Written By Juwita on Saturday, January 21, 2012 | 5:30 PM
Lowongan Kerja Telkom Jawa Tengah, Telkom is committed to delivering the benefits of technology to businesses and institutions that seek innovative IT solutions to support their growing business and organization. Telkom has been at the forefront of IT development, operation and maintenance solutions for various industries both at home and abroad.
Lowongan Kerja Telkom Jawa Tengah
Telkom membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga muda untuk ditempatkan di kantor kami di Jawa Tengah dengan posisi :
1. SALESMAN (Kudus, Pekalongan, Jogya, Solo, Semarang, Purwodadi, Blora, Rembang) 2. ADMINISTRASI (Kudus, Pekalongan, Jogya, Solo, Semarang, Blora) 3. ACCOUNTING (Semarang)
Persyaratan :
* Pria (1), Wanita (2,3), Single usia max 28 thn * Pendidikan min D3 / sederajat (1,2) ; S1 Akuntansi (3) * Berdomisili di daerah yang dipilih (1,2,3) Penghasilan 2.5 juta / bln di luar insentif (1) Memiliki motor pribadi, SIM C (1) * Mengenal area yang dipilih dengan baik (1) * Mampu mengoperasikan MS Office (2,3) * Memiliki pengalaman sebagai SPV ACC min 3 tahun (3) * Bisa membuat laporan keuangan, tax, sistem, analisa, audit (3) * Bersedia dinas luar kota (1,3) * Jujur, Ulet, Komunikatif, Bertanggung Jawab & Mampu bekerja dgn target serta dibawah tekanan (1,2,3)
Lamaran Lengkap Lamaran Lowongan Kerja , CV, FC KTP & Pas Foto terbaru dikirim ke :
1. Alamat Pos : PO BOX 1161/SM/AMB, dengan mencantumkan (NAMA POSISI YANG DILAMAR)_(AREA YANG DIPILIH) 2. Alamat E-mail : hrdtry@yahoo.co.id, dengan judul email : LAMARAN_(NAMA POSISI YANG DILAMAR)_(AREA YANG DIPILIH), pada saat d interview diharapkan membawa lamaran dalam bentuk print out. Max Pengiriman lamaran tanggal 11 Februari 2012
Lowongan Kerja Trans TV. Trans TV (Televisi Transformasi Indonesia) is an Indonesian national television station based in South Jakarta. Owned by Chairul Tanjung, it began broadcasting on 15 December 2001. The station is similar to other commercial stations, showing news, movies, drama series, variety shows, quiz shows, and children's programs.
Trans TV programming includes variety shows such as Extravaganza, the Dorce Show (hosted by Dorce Gamalama) and Indonesian versions of Thank God You're Here (Akhirnya Datang Juga) and The Gong Show. It also broadcasts religious programs, movies, gossip shows soap operas and regular news.
Breakthrough and live your dream. Join our innovative and imaginative Trans TV Team. Our company is one of the prestigious rapidly growing televisions and aims to be one of the best TV stations in Indonesia. Trans TV offers a challenging career with many opportunities for growth and excitement.
Lowongan Kerja Trans TV
Trans TV offers a challenging career with many opportunities for growth and excitement. We invite you to join us in the following positions:
No - Positions -Education - Discipline 1 - Audioman Min D3 - ANY MAJOR 2 - Camera Person - Min D3 - S1 - ANY MAJOR 3 - Collection Admin Staff - Min S1 - ANY MAJOR 4 - Computer Graphic Program - Min S1 - DESIGN 5 - Computer Graphic Promo Min S1 - DESIGN 6 - Editor - Min D3 - ANY MAJOR 7 - Finance Operation Staff - Min S1 - MANAGEMENT 8 - Inhouse Budget Staff - Min S1 - ACCOUNTING 9 - Media Planner - Min S1 - ANY MAJOR 10 - OD Min S1 - PSYCHOLOGY 11 - Promo Producer - Min S1 - ANY MAJOR 12 - Recruitment - Min S1 - PSYCHOLOGY 13 - Reporter - Min S1 - ANY MAJOR 14 - Staff Upm - Min S1 - ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY 15 - Voice Over - Min D3 - ANY MAJOR
Closing date for all positions : February 29, 2012 Work location: Jakarta
Important Notice
* Always cross check any kind information you receive through e-mail, SMS or phone calls with information in your account at http://karir.transtv.co.id/index.php/application_status * Applicant who intentionally makes more than one (1) account for the purpose to incorrectly manipulate this recruitment system will be subject to termination once such action is discovered before and or after employment. * Trans TV will not charge the applicant with any fees in this recruitment program. * For more detail and apply the positions Lowongan kerja , please visit: Here
PT Pertamina (Persero) - Pertamina Persero is one of the biggest state-owned oil company in Indonesia. The Company founded in 1957 and based in Jakarta. Pertamina controled the entire oil and gas industry in Indonesia. The Company also works with foreign petroleum companies, but solely on a contract basis. PT Pertamina (Persero) has estimated proved reserves of 4 billion barrels of oil and 2.7 trillion cu. meters of natural gas, and operates seven oil refineries, and has numerous LNG, LPG, shipping, and fuel businesses. The company also invests heavily in the development of geothermal energy as an alternative energy source.
PT Pertamina (Persero)In line with its vission, become a world class national oil and gas company, currently PT Pertamina (Persero) invites the potential candidates to join as following position whuch be placed in Pertamina's subsidiary companies :
Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Persero
For further detail requirements and how to apply each positions, please refer official source from Lowongan KerjaPT Pertamina (Persero) on following link. For apply, please login first. You just can apply online in 1 (one) Jobs in the same year, while you declared not pass. Closing date 22 January 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Info
Written By Juwita on Friday, January 20, 2012 | 9:27 PM
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - Bank Mandiri is one of the biggest state-owned banking company in Indonesia. The Government of Republic Indonesia became the controlling shareholders with 66.68% shares. The Company's shares were listed in the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange on 13 July 2003. The Bank Mandiri Syariah founded in 1998 and head quartered in Jakarta. The Bank Mandiri offered comprehensive fnancial solutions to both private and state-owned enterprises, commercial, small and micro business and retailcustomers through the efforts of its 25 thousand human resources working in 1,370 domestic branches and 7 overseas including representative offices, supported by subsidiaries operating in fields of investment banking, syariah banking, life insurance, micro credit and consumer finance products and services.
