based manufacturing companies. PT HM Sampoerna controlling share holders of PT HM Sampoerna 2012 hold by PT Philip Morris Indonesia, part of Philip Morris International. PT HM Sampoerna Tbk head quarter located in Surabaya and operated 4 manufacturing plants in Surabaya, Pandaan, Malang and Karawang. The Company also supported by 65 marketing offices across Indonesian and 1 representative office in Jakarta. PT HM Sampoerna supported by more than 27,600 human resources. PT HM also supported by 38 units of Cigarette Production Partners (MPS), which as a whole has more than 60,000 human resources. In 2011, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk awarded the 2011 Indonesia Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA) for its brands A Mild and Djies Sam Soe from SWA Magazine.
PT HM Sampoerna 2012 operates in the cigarettes sector In line with its vision, become the most reputable company in Indonesia, currently PT HM Sampoerna Tbk are now looking for candidates to join as following position :
Hold a Diploma Degree (D3 / D4) in Electrical Engineering with minimum GPA: 2,75
2 years experience in Electrician from FMCG will be advantage
Basic knowledge of basic electrical (i.e.: AC/DC power, frequency converter, measurement & process calibrator tools) and control system
Sufficient knowledge of SCADA system, PLC (Siemens S7/S5, Beckhoff Twincat) and HMI system
Willing to be place in Karawang / Bekasi - West Java and Sukorejo – East Java
For further detail information LOWONGAN KERJA 2012 PT HM Sampoerna, please refer official source from HM Sampoerna on following link below. Should you interested, please send your comprehensive resume to : recruitment@sampoerna.com and put the position code "Electrician - 2012" in the e-mail subject before 14 JunI 2012. Only qualified candidates will be selected to the next stage of selection. Official Source Here
Lowongan Kerja PT Adhi Karya Juni 2012 - PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk is one of the major Indonesian state-owned enterprise (Lowongan BUMN) engaged in construction services. PT Adhi Karya incorporated in 1960 with its headqearter located in Jakarta. In 2003, the Government of Republic of Indonesia released 49% of its share ownership to public through Initial Public Offering (IPO) mechanism and in 2004 listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), and became the Indonesian first listed construction company. PT Adhi Karya 2012 operated in 5 (five) main business, consist of Construction, EPC, Infrastructure Investment, Property and Real Estate. PT Adhi Karya Tbk also supported by 5 (five) subsidiary companies, consist of PT Adhi Reality, PT Duri Indah Raya, PT Adhicon Persada, Adhi Oman LLC, and Adhi Multipower Pte. Ltd,. In 2009, the Company awarded as “The Best in Building and Managing Corporate Image” in the category of Contractor from Indonesia’s Most Admired Company (IMAC) organized by Frontier Consulting Group in collaboration with BusinessWeek magazine.
PT Adhi Karya Juni 2012, In line with its vision become the reputable construction company in South East Asia, currently PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk is inviting highly motivated professionals to fulfill following positions :
MT (Management Trainee) Requirements PT Adhi Karya 2012:
S1 majoring in Civil Engineering from the State University (PTN)
Fresh Graduate or will graduation on September 2012
Minimum GPA 2.75 from scale 4:00
Preferred male
Maximum age 25 years old
Fluent in English
Mastering in the related computer software applications
Have strong motivation and commitment, and able to work together in teams
Willing to be placed throughout the company's operations (offices or projects)
For further detail information about LOWONGAN KERJA 2012 PT Adhi Karya Tbk requirements and to apply online, please refer official source from SAC ITS on following link below. Closing date 4 Juni 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Source Here
Written By Juwita on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 | 3:33 PM
Lowongan Kerja Juni 2012 Bank BTN - BTN (PT Bank Tabungan Negara Persero Tbk) is one of the leading state-owned banking companies in Indonesia with housing financing as its main business. The Company established in 1897 with the name of Postpaar Bank and. The name was changed to Bank Tabungan Pos in 1950 and finally Bank BTN in 1963. In 2009 Bank BTN become a public company and its shares listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Bank BTN 2012 headquarter located Jakarta and as of December 2011,
Bank BTN supported by 65 branch offices, 218 sub branch offices, 316 cash offices in all over Indonesia. Bank BTN also supported by 1,180 units of ATM BTN. The Bank also supported by more than online service support in 2,738 post offices throughout Indonesia.In 2011, Bank BTN obtained an award from SWA magazine and Mars Research Specialist as the Best Brand in Indonesia for KPR Bank BTN Category.
In line with its vision, become the foremost bank in the financing of housing, PT Bank BTN Tbk currently invites the best candidates to join as position below:
WNI : Male/female, max. age 27 years old in 1 Juni 2012
Hold min S1/S2 from reputable university (PTN/PTS), majoring in; Economic (Banking, Accpunting, Development Studies), Law (Civil and Criminal), Computer Science / Informatic Management / Informatic Engineering, Engineering (Civil, Architecture, Electrical, Industrial and Agriculture), Psichology, Statistic, and Public Relation
GPA min. 3.00
Preferred has a TOEFL certificate with a score min.500
Willing to undergo a bond departement for 5 years
General Banking Staff
Requirements Bank BTN 2012:
WNI : Male/female, max. age 27 years old in 1 Juni 2012
Hold min S1/S2 from reputable university (PTN/PTS), majoring in; Economic (Banking, Accpunting, Development Studies), Law (Civil and Criminal), Computer Science / Informatic Management / Informatic Engineering, Engineering (Civil, Architecture, Electrical, Industrial and Agriculture), Psichology, Statistic, and Public Relation
GPA min. 3.00
Willing to undergo a bond departement for 5 years
Should you interested and qualified for further detail information about Lowongan Kerja 2012 Bank BTN requirements and how to apply in each positons above, please refer official source from ECC FT UGM on following link below. Closing date 5 Juni 2012 and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Official Source Here
Lowongan Kerja PT Asuransi Astra Buana - PT Asuransi Astra Buana 2012 is a reputable General Insurance, under Astra Group. We are a service based company. PT Asuransi Astra Buana carried major brands including numerous award winner Garda Oto and other commercial products of Astra Insurance.Our branches cover area all over Indonesia. As an Indonesia Most Admired PT Asuransi Astra Buana (Business Week 2007 and 2008), we employ the best human resources from diverse discipline and together we bring,peace of mind to millions.
In line with its vision, become the foremost PT Asuransi Astra Buana in the financing of housing, PT Asuransi Astra Buana currently invites the best candidates to join as position below:
Responsibilities Lowongan Kerja PT Asuransi Astra Buana: In our pursuit of excellence, we value visionary individuals with strong leadership potential and a passion to always think out of the box. PT Asuransi Astra Buana challenge such individuals to join our Management Trainee Program, in which through a series of first class comprehensive learning program, will be developed to our future leaders. Graduates of the program will be further challenged to develop our business in the head office and our major branches across Indonesia.
Requirements Lowongan Kerja PT Asuransi Astra Buana:
Candidate must possess at least a S1 from a reputable overseas or local university
Dynamic and exhibits strong leadership potential in organizational activities
Passionate in creating improvements in a dynamic and fast-paced working environment
A visionary with strong interpersonal and analytical skills
Excellent command in English
Eager to be developed in all lines of business in Astra Insurance
Should you interested and qualified, please refer official source from Lowongan Kerja Juni 2012 PT Asuransi Astra Buana career website on following link to apply online. Please submit your resume not later than 15 Juni 2012 to: camadea@asuransi.astra.co.id
Written By Juwita on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 | 4:21 PM
Lowongan Kerja Bank Mandiri - PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 2012 has a mandate for banking in Indonesia, largest commercial bank by assets, Bank Mandiri serves consumers and businesses through more than 900 offices and some 2,800 ATMs throughout Indonesia. Bank Mandiri is also Indonesia's largest lender; other products and services include trade finance, Islamic banking, and investment banking through subsidiary Mandiri Sekuritas. AXA Mandiri Financial Services (a joint venture of Bank Mandiri and insurance titan AXA) offers financial advisory services, including wealth planning and insurance. Bank Mandiri recorded Rp559.1 trillion as a total assets and managed more than 10 million customers, which makes it, based on number of customers, one of the largest retail banks in Indonesia. BANK MANDIRI focused its business in three business areas: wholesale transaction, retail deposit and payment, and retail financing.
Bank Mandiri headquarter located in Jakarta and operated 9 subsidiaries company. In January 2011, Bank Mandiri obtained a perstigious award as the Best Managed and Governed Companies - Asia poll 2011 category Best overall managed company in Asia - Banking and Financial from Euromoney.