In line with its vission, become one of the major player in South-east Asia region, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk invites the first-class professional candidates to join for the following position:
Lowongan Kerja Bank Mandiri Tbk
Officer Development Program (ODP)
* Bachelor Degree (S1)/Master Degree (S2) from all majors except : Health Sciences / Nursing, Literature, Art, Teaching & Religious with min GPA S1 3.00 and S2 3.20 * Max age 26 years old for S1 and 28 years old for S2 * Fluent in English * Computer literate min MS Office * Not married and willing to not get married during the years of education * Willing to undergo bond * Willing to be placed in all parts of Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Bank Should you interested and meet the minimal requirements above, please refer official source from Jobstreet on link below to apply online. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Official info
Lowongan Kerja Bank DKI - Bank DKI Jakarta is an Indonesian bank. The Bank was founded on April 30, 1961 and is headquartered in Central Jakarta. DKI Bank was founded with the intent and purpose to help and encourage economic growth and regional development in all fields as well as a source of local revenue in order to improve the standard of living. At the time of establishment, the shareholder is the local government of Jakarta as many as 200 shares and 50 shares owned by PT. Asuransi Jiwa Bumi Poetra 1912, with total paid up capital of Rp 2,500,000.00 (two million five hundred thousand rupiah). On November 30, 1992, Bank DKI officially became Foreign Exchange Bank. In 1999, Bank DKI change of legal entity from the Regional Companies into Limited Liability Company.
Lowongan Kerja Bank DKI
Bank DKI In order to ensure sustained growth, Bank DKI continues to strengthen its corporate governance, including the internal control structure and risk management, and implementation of operating standards more uniform and transparent.
Customer Service or Administrasi (Code: CS/ADM)
* Hold bachelor degree (S1) with min GPA 3.00 * Maximum age 30 years old * Not married.
Teller (Code: TL)
* Hold bachelor degree (S1) with min GPA 2.5 * Max age 23 years old * Preferably experienced as a Teller * Not married.
Analist Kredit / Account Officer Konvensional / Syariah (Code: AK)
* Hold minimal S1 * Maximum age 30 years old * Experienced in same position min 3 years * Not going through the Association Office with other agencies / companies. * Not serving any sentence and / or during the inspection
For further detail information about job requirements, benefit and how to apply, please refer official source from Lowongan Kerja Bank DKI on following link. Closing date 31 March 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Download file
Lowongan Kerja Bank CIMB Niaga ~ PT.Bank CIMB Niaga. In line with a high commitment to develop a Micro-Banking service, we invite young professionals who want to join one of the largest Bank in Indonesia and want to have a rapid career development opportunities to join us
1. Bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan pengarahan, motivasi, pengawasan dan memastikan target tim & individu dapat tercapai 2. Bertanggung jawab untuk merancang dan mengembangkan strategi bisnis guna mencapai target KPR yang ditentukan
* Pria/Wanita * Pendidikan minimal S1 dengan IPK minimal 2,5 * Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidang marketing perbankan * Memiliki kemampuan dalam hal analisa * Memiliki kemampuan leadership * Memiliki pengetahuan yang lengkap dan detil mengenai produk perbankan secara umum * Menyukai tantangan dan cepat mempelajari hal-hal baru * Menyukai kegiatan yang memungkinkan bertemu dengan orang baru dan mobile * Berorientasi pada target * Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang persuasif * Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan * Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan program windows
Auto Loan Officer Batam, Padang, Jambi, Lampung, Pekanbaru, Pangkal Pinang, Medan Tugas Utama:
1. Bertanggung jawab atas pencapaian target dalan memasarkan produk lending Kredit Pemilikan Mobil 2. Membina hubungan dengan tim marketing dealer 3. Mengumpulkan informasi dan melakukan verifikasi keabsahan data nasabah serta melakukan kunjungan usaha ke calon debitur. 4. Membuat proposal kredit secara lengkap sesuai dengan kebijakan pemberian kredit yang ditetapkan dan memastikan hingga kredit dapat dicairkan
* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun * Pendidikan minimal S-1 dengan IPK minimal 2,5 * Pengalaman kerja di bidang Kredit Pemilikan Mobil minimal 1 tahun * Memiliki kemampuan dalam hal analisa * Memiliki pengetahuan produk Kredit Pemilikan Mobil secara umum * Menyukai tantangan dan cepat mempelajari hal-hal baru * Menyukai kegiatan yang memungkinkan bertemu dengan orang baru dan mobile * Berorientasi pada target * Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang persuasif * Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan * Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan program windows
1. Bertanggungjawab terhadap administrasi proposal kredit new / existing account, Membantu dalam hal pengembangan potential market serta membina hubungan baik dengan nasabah.
* Pria / Wanita * Berpenampilan menarik * Pendidikan minimal S1 (IPK minimal 2,5) * Berusia maksimal 35 tahun * Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di Perbankan * Memiliki kepribadian supel, open minded dan tough / ulet. * Memiliki motivasi dan kemampuan komunikasi yang baik * Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan team serta mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan * Memiliki networking dan relationship yang baik
1. Memasarkan produk-produk simpanan atau pembiayaan kepada nasabah dan calon nasabah Kantor Cabang Syariah. 2. Menjaga stabilitas portofolio dan meningkatkan volume pertumbuhan DPK dalam bentuk giro, tabungan, deposito, dll dan pencapaian target pemasaran produk pembiayaan CIMB Niaga Syariah. 3. Mengikuti dan memahami perkembangan produk syariah dan memberikan saran, ide kepada bagian pengembangan produk untuk mengakomodasi keinginan nasabah. 4. Membangun hubungan kemitraan serta meningkatkan pengetahuan nasabah, calon nasabah, dan masyarakat umum tentang produk funding atau financing CIMB Niaga Syariah. 5. Mengelola dokumen yang berhubungan dengan penghimpunan DPK dan proses aplikasi pembiayaan sesai dengan sisdur yang berlaku serta menyusun laporan bulanan pemasaran produk funding atau lending untuk saran bagi Sales Head.