In line with its vision, become the Indonesia's most admired and progressive financial institution, currently PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk is looking for the best candidates to join as following positions :
Senior Internal Auditor Requirements Bank Mandiri:
At least 5 years experience in Top Five’s of Public accountant firm or as an Internal Auditor in Banking
Hands on with Microsoft Windows environment and Microsoft Office utility.
S1 / S2 in accounting, management or relevant major from a reputable university.
Good understanding of banking operation and transactions is a must.
Good analytical skill.
Good oral and written communication skill, both Indonesian and English.
Senior Internal Auditor (Treasury and Risk Management)
Requirements Bank Mandiri:
Max. age 35 years old
S1 / S2 in accounting, management, statistical or relevant major from a reputable university. At least 4 years experience in Top Five’s of Public accountant firm or Banking Audit majoring in Treasury and Risk Management Audit
Hands on with Microsoft Windows environment and Microsoft Office utility.
Good understanding of banking operation and transactions is a must.
Good analytical skill.
Good oral and written communication skill, both Indonesian and English.
For further detail information about jobs requirements Lowongan Kerja Juni 2012 Bank Mandiri, how to apply in each positions above and other available positions, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview. Official Source Here
Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat - PT Bank Muamalat Tbk 2012 focused in Sharia Banking Financial services and the first purely sharia banking. PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia founded in 1991 and started its operation in 1992. The Company's main office located in Jakarta and currently supported by 75 branch offices, 92 sub branch offices, 158 cash offices, 43 outlets, 4,203 SOPP Pos, and 172 ATM Bank Muamalat networks in 33 provinces. Bank Muamalat operated since 1991 and as the first purely sharia banking in Indonesia. The Bank was established by local and foreign investors with shareholder composition consist of Islamic Development Bank owns 32.82% of the Islamic bank's share, Boubyan Bank Kuwait has 24.94%, Atwill Holdings Limited holds 17.95% and public trades the rest 5%.
Bank Muamalat awarded as the best Islamic Bank in Indonesia from Islamic Finance News Award 2010. In line with its vision, become the premier sharia bank in Indonesia, dominant in the spiritual market and admired in the rational market, currently PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk invites the best candidates to join as following position:
Product Development Officer (Retail Funding Division) Requirements Bank Muamalat Indonesia:
Male or female, age min. 28 years old
Candidate must possess at least a S1 / S2 / Post Graduate Degree, any field.
Experienced in Product Development for Retail Funding Division in Banking Industry at least for the last 5 years
Have a brief general syariah banking will be appreciated
Computer literate
Required languages: English and Bahasa Indonesia
Good managerial skill, high initiatives and able to work in a team as well as individually.
Business Development Officer (Retail Funding Division) Requirements Bank Muamalat Indonesia:
Male or female, age min. 28 years old
Candidate must possess at least a S1 / S2 / Post Graduate Degree, any field.
Experienced in Business Development for Retail Funding Division in Banking Industry at least for the last 5 years
Have a brief general syariah banking will be appreciated
Computer literate
Required languages: English and Bahasa Indonesia
Good managerial skill, high initiatives and able to work in a team as well as individually.
Data Processing Staff Responsibilities: Data processing for customer data warehouse (Retail Funding Division) Requirements Bank Muamalat Indonesia:
Male, min. 25 years old
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1), any field.
Computer literate, min. MS Office
Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position (data warehouse customer).
Discipline, hardwroker, able to work in a team and have a brief general syariah banking will be appreciated.
Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Banking/Financial Services or equivalent.
Service Assistant for Retail Funding Division Responsibilities: Supporting the administration tasks for the Division such as filing document, draft a letter, etc. Requirements Bank Muamalat Indonesia:
Female, min. 25 years old
Candidate must possess at least a S1 from any field.
Computer literate min. MS Office.
Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
Have a brief general syariah banking konwledge will be appreciated
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position (Administration or Secretary).
Preferably Staff (non-management and non-supervisor)s specializing in Banking/Financial Services or equivalent.
For further detail information about jobs requirements Lowongan Kerja 2012 Bank Muamalat Indonesia, other available positions and to apply online in each positions above, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Only short listed candidate will be contacted. Official Source Here
Lowongan Kerja BUMN Batan Teknologi - PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) 2012 established in May 24, 1996 as part of government strategy to build national capability in nuclear industry, PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) become the only national company endow with capabilities for producing a wide range of nuclear products, as well as, providing services in nuclear technology application. PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) is one of the Indonesian largest state-owned nuclear products companies. PT Batan Teknologi operated in Indonesia since 1996 and its headquarter located in Kawasan PUSPIPTEK, Setu – Tangerang Selatan.
PT Batan Teknologi become the first companies in Indonesia that produced in a wide range of nuclear products, and providing services in nuclear technology application. PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) supported by BATAN and has been successfully serving national demand for nuclear products and services for both medical and industrial uses, as well as for R and D purposes.Batantek products include elements of nuclear material, radioisotopes, radiopharmaceutical and engineering services.
In line with its vision to become a prominent national company in nuclear industry in Asia, PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) offers career opportunities for young and dynamic candidates to fill professional positions:
Minimum S1 majoring in Accounting (Fresh Graduated), GPA min 3:00
Graduates from PTN with min. Accredited B or PTS with accredited A
Maximum age 25 years old
Computer literate (Ms. Exel / Ms. Word / Accounting Software)
Willing to work overtime if needed.
Honest, thorough, disciplined, responsible, hard workers and have a good motivation to work and able to work in a team
Having high integrity in carrying out the task.
Able to maintain the confidentiality of the Batan Teknologi
Should you interested and qualified Lowongan Kerja 2012 BUMN Batan Teknologi, please submit your complete application by post services to following address below not later than 1 Juni 2012 (post stamps). Only short-listed candidates will be notified. PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. 70 Setu – Tangerang Selatan 15310 Official source here
Lowongan Kerja PT Boma Bisma Indra - PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) 2012 has come through out struggle and strives of journey as the pioneer in Indonesian industry and sugar cane plantations.Began in the minddle of 19th century, the Dutch Colonial Government had founded the three Dutch Companies i.e. NV - De Bromo, NV - De Industrie and NV - De Vulkan. PT Boma Bisma Indra is now still making perfection steps in operational, business and management, with every partner possible. Being a strategic industry PT Boma Bisma Indra is commmited to timely delivery of advanced products and quality services needed by partners and customers.
PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) awarded the Inspectors Certificate of Authorization from The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel. In 2012, PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) obtained the OHSAS 18001:2007 certificate in Design, Engineering, Procurement and Manufacturing of Industrial Equipment and General Services from TUV Rheinland.
In line with ist vision, become the competitive and successful company in the industrial world, both national and regional, PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) currently invites the best candidates to join as following positions below:
S1 Mechanical Metallurgy Engineering (WE), Production / Energy Conversion (ME), Design / Energy Conversion (MDE)
Minimum GPA 2.75
Fluent in English both spoken and written
Have a good communication skills, hardworkers and able to work in a groups, conscientious, honest
For further detail information Lowongan Kerja 2012PT Boma Bisma Indra, please refer official source from JPC UB on following link below. Shpuld you interested, please submit your complete application by email to : hrd@ptbbipas.com or by post services to following address below not later than 16 Juni 2012 (post stamps). All application will be treated confidentially and only short-listed candidates will be notified. PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) Up. Kepala Perwakilan SDM Pasuruan - Jl. Imam Bonjol 18 Pasuruan 67122 Official Source Here
Written By Juwita on Monday, May 28, 2012 | 4:06 PM
Lowongan Kerja PT Permata Finance Indonesia - PT Permata Finance Indonesia merupakan perusahaan nasional terkemuka yang bergerak di bidang pembiayaan dan sedang berkembang pesat, mengundang anda para profesional muda untuk segera bergabung dan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan kami di posisi:
Debt Collector - Tegal, Purwokerto Requirements PT Permata Finance Indonesia:
Pria , max 30 thn
Pendidikan min SMA / sederajat
Memiliki kendaraan sendiri ( sepeda motor ) dan BPKB asli
Mempunyai SIM C
Memliki disiplin kerja yang baik dan komunikatif
Customer Service - Tegal, Purwokerto Requirements PT Permata Finance Indonesia:
Wanita, Single
Berusia max 23 thn
Pendidikan min SMA/sederajat
Berpenampilan menarik
Memiliki disiplin kerja yang baik dan komunikatif.