* Usia maksimal 27 Tahun * Pendidikan minimal D3 dengan IPK 2.75 * Berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif * Target oriented, having a good selling skills, and persuasive communication * Memiliki pengetahuan dasar mengenai produk perbankan dan familiar dengan system dan prosedural perbankan syariah * Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di perbankan minimal 1 tahun
Sales Head Syariah (SHS) Batam, Padang, Jambi, Lampung, Pekanbaru, Pangkal Pinang, Medan Requirements:
* Pria / Wanita, Pendidikan D3/S1 maksimal berusia 37 Tahun * Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di perbankkan * Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan orientasi pada target * Memiliki Networking dan relationship yang baik * Memiliki daya analisa dan banking knowledge ( Sertifikat Waperd dan AAJI ) * Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, persuasive dan interpersonal skill yang baik * Memiliki penampilan yang menarik dan kepribadian yang baik * mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan tim
* Pria / Wanita, Pendidikan D3/S1 maksimal berusia 37 Tahun * Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di perbankkan * Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan orientasi pada target * Memiliki Networking dan relationship yang baik * Memiliki daya analisa dan banking knowledge ( Sertifikat Waperd dan AAJI ) * Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, persuasive dan interpersonal skill yang baik * Memiliki penampilan yang menarik dan kepribadian yang baik * mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan tim
Kirimkan CV dan Surat Lamaran Lowongan KerjaBank CIMB Niaga anda paling lambat tanggal 18 Februari 2012 ke : rekrutment.sumatera@cimbniaga.co.id (Hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan di proses). Info Lengkap
Lowongan Kerja AHM Astra Honda Motor ~ PT Astra Honda Motor was the manufacturing & distribution of the largest motorcycle in Indonesia, with total employees of more than 10,000 people. In accordance with the vision of the company, PT Astra Honda Motor is always working to provide the best mobility solution that could meet customer needs with world class management system.
For that we need the best human resources in a creative, innovative, competitive and ready to join in achieving that goal. In HR management, PT Astra Honda Motor has a system of management of human resources professionals with the principle of Fair Internally and externally Competitive accompanied by the development of human resources through training programs and other development and a clear career path in line with the development of the motorcycle business which has been increasing.
Every person at PT Astra Honda Motor valued in accordance with the achievements and potential, if you are a person who meets the desired qualifications, we are looking forward to welcoming you to join PT. Astra Honda Motor.
Lowongan Kerja Astra Honda Motor
S1 1. PROCESS ENGINEERING Bertanggung jawab menghitung kapasitas & cost /unit untu kline production , Design basic concept untuk fixture / peralatan / sarana prasarana / inspectionjig, menyusun program peningkatan efisiensi & produktifitas produksi.
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir S1 Teknik Mesin / Teknik Industri/ Teknik Elektro / Teknik Sipil/ TeknikKimia/TeknikFisika/ TeknikMetalurgi/Mekatronika * IPK2.75;Usiamax27tahun * Mengerti spesifikasi Mesin / Jig * Memahami gambar teknik * Memahami proses manufakturing
2. PRODUCTION SECTIONHEAD Bertanggung jawab membuat rencana perbaikan,review design & schedule temporary project per area & koordinasi secara kontinyu dengan seksi terkait untuk monitoring perbaikan dan improvement
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir S1 Teknik Mesin * IPK2.75;Usiamax27tahun * Mengerti spesifikasi Mesin * Memahami gambar teknik * Memahami proses manufakturing * Memiliki kemampuan leadership yang baik * Mampu bekerja secara team * Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi
3. QUALITYT ECHNOLOGYANALYST Bertanggung jawab memastikan part yang di approve tidak bermasalah kualitas pada masspro
* Telah lulus/Semester Akhir S1Teknik Mesin * IPK 2.75;Usia max 27 tahun * Mampu membaca gambar teknik dengan baik sesuai standart internasional yang umum dipakai * Memiliki pengetahuan tentang berbagai metode pengujian / pengukuran * Memiliki kemampuan untuk menganalisa & melakukan improvement terhadap kualitasparts * Memahami proses manufakturing * Mampu bekerja dalam team maupun mandiri * Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik * Memiliki keinginan yangkuat untuk bekerjadiareamanufaktur
4. PROCUREMENT ANALYST Bertanggung jawab melakukan analisa sourcing komponen sepeda motor, serta kapasitas yang ada di supplier
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir S1Teknik Mesin * IPK 2.75; Usia max 27 tahun * Memahami gambar teknik * Memahami proses manufakturing * Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik * Memahami fungsi dan komponen parts
5. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Bertanggung jawab menganalisa kebutuhan system IT hingga menjalankan aplikasi test system Kualifikasi:
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir S1 Teknik Informatika / Ilmu Komputer * IPK 2.75; Usia max 27 tahun * Mampu melakukan analisa & desain system IT * Mengerti Bahasa Pemrograman (Java,Net,ABAP) * Memahami operating system & data base (RDBMS), * Melakukan project management
6. MOTOR SPOR SENIOR SPV Bertanggung jawab mengkoordinasikan, evaluasi & memastikan analisa kebutuhan, design, penyelenggaraan dan evaluasi program motorsport/ racing
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir S1 Teknik Mesin / Teknik Industri / Teknik Elektro * IPK 2.75; Usia max 27 tahun * Menyukai kegiatan racing / motorsport * Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik * Memiliki pengalaman organisasi
7. COST PLANNING Bertanggungjawab menghitung kapasitas & cost perunit untu kline produksi, menyusun struktur cost part & unit motor
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir S1 * Teknik Industri * IPK 2.75;Usia max 27 tahun * Memahami gambar teknik * Memahami proses manufakturing * Memahami fungsi komponen & sifat material
D3 1. PROCESSCONTROLLER Bertanggung jawab mendesain flowprocess line,membuat engineering drawing & standar pemakaian material / tools / equipment
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir D3 Teknik Mesin/Teknik Sipil/Teknik Elektro/ Mekatronika * IPK 2.75; Usia max 25 tahun * Menguasai software AutoCAD * Memahami gambar teknik * Memahami proses manufakturing * Mampu bekerja dalam team maupun mandiri
2. PRODUCTION FOREMAN Bertanggung jawab mengatur, mengembangkan & membina manpower, mesin serta material & metode yang berada dibawah wewenangnya.