Koordinator Wilayah - Tegal, Purwokerto Requirements PT Permata Finance Indonesia:
Pria, max 35 thn
Pendidikan min SMA/sederajat
Lebih disukai mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Korwil di perusahaan pembiayaan min 1 thn
Memiliki kendaraan sendiri ( sepeda motor ) dan BPKB asli
Mempunyai SIM C
Memliki disiplin kerja yang baik dan komunikatif.
Anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja 2012PT Permata Finance Indonesia diatas?Segera kirimkan cv resume lengkap kealamat: PT. Permata Finance Indonesia Email ke : hrd_pfi@hotmail.com ( tulis posisi di subject email, file word max 300 kb ) Lamaran paling lambat: 27 Juni 2012
Lowongan Kerja PT PP (Persero) - PT PP (Pembangunan Perumahan) Persero2012 was established under the name of NV PT PP Persero based on the Notarial Deed No.48 of August 1953. PT PP (Persero) has been a key player in the national construction business. Several mega projects have been constructed in that period. Subsequently, starting in 1991, PT PP (Persero) diversified its business, including office space rental at Plaza PP and realty business development in the area of Cibubur, and also the establishment of several subsidiaries through partnerships with foreign companies, among others PT PPTaisei Indonesia Construction and PT Mitracipta Polasarana.
PT PP (Persero) to prepare a transformation where in 2009 PT PP (Persero) will implement the program in Public Offering Shares to the Public (Initial Public Offering/IPO). PT PP are looking for qualified candidates to take some position:
S1 from Electrical, Mechanical Production/Energy Conversion, and Civil engineering with GPA min 3,00
TOEFL scores = 500
Willing to be placed throughout the project in all the region of Indonesia whereas project held
Please send your Lowongan Kerja 2012: full resume, Curriculum Vitae, graduation certificate ,transcript, identity card, color photo in 3x4 to email: mdvm@pt-pp.com
Only qualified candidate will be process on Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT PP (Persero) Application is submitted by due date of 6 Juni 2012, at 04.00 PM in Subject: Application for Juni 2012
Lowongan Kerja Bank BII - BII (PT Bank International Indonesia Tbk) didirikan 15 Mei 1959. Setelah mendapatkan ijin sebagai bank devisa pada 1988, BII mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya (sekarang Bursa Efek Indonesia atau BEI) pada 1989. Sejak menjadi perusahaan publik, BII telah tumbuh menjadi salah satu bank swasta terkemuka di Indonesia.
Bank BII kini mencari kandidat terbaiknya untuk mengisi kekosongan Lowongan Kerja dengan jabatan:
Written By Juwita on Sunday, May 27, 2012 | 4:43 PM
Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Total Bangun Persada - PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk is one of the largest private owned construction companies in Indonesia. The Company founded in 4 September 1970 under the name of PT Rimba Tjahja Kentjana and renamed into PT Total Bangun Persada since 1981. In 2006, the company listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange (Indonesia Stock Exchange) with TOTL ticker symbol. The Company based in Jakarta and supported by 3 branch offices in Samarinda, Bintan and Riau. In 2011, the Company reached Rp1.569 trillion as a revenue with net icome recorded Rp124.8 billion.
In line with its vision, the largest building construction organization, and a leader and major force in the Indonesian construction industry, currently PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk invites the best candidates to join as following positions :
Site Manager (Code : SM S/A, SM-M/E)
Requirements PT Total Bangun Persada: S1 majoring in Civil Engineering / Architecture / Electrical Strong Currents Experienced min 3 years in same field in contruction project management
Site Engineer (Code : SE-S, SE-A, SE-M/E)
Requirements PT Total Bangun Persada: S1 majoring in Civil Engineering / Architecture / Electrical Strong Currents Experienced min 3 years in contruction engineering project Able to coordinate image
Requirements PT Total Bangun Persada: S1 majoring in Civil Engineering / Architecture / Electrical Strong Currents Experienced min 3 years in calculate the cost of the project
Requirements PT Total Bangun Persada: (Lowongan Kerja SMA)
Education min SMA/D3/S1 majoring in Civil Engineering / Architecture / Electrical Strong Currents Experienced min 3 years in construction project as pelaksana
Drafter (Code : DRFT S/S, DRFT M/E)
Requirements PT Total Bangun Persada: Education min SLA/Polytechnic (D3) / S1 majoring in Civil Engineering / Architecture / Electrical Experienced min 3 years in shop drawing creation of construction projects
Surveyor (Code : SVR)
Requirements PT Total Bangun Persada: Education min STM/D3/S1 majoring in Geodesy Experienced min 1 year as surveyor in construction projects HHave a valid certificate of expertise (SKA)
HSE Officer (Code : HSE-Off)
Requirements PT Total Bangun Persada: Polytechnic (D3) / S1 majoring in Civil Engineering / Architecture / K3 Experienced min 3 years in construction project safety
For further detail information, please refer official source from Lowongan Kerja Mei PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk on following link below. Should you interested and qualified, please register yourselft CLICK http://career.totalbp.com or submit your complete application to following address below. Closing date 10 Juni 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. PT Total Bangun Persada Tbk Jl Letjen S Parman 106 Jakarta Barat 11440
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Bukopin - PT Bank Bukopin Tbk 2012 in the one of established national bank companies in Indonesia. PT Bank Bukopin founded in 1970 and focused to financing in UKMK (the Micro, Small, Medium-scale Enterprises and Cooperatives) segments. PT Bank Bukopin headquarter located in Jakarta and as of December 2010, PT Bukopin operated 36 branch offices, 101 sub branch offices, 84 functional offices, 137 cash offices, and 34 payment posts (PPOB) in 22 provinces accross Indonesia. PT Bank Bukopin supported by 2 subsidiary companies; PT Bank Syariah Bukopin and PT Bukopin Finance. In 2011, Indonesia Bank Loyalty Award 2011 awarded to Bank Bukopin as Indonesian Bank Loyalty Champion 2011 in Category : Saving Account Conventional Banking.
In line with its vision, become a trusted bank in the financial services, PT Bank Bukopin Tbk is currently looking for qualified and dedicated candidate who seek a challenging career to join for the following positions which will be based in Semarang Area :
Account Officer UKMK (AO) Funding Officer (FO)
General Requirements PT Bank Bukopin 2012:
Male/Female with max age 35 years old
Hold min S1 for AO and D3 for FO with GPA min 2.70
Experienced min 1 year as marketing in Bank
Have a good interpersonal skill and wide networking
Able to handling the UKMK credit (Rp500 million - Rp25 billion)
Should you interested and meet with the minimum requirements above Lowongan Kerja 2012 PT Bank Bukopin, please submit your application with your CV and addressed to following address below. Closing date 1 Juni 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview. HR Recruitment - PT Bank Bukopin Tbk Jl Pandanaran No 125 Semarang Official Source Here
Lowongan Kerja Pertamina - Pertamina 2012 adalah perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi yang dimiliki Pemerintah Indonesia (National Oil Company), yang berdiri sejak tanggal 10 Desember 1957 dengan nama PT Pertamina. PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) didirikan berdasarkan akta Notaris Lenny Janis Ishak, SH No. 20 tanggal 17 September 2003. Pertamina adalah hasil gabungan dari perusahaan Pertamin dengan Permina yang didirikan pada tanggal 10 Desember 1957. Kegiatan Pertamina dalam menyelenggarakan usaha di bidang energi dan petrokimia, terbagi ke dalam sektor Hulu dan Hilir, serta ditunjang oleh kegiatan anak-anak perusahaan dan perusahaan patungan.
Pertamina (Persero) adalah sebuah BUMN yang bertugas mengelola penambangan minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia, kini mencari kandidat muda untuk mengisi beberapa Lowongan Kerja 2012 ini dengan jabatan sebagai berikut:
Senior Analyst Power Generation - Gas and Power ( E-GASPRE1 ) 30/05/2012
Job Description PT Pertamina: 1.Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi perumusan rencana strategi dan kebijakan pemasaran Power. 2.Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi strategi serta kegiatan pengembangan usaha baru terkait Power Generation. 3.Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi hubungan bisnis antara perusahaan dengan key account customers dan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan-kebutuhan bisnis pelanggan dan mencari tahu bagaimana perusahaan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kebutuhan mereka. 4.Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi kegiatan suplai dan distribusi Power dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pelanggan melalui perencanaan yang efisien dan efektif.