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir D3 Teknik Mesin * IPK 2.75 ; Usia max 25 tahun * Mengerti spesifikasi Mesin * Memahami gambar teknik * Memahami proses manufakturing * Memiliki pengalaman berorganisasi * Mampu bekerja secara team * Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi
3. PROCUREMENT STAFF Bertanggung jawab sourcing komponen sepeda motor, database kapasitas supplier, melakukan analsisa cost,control development supplier project
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir D3 Teknik Mesin * IPK 2.75; Usia max 25t ahun * Memahami gambar teknik * Memahami proses manufakturing * Memahami fungsi komponen & sifat material * Memahami costanalysis (Breakdowncost)
4. MARKET MONITORING PROCESSOR Bertanggung jawab monitor, mengumpulkan, mengolah & mengalisa awal permasalahan kasus teknik dari jaringan AHASS
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir D3 Teknik Mesin * IPK 2.75; Usia max 25 tahun * Menguasai spesifikasi teknis mesin sepeda motor * Menguasai troubleshooting sepeda motor * Berminat untuk melakukan perjalan dinas ke seluruh indonesia
5. PRODUCT QUALITY ENGINEERING Bertanggung jawab melakukan pembongkaran ,pemasangan & pengukuran, pengujian komponen atau unit sepeda motor, membuat gambar teknik 2D / 3D ,serta membuat laporan teknik hasil pengukuran & pengujian
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir D3 Teknik Telah lulus / Semester Akhir D3 Teknik Mesin /Teknik Otomotif Telah lulus / Semester Akhir D3 Teknik Mesin /Teknik Otomotif * IPK 2.75; Usia max 25 tahun * Memahami gambar teknik * Memahami proses manufakturing * Memahami product testing, CAD, documentation
6. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan programming, melakukan test aplikasi, membuat dokumentasi program
* Telah lulus / Semester Akhir D3 Manajemen Informatika / Teknik Informatika / Ilmu Komputer * IPK 2.75;Usia max 25 tahun * Memiliki kemampuan pemrograman, pemahaman tentang database
Kirimkan Lamaran Lowongan Kerja Lengkap (CV,Photo Copy Transkrip terakhir , Photo copy Ijazah , Pas Photo 3x4) Atau isi biodata Anda melalui www.astra-honda.com/infokarir atau email ke recruitment@astra-honda.com Paling Lambat 8 Februari 2012
Lowongan Kerja Coca Cola. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia is one of the leading manufactures and distributors of soft drinks in Indonesia - products of The Coca-Cola Company. We have over 570,000 outlets and operate in 12 Unit Operations all around indonesia. Today, with approximately 7.700 employees, millions cases of drinks are distributed to refresh Indonesia everyday!
Coca Cola If you are a highly motivated passionate, dedicated and seek for development opportunity as well as challenges, we invite you to join Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia :
Lowongan Kerja Coca Cola
QA ANALYST Bertanggung jawab dalam:
1. Memastikan kualitas produk dan semua parameter sesuai dengan standard yang ditetapkan The Coca-Cola Company. 2. Melakukan controlling dan monitoring selama proses cleaning dan sanitizing. 3. Memastikan jalannya prosedur QMS, EMS, SJH dan SMK3 telah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan.
Persyaratan :
* Berusia minimal 18 tahun * Pendidikan: SMAK-Kimia (nilai rata-rata 7) dengan pengalaman kerja max 3 thn, atau D3 Teknik Kimia/Teknologi Pangan (IPK 2.50) – fresh graduate * Mampu bekerjasama dalam team dan berkomunikasi dengan baik * Mempunyai keinginan yang kuat untuk mempelajari hal – hal baru * Mampu pengoperasikan program MS Office * Mempunyai kemampuan bahasa Inggris * Bersedia bekerja dalam sistem shift ( 3 shift ) * Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani * Bersedia menjalankan prosedur dan peraturan yang berlaku serta mendukung terlaksananya program QMS, EMS, dan SMK3.
Production Operator (OPR) Kualifikasi:
* Bertanggung jawab terhadap operasional mesin produksi change size, change package dan GMP agar mesin dapat berjalan dengan lancar secara efisien sesuai dengan standard kualitas.
Persyaratan :
* Berusia minimal 18 tahun * Pendidikan minimal D3 Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Mekatronika, IPK min.2.50 * (lebih diutamakan fresh graduate) * Mampu bekerjasama dalam team dan berkomunikasi dengan baik * Mempunyai keinginan yang kuat untuk mempelajari hal – hal baru * Mampu mengoperasikan program MS Office * Mempunyai kemampuan bahasa Inggris * Bersedia bekerja dalam sistem shift ( 3 shift ) * Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani * Bersedia menjalankan prosedur dan peraturan yang berlaku serta mendukung terlaksananya program QMS, EMS, dan SMK3.
Electrician (EL) Kualifikasi:
* Bertanggungjawab atas corrective, preventive dan predictive maintenance sesuai jadwal atau perintah kerja yang diterima agar semua control PLC, electronic dan electric mesin produksi berjalan dengan lancar dan efisien sehingga tercapai target produksi
Persyaratan :
* Berusia minimal 18 tahun * Pendidikan minimal D3 Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Mekatronika, IPK min.2.50 * (lebih diutamakan fresh graduate) * Mampu bekerjasama dalam team dan berkomunikasi dengan baik * Mempunyai keinginan yang kuat untuk mempelajari hal – hal baru * Mampu mengoperasikan program MS Office * Mempunyai kemampuan bahasa Inggris * Bersedia bekerja dalam sistem shift ( 3 shift ) * Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani * Bersedia menjalankan prosedur dan peraturan yang berlaku serta mendukung terlaksananya program QMS, EMS, dan SMK3.
Mechanic (ME) Kualifikasi:
* Bertanggungjawab atas corrective, preventive dan predictive maintenance sesuai jadwal atau perintah kerja yang diterima agar semua bagian mechanical mesin produksi berjalan dengan lancar dan efisien, sehingga tercapai target produksi.
Persyaratan :
* Berusia minimal 18 tahun * Pendidikan minimal D3 Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Mekatronika, IPK min.2.50 * (lebih diutamakan fresh graduate) * Mampu bekerjasama dalam team dan berkomunikasi dengan baik * Mempunyai keinginan yang kuat untuk mempelajari hal – hal baru * Mampu mengoperasikan program MS Office * Mempunyai kemampuan bahasa Inggris * Bersedia bekerja dalam sistem shift ( 3 shift ) * Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani * Bersedia menjalankan prosedur dan peraturan yang berlaku serta mendukung terlaksananya program QMS, EMS, dan SMK3.
Jika anda memiliki kualifikasi tersebut diatas, kirimkan lamaran lengkap:
1. CV/Daftar Riwayat Hidup 2. Ijazah terakhir 3. KTP & SKKB terbaru 4. Foto berwarna 5. Surat Keterangan Sehat 6. Sertifikat/Surat pengalaman kerja (jika ada)
HR Department PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia – Jakarta Plant Jl. Teuku Umar km 46. Cikarang Barat. Bekasi 17520 email : dewi.sulistyowati@sea.ccamatil.com Atau kharisma.an.kumala@sea.ccamatil.com Selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal: 31 Januari 2012. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan kami proses dalam Lowongan Kerja ini
PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk - BTEL is one of the public listed company in Indonesia engaged in telecommunication service The Company focused in fixed wireless access service provider using CDMA 2000 1x technology. The Company's brand named by Esia and AHA. PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk established since 1993 under the name of PT Radio Telepon Indonesia and a part subsidiary company of Bakrie Group. PT Bakrie Telecom in 2003. The Company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange and became the public company in 2006. As of the year-end 2010, BTEL subscribers had reached 13 million, spread across 82 cities and supported by 3,947 base transceiver (BTS) networks in all over Indonesia. PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk based in Jakarta and supported by 2 (two) call centers, 78 Gerai Esia and more than 107,000 dealers and sales outlet throughout Indonesia.
In line with its vission, to create a better life for Indonesian by providing them information connectivity, currently PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk are invites the best individuals to join as:
Lowongan Kerja Esia Bakrie Telecom
Head of Sales (GM Level) (code Head of Corporate Sales)
* Minimum Bachelor Degree with major of Industrial Engineering, Informatics or Marketing Management. * Max 35 years old * Up to 5 years experiences in similar position in Corporate Sales or FMCG * Preference from well known brand in consumers TELCO OPERATOR, ISP, or IT Developer Industry or can be from banking & advertising agency who manage the corporate clients. * Customer and target oriented * Technology and internet minded, strong creative and innovation concept * Excellent communication (writing and presentation) in English * Attractive, impressive, self-confidence, good looking and have strong leadership
Internal Audit - QA Staff (Code IA - QA Staff)
* Bachelor degree in Economics/Finance/Accounting or equivalent from reputable university * Minimum 6 years working experience in internal audit, registered Public Accountant and also at least 2 years of working experience in Quality Assurance * 25 - 32 years old * Knowledge of management information system terminology, concepts and practices * Knowledge of industry program policies, procedures, regulations and laws * Skill in conducting quality control reviews of audit work products * Considerable skill in planning and project management * Excellent communication (writing and presentation) in English * Communicative, good interpersonal skills and like challenges * Exposure to CAAT (Computer Assisted Applications Testing) * Preferably have certification in CIA (Corporate Internal Audit), CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), or CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner)
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Please submit application letter and CV to : hr-recruitment@bakrietelecom.com at the latest of 30 January 2012 for Internal Audit Position and4 February 2012 for Head of Sales position. Please put the code on the e-mail subject. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Information here
PT Indosat Tbk - Indosat is one of the largest public company in Indonesia engaged in network and service provider telecommunication. The Company founded in 1967 and in 2003 mergered with its 3 (three subsidiary) companies, consist of Satelindo, IM3 and Bimagraha, becoming a major cellular operator in Indonesia. Indosat's main business including Cellular Services, Multimedia, Data Communication, Internet (MIDI) services, and Fixed Telecomunication Services.
PT Indosat Tbk supported by 7 subsidiaries company, consit of PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta, Indosat International Finance Company B. V., PT Star One Mitra Telekomunikasi, PT Indosat Mega Media, Indosat Singapore Pte. Ltd, Indosat Palapa Company B.V., Indosat Finance Company B. V. Based on Indosat Annual Reports 2010, Total Assets of Indosat in year-end 2010 amounted Rp52,818.2 billion. In 2011, the Company recorded 50 million subscribers both prepaid and postpaid subscribers (including wireless broadband subscribers).
In line with its vission, became the customer’s preferred choice for all information and communication needs, currently PT Indosat Tbk are invites the best candidates to join as position below:
Lowongan Kerja PT Indosat - SMU, D3, S1
For Lowongan Kerja Media Telekomunikasi further detail information and how to apply in each positions, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official info
Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel. Telkomsel is the leading operator of cellular telecommunications services in Indonesia that provides cellular services through GSM Dual Band (900 & 1800), GPRS, Wi-Fi, EDGE, 3G, HSDPA and HSPA+ networks throughout Indonesia. Internationally, Telkomsel collaborate with 362 roaming partners in 196 countries.
With the largest network coverage in Indonesia, reaching over 95% of Indonesia's population, Telkomsel’s network covers all of the country's provinces and regencies/counties, and almost all of the sub-counties ("kecamatan") in Indonesia. As the leader in the broadband market, Telkomsel was the first to launch the “Next Generation Flash HSPA+ which will be rolled out in 24 cities across Indonesia by end of 2010.
Telkomselprovides basic cellular services on voice and text, as well as a variety of value-added services such as ring-back tone, mobile banking, mobile wallet (T-Cash), cash remittance (T-Remittance), internet broadband (TelkomselFlash), BlackBerry service, etc. To serve different segments of customers, Telkomsel offers its customers the choice between two prepaid cards-simPATI and Kartu As, or the post-paid kartuHALO.
In its sixteenth year of operations since the first commercial launch of its post-paid services on May 26, 1995, Telkomsel continues to maintain its leading market share and as the trendsetter in mobile lifestyles. As at end of June 2010, Telkomsel’s customer base reached 88.32 million customers, representing a market share of approximately 47% of the full-mobility cellular market.
For the last 5 years (2005-2009), Telkomsel's operating revenues have grown from Rp21.13 trillion in 2005 to Rp41.58 trillion in 2009. Over the same period, the total number of Telkomsel's customer base increased from approximately 24.27 million as at end of 2005 to 81.64 million as at end of 2009, representing a CAGR of 54%.
Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel
Telkomsel Trainee Program, 12 months duration of program, Placement All Over Indonesia, Offering to be Telkomsel's Permanent Employee after graduate the program
Human Resource Trainee Syarat-syarat:
* S2 degree in Psychology/ S1 degree in Industrial Engineering/ Information Technology * GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0 * Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
Information Technology Trainee Syarat-syarat:
* S1 degree in Informatic Engineering/ Information System/ Electrical Engineering majoring Computer System * GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0 * Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
Commerce Trainee Syarat-syarat:
* S1 degree in Management/ Marketing Management/ Business, Communication/ Industrial Engineering/ Sosiology/ English or French or German Literature * GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0 * Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
Finance Trainee Syarat-syarat:
* S1 degree in Finance/ Accounting/ Taxation * GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0 * Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
Legal Trainee Syarat-syarat:
* S1 degree in Law * GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0 * Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
Network Trainee Syarat-syarat:
* S1 degree in Electrical Engineering majoring Telecommunication/ Telecommunication Multimedia * GPA min.3.0 scale 4.0 * Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
Account Management Trainee Syarat-syarat:
* S1 degree in Management/ Marketing Management/ Business/ Communication/ Industrial Engineering/ Telecommunication/ Informatic Engineering * GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0 * Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply. * Knowledge/ Skills : Communication Skill, Presentation Skill, Negotiating Skill.
Internal Audit Trainee Syarat-syarat:
* S1 degree in Finance/ Accounting/ Taxation * GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0 * 1 year experience as an Auditor
Syarat Umum
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skill * Eager to learn * High motivation * Good command in English both oral and written
Lowongan Telkomsel ini hanya BISA di Lamar Secara ONLINE di website ECC UGM, dan proses lamar nya tanggal 3 - 10 Februari 2012. 12 months duration of program Placement All Over Indonesia Offering to be Telkomsel's Permanent Employee after graduate the program. More info here
PT Pertamina – Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi is joint operating body between PT Pertamina Hulu Energi and PT Medco E&P Indonesia. PT Pertamina are one of the national oil & gas companies based on Jakarta, Indonesia. Our project in Central Sulawesi offshore (Senoro) has been operating since February 2011. We are currently inviting highly dynamic, self-motivated and committed applicants to apply several positions in challenging work environment as follow:
Lowongan Kerja Pertamina - Medco E&P
PA & Security Officer (Sulawesi)
Responsibilities: • Melaksanakan pemeliharaan hubungan kerja dengan muspika (musyawarah pimpinan kecamatan) wilayah kerja perusahaan agar tercipta hubungan kerja yang baik antara perusahaan dengan muspika. • Melakukan komunikasi dan program pengembangan masyarakat di sekitar wilayah kerja perusahaan untuk menjaga hubungan baik dengan masyarakat guna mendukung kelancaran operasional perusahaan. • Membuat pelaporan kegiatan public affairs serta mendokumentasikannya agar seluruh kegiatan terdokumentasi dengan baik. • Menganalisa permintaan bantuan dari masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah di wilayah kerja perusahaan, untuk dijadikan usulan kepada manajemen kantor Jakarta dalam mengakomodir bantuan kepada masyarakat dan pemerintah di lapangan operasi. • Mengawasi dan menganalisa isu-isu keamanan yang berkembang baik di kalangan internal maupun eksternal untuk mencegah situasi tidak kondusif yang mungkin terjadi. • Mengkoordinasikan dan mengawasi kegiatan pengamanan yang dilakukan oleh petugas keamanan pihak ketiga untuk memastikan terlaksananya pengamanan yang sesuai dengan prosedur keamanan perusahaan. • Melakukan kerjasama dan pembinaan hubungan kerja dengan aparat keamanan Negara untuk memberikan rasa aman terhadap kegiatan operasi lapangan. • Membuat laporan keamanan termasuk kejadian tidak aman yang terjadi serta mendokumentasikannya untuk digunakan sebagai masukan dalam memperbaiki system keamanan yang telah ada.
Position Requirements: • D3 Komunikasi Massa • Pelatihan kehumasan perusahaan minyak dan gas • Keterampilan negosiasi • Basic oil and gas for nonengineer • Perusahaan minyak dan gas di bidang public affairs 3 tahun
Reservoir Engineer (Sulawesi)
Responsibilities: • Making and proposing field work activity program to maintain and increase area production. • Count and reporting estimation of reserve oil and gas at new reservoir and existing one to predict how many reserve oil and gas remains. • Estimate daily-monthly and annual oil production in order to achieve WP&B target and for oil shipment. • Evaluate proposed project economically to determine the feasibility of wells drilling/development. • Prepare ATD as proposal for well drilling exploration. • Prepare AFE exploitation study and WP&B to get approval from BPMIGAS. • Monitoring low production volume of well to be evaluated as reactivated well plan. • Conduct research to unproductive wells to determine as water disposal well.
Requirements: • Bachelor degree in Petroleum / Geology. • Minimum 3 years experience in Engineering of oil and gas industry. • Training in Reservoir. • Training in Logging & Perforation technique. • Case hole & down hole.
Geophysicist (Jakarta – Site)
Responsibilities: • Generate sub-surface data including seismic data, date and time-estimation of soil layer in order to gather information regarding prospected location or reserved land. • Optimally sub-surface image research to maximize production strategy. • Compile all data and geological input such as sub-surface data, block sampling, wells condition, seismic data to be integrated with geophysicist software and analysis to find reserved oil and gas production. • Interpret all integrated data geophysical to produce recommendation in management & stake-holders meeting to be considered in project feasibility. • Supervise data sampling procedure in field to ensure that collected data is accurate.
Requirements: • Bachelor degree in Geologist. • Minimum 5 years experience in technical and managerial position of oil and gas industry.
Production Engineer (Jakarta - Site)
Responsibilities: • Monitoring wells production performance and analyze production accumulation in order to assess continuity of corporate business. • Conduct surveillance evaluation from oil and gas extraction activity and following up development of wells to make the production went smooth. • Analyze oil and gas concentration of each wells, provide technical consultation to produce potential condition of oil production and most economically to be sold. • Supervise oil and gas exploration procedure in field to ensure they’re using the most efficient and effective method.
Requirements: • Bachelor degree in Petroleum / Mechanical Engineering. • Minimum 5 years experience in technical & managerial position of oil and gas industry.
Technical Interface Coordinator (Site)
Responsibilities: • Co-ordinate project technical interfaces between multiple work packages/contractors, drilling and reservoir engineering to ensure: compliance with schedule, consistent design basis and data set, overall design consistency and integrity. • To ensure a cost effective integration between different packages/contractors and between surface and subsurface facilities activities. • Interface responsibility definition. • Technical integrity of interfaces. • Effective interface management and control including their relevant activities, facilitating the traceability of agreements and changes, if any. • To assure technical cooperation in the team and with contractors in order to minimize technical and economical risks. • Liaising with all technical managers in order to assure the alignment and consistency of technical designs. • Assuring interface status reports (including progress status and identification of concerns and highlight areas). • Managing meetings, as necessary, between different contractors in order to reduce technical and economical risks, negotiating the best resolution of interface discrepancy, if any.
Requirements: • Bachelor degree relevant major. • 10 extensive experience in the oil & gas industry. • Several years of coordination activities in project team.
Completion Engineer (Site)
Responsibilities: • Making database summary of completed drilling project for comparison data to the next drilling program/plan (Offset Well Data). • Designing well and details of drilling program for a well construction project (onshore & offshore) including all technical/engineering plan, cost estimation, material purchase plan and drilling equipment (Well Construction Program). • Preparing cost estimation proposal and technically presented the plan to BPMIGAS to get an approval for executing the project (AFE & WP&B). • Searching and analyze necessary material & equipment to be applied in the drilling project and estimate risk & cost analyst (Technology Scouting). • Analyze and plan optimalization well design, drilling & completion, and overall budget proposal from the drilling summary result made by Drilling Superintendent. • Supervise HQ activity, assist Drilling Superintendent to conduct quality control process (QC) during drilling project.
Requirements: • Bachelor Dgeree in Petroleum, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Electrical, and Industrial Engineering. • Minimum 3 -5 years experience in drilling of oil and gas operation. • Certified in Drilling Engineering / Operation. • Certified well control (IWCF - Surface / subsea stack). • Certified in T-Bosiet (Sea Survival, HUET, Fire Fighting).
Contract Engineer (Jakarta – Site)
Responsibilities: • Develop and analyze subcontract documentation (interpretation of contract scope and terms and conditions). • Provide advice and seek counsel on contractual, commercial, taxation, insurance and legal issues. • Coordinate subcontracts development, compilation, sourcing, pre-tenders, invitation to tender, evaluations of proposals received including requests for qualifications. • Post award coordination of Subcontract Variations, including evaluation of Subcontractor s claims and defending claims from Subcontractors. • Participate in Subcontract audits, reviewing records for accuracy and conformance to standards.
• Bachelor Degree in Engineering any discipline. • Minimum 10 years professional experience, 5 years Project Contracts experience in EPC projects will be an advantage. • Certified BP Migas PTK 007 Rev-2 Certification in Supply Chain Management. • Experience in contract formulation activities, systems and processes coupled with working knowledge of engineering, fabrication and construction practices. • Good skills in Ms Word and Ms Excel.
Instrumentation Inspector (Jakarta – Site)
Responsibilities: • Responsible to QA/QC Coordinator for all construction activity related to Quality Assurance & Quality Control and Ensure that QC Contractor has conduct examination for all instrumentation equipment accord with the approved procedure. • Responsible for all instrumentation equipment bought by EPC Contractor such as PSV and gas meter has passed the test in the factory and completed with validated document. • Ensure fabricated gas meter has comply with the AFC Drawing and suit with ITP. • Coordinate with QC Contractor for gas meter, instrumentation equipment and calibration any equipment related with gas meter.
Requirements: • Bachelor degree in any major of Engineering. • Minimum 10 years experience in field instrumentation Migas operation. • Understand instrument engineering document/drawing : specification, data sheet, wiring/loop diagram, instalation/hook up, P & ID. • Understand instrumentation testing procedure: calibration, leak test, continuity test, loop test, function test and SA (Surge Arrestor). • Understand certification procedure including with Migas/BP Migas : metering, PSV.
Petro physicist (Jakarta – Site)
Responsibilities: • Plan well data acquisition programs in line with well and business objectives. • Liaise and work with London BU (Business Unit)-based petrophysicist. • Liaison with core, log and LWD data acquisition contractors, before and during acquisition and in post-well interpretation phase. • Coordinate appropriate well-site witness work for specialist runs. • Deliver post-well standard interpretation. • Liaise with partners and Sonagol on petrophysical/core issues. • Take a proactive role in the extended organisation and facilitate federal connectivity into the office. • Aid the integrated full field reservoir description models which take full account of log, core and seismic data as well as dynamic pressure and water movement data. • Manage core and fluid analysis programs at home country/UK-based labs. • Populate and maintain corporate and project well databases. • Be part of the team well planning effort. • Become involved in surveillance petrophysics on project startup. • Provide leadership in health, safety, and environment (HSE); this is an important and key requirement and focus for the individual.
Requirements: • Bachelor of Science degree in Geosciences or related discipline. • 7 years experience in related job. • Ability to promote open and effective communication. • Propensity for undertaking tasks before being asked to or forced by events. • Ability to coach others to help their development. • Ability to work as part of a team. • Authority to work on a full-time basis for anyone other than your current employer. • Ability to facilitate and leverage knowledge transfer within and between the exploration, development and production business units. • Ability to integrate a variety of data and information into an exceptional interpretation of the subsurface. • Considerable relevant, post-graduate industry-related experience. • Experience working within an operating company. • Awareness of the impact of actions on individuals, community and the environment. • Actively seeks know-how and best practices related to own area of contribution. • Actively engages and respects contributions of others. • Anticipates future situations and plans ahead to meet them. • Actively seeks know-how and opportunities from the external environment and applies them. • English Fluency Required.
Drilling Superintendent (Site)
Responsibilities: • Planning drilling operation activity with Risk assessment, Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Drill Well On Paper (DWOP) & Completion Well On Paper (CWOP). (Risk & HSEQ Assessment). • Making Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) with section head and operation engineer in order to achieve drilling target completely (Drilling Procedures, SIMOP procedures, Completion Procedures, well control procedures, dll). • Conduct location survey/shore base for selecting material storage place also street location and transport option to facilitate drilling operation. • Plan a well location with Drillings & WOWS Section Head in accordance with the operation, accommodate drilling activity or other construction activity in a future with concern in HSEQ aspect. • Plan an equipment mobilization, supervise rig mobilization/demobilization acitivy and overall equipment to drilling location. • Coordinate with supplier and drilling/completion services for material, equipment and personnel mobilization. • Supervise drilling operation activity and coordination with Drilling Supervisor at the field 24 hours/7 days a week. • Making closing report from drilling/completion project with all usage material data report and provide technical recommendation for field operation.
Requirements: • Bachelor degree in Engineering (all major except Architecture and Industry). • 15 years experience in drilling of oil and gas operation. • Project Management Training. • Certified in Drilling Engineering / Operation. • Certified in Well Control (IWCF - Surface / subsea stack). • Certified in T-Bosiet (Sea Survival, HUET, Fire Fighting).
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan masuk ke website kami di http://www.id-recruitment.com/tomori
"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview"
Written By Juwita on Thursday, January 19, 2012 | 2:25 AM
PT PLN (Persero) - PLN is the biggest state-owned electricity power service company in Indonesia. The Company head quartered in Jakarta and supported by 48 business units in all over Indonesia and 11 subsidiaries company. Based on PLN Annual Reports 2010, PT PLN (Persero) achieved electricity production of 16,786.21 GWh, an increase from 156,797.25 GWh in 2009, and electricity sales of 147,279.47 GWh, also increase from 134,581.98 GWh in 2009. Total number customers of PLN in 2010 increased to 42,435,387 from 40,117,685 customers in 2009. As of year-end 2010, a total of 3,184 potential new human resources were recruited. Overall, the 2010 recruitment process had 32,646 participants and 11.06% of them passed the selection.
PLN Persero In line with its positive growth, currently PT PLN (Persero) invites the potential candidates to join as following positions:
Lowongan Kerja PLN Persero
Recruitment PLN S1/D4/D3 2012
* Male * Not married and willing not married during education * Passed S1/D4 and D3 with the age limit 1. S1/D4: Birth year 1986 and thereafter 2. D3: Birth year 1988 and thereafter * Height min 155cm * Max minus 4 Glasses
For further detail job requirements and how to apply, please refer official source from Lowongan KerjaPT PLN (Persero) on following link below. Closing date 5 February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Source
Written By Juwita on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 | 10:29 PM
Lowongan Kerja Indosat ~ PT Indosat Tbk is a leading telecommunication and information service provider in Indonesia that provides cellular of prepaid services (Mentari and IM3) and postpaid services (Matrix), 3G services using HSDPA-technology, fixed data services including Multimedia, Internet & Data Communication Services (MIDI) and fixed voice (fixed telecommunication) services including IDD services and fixed wireless services.
PT Indosat was established in 1967 as a foreign direct investment company to provide international telecommunications services in Indonesia. In 1980, the Government took over full ownership in Indosat, which since operated as a state owned company. The Company went public in 1994, by listing its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX: ISAT), the Surabaya Stock Exchange and its American Depositary Receipts in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: IIT).
PT Indosat as a cellular focused company as well as the second largest operator in Indonesia, Indosat continues to increase our cellular business capability. We continue to be very optimistic about prospects of Indosat. cis-cus originally posts. While we expect competitiveness in the industry will continue to intensify, we are confident that we can continue to deliver an attractive value proposition to stakeholders.
PT Indosat Tbk – a telecommunication services company with leading brands in Indonesia, is in immediate need for highly motivated and qualified professionals staff to be positioned in :
Lowongan Kerja Indosat
Sekretaris (SEC) Jakarta Requirements:
* Pendidikan D3 Sekretaris * IPK minimal 2.75 * Usia maksimal 35 tahun * Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point & Visio) & internet * Dapat mengetik dengan 10 jari dalam waktu cepat * Menguasai berbahasa Inggris lisan & tulisan * Berpenampilan Menarik * Mampu bekerjasama dan koordinasi dalam lingkungan maupun unit kerja terkait * Mengerti tugas-tugas kesekretarisan * Bersedia bekerja diluar jam kantor
Technical Support / IT Support (ts) Jakarta Requirements:
* Pendidikan SMK (T. Komputer & jaringan, Rekayasa perangkat lunak, T. Informatika, T. Akses Radio, Listrik) / nilai rata-rata 7 * D3 / S1 (T. Elektro – telekomunikasi, T. Informatika) / IPK min 2.55 * Usia maksimal 27 tahun * Menguasai MySQL, PHP, LAN / WAN, Oracle, JAVA, UNIX * Memahami BSS,BSC,MSC,BTS, sistem telekomunilasi seluler (GSM) / CDMA / 3G / SS7 signalling type * Bersedia bekerja diluar kantor / kota & lembur * Dapat berbahasa Inggris lisan & tulisan * Dapat bekerjasama dengan team & unit kerja terkait
Account Executive (AE) (Marketing) Jakarta Requirements:
* Jenjang pendidikan D3 / S1 dengan IPK minimal 2.75 * Usia maksimal 35 tahun * Penampilan menarik / bersih / rapih * komitmen besar terhadap pekerjaan * Disenangi dapat menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan & tulisan * Menyukai kegiatan penjualan atau pemasaran produk * Memiliki relasi & komunikasi yang baik * Terbiasa dengan target * Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
Drafter (DFT) Jakarta Requirements:
* Pendidikan S1 Ilmu Hukum dengan IPK minimal 2.75 * Usia maksimal 35 tahun * Jenis kelamin pria / wanita * Penampilan menarik / rapih / bersih * Memahami dan Menguasai undang-undang ketenagakerjaan, kontrak kerja / perijinan * Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point & Visio), internet * Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan & tulisan * Memiliki pengalaman / keahlian dalam pembuatan kontrak * Mengerti syarat perjanjian kerjasama * Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point & Visio), internet
Customer Service (CSR) Jakarta Requirements:
* Pendidikan D3 / S1 segala jurusan dengan IPK min. 2.75 * Jenis kelamin pria / wanita * Usia maksimal 30 tahun * Penampilan menarik / bersih / rapih * Diutamakan menguasai bahasa inggris (lisan/tulisan) * Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office, internet) * Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan, disiplin, komukatif * Mampu bekerjasama / koordinasi dengan tim atau unit lainnya * Bersedia untuk lembur
Desain Grafis Jakarta Requirements:
* Pendidikan D3 / S1 (design grafis / komunikasi visual / T.Informatika) dengan IPK Minimal 2.75 * Usia maksimal 30 tahun * Jenis kelamin pria / wanita * Menguasai program photoshop, web design, corel draw, autocad, 3D Max dan sejenisnya * Bersedia bekerja tim, terbiasa dengan target, kreatif, komunikatif * Berpenampilan menarik / bersih / rapih * Disukai menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan & tulisan * Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office, internet * Bersedia bekerja diluar kantor / lembur * Mampu bekerjasama dan koordinasi dalam lingkungan maupun unit kerja terkait
Staf Keuangan (acc) Jakarta Requirements:
* Lulusan D3 / S1 (Akuntansi) dengan IPK Min. 2.75 * Usia maksimal 30 tahun * Menguasai / mengerti perpajakan, teliti * Lebih senang memiliki sertifikat Brevet A/B * Diutamakan menguasai program Accurate / MyOB * Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point & Visio) * Bersedia untuk lembur * Dapat membuat jurnal laporan keuangan beserta analisanya * Dapat membuat laporan pajak masa dan tahunan * Rekonsiliasi Kas dan Bank, monitor hutang piutang & invoice
Receptionist (rcp) Jakarta Requirements:
* Pendidikan SMA/SMK atau D3 * Berpenampilan menarik * Dapat menguasai bahasa Inggris (lisan/tulisan) * Memiliki kepribadian & komunikasi yang baik * Mandiri, teliti, cekatan, kreatif, energic, ramah * Dapat bekerja dalam team & unit kerja lain