Requirement PT Pertamina Pendidikan : -S1/S2 Teknik Listrik
Kemampuan dan Kompetensi : 1.Mampu Memberikan rekomendasi dari hasil pengelolaan riset, pengembangan dan evaluasi teknologi-teknologi baru dalam pengadaan bahan Power Generation. 2.Mampu mengarahkan usulan rumusan kebijakan standarisasi teknologi Power Generation yang akan digunakan. 3.Mampu merekomendasikan tindakan yang harus diambil untuk memitigasi risiko dari hasil pemantauan terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan (dalam dan luar negeri) yang berhubungan dengan Power Generation, serta dampak – dampak yang harus ditanggulangi. 4.Memiliki Score Bahasa Inggris (TOEFL >500)
Pengalaman : Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 8 tahun di Bidang Engineering/Maintenance/ Manajemen Proyek/Operasi Kilang LNG/Gas.
Senior Analyst New and Renewable Energy - Gas and Power ( E-GASPRE2 ) 30/05/2012
Job Description Pertamina: 1.Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi perumusan rencana strategi dan kebijakan pemasaran Energi Baru Terbarukan. 2.Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi strategi serta kegiatan pengembangan usaha baru terkait Energi Baru Terbarukan. 3.Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi hubungan bisnis antara perusahaan dengan key account customers dan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan-kebutuhan bisnis pelanggan dan mencari tahu bagaimana perusahaan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kebutuhan mereka. 4.Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi kegiatan suplai dan distribusi Energi Baru Terbarukan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pelanggan melalui perencanaan logistik dan transportasi yang efisien dan efektif.
Requirement Pertamina 2012: Pendidikan : -S1/S2 Teknik Kimia/Teknik Mesin/Teknik Industri
Kemampuan dan Kompetensi : 1.Mampu merekomendasi dari hasil pengelolaan riset, pengembangan dan evaluasi teknologi-teknologi baru dalam pengadaan bahan mentah dan produksi Energi baru terbarukan. 2.Mampu mengarahkan usulan rumusan kebijakan standarisasi teknologi Energi baru terbarukan. 3.Mampu mengarahkan usulan produk-produk baru yg inovatif utk mendukung diversifikasi sumber energi. 4.Mampu merekomendasikan tindakan yg harus diambil utk memitigasi risiko dari hasil pemantauan terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan yg berhubungan dengan EBT. 5.Memiliki Score Bahasa Inggris (TOEFL >500)
Pengalaman : Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 8 tahun di Bidang Engineering/Maintenance/ Manajemen Proyek/Operasi Kilang LNG/Gas.
Job Description Pertamina: 1.Melakukan screening terhadap beberapa lapangan yg kemungkinan besar dpt diterapkan utk subsurface storage terhadap teknologi guna evaluasi potensi yg akan digunakan di seluruh fungsi di Pertamina Hulu 2.Melakukan pengembangan perancangan survei geologi,geofisika dan rekayasa reservoir utk subsurface storage yg akan di aplikasikan di Pertamina Hulu dan semua anak perusahaan. 3.Melakukan dan merancang metode dan mekanisme sistem kendali mutu utk kegiatan akuisisi metoda geofisika bawah permukaan serta memberikan rekomendasi metoda pemecahan atas masalah baik yg disebabkan perancangan,instrumentasi ataupun kondisi lapangan. 4.Melakukan evaluasi setiap tahapan akuisisi, pemrosesan,pemodelan dan interpretasi terpadu data utk evaluasi subsurface storage dan rekomendasi teknis utk perbaikan kualitas data
Job Requirement Pertamina: Pendidikan : S2 Teknik Perminyakan/Geologi/Geofisika
Kemampuan dan Kompetensi : -Memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang 1.Operasi akuisisi data GGR 2.Pengolahan data GGR 3.Pemodelan dan interpretasi data GGR 4.Pemodelan geologi (petrophysics) 5.Pemodelan geofisika (reservoir characterization / rock physics) 6.Geologi dan geomekanika reservoir
Pengalaman : 9 tahun pengalaman di bidang GGR terutama di subsurface atau min. 5 tahun di bidang GGR
**Anda Hanya Bisa Melakukan Lamaran Di 1 (Satu) Lowongan Dalam Tahun Yang Sama, Walaupun Anda Dinyatakan Tidak Lolos Dalam Proses Seleksi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Mei 2012 ini, PT Pertamina (Persero) Tidak Melayani Surat Menyurat Dan Tidak Memungut Biaya Apapun (Hati-Hati Dengan Penipuan) Details dan Apply Online Here: www.pertamina.com/recruit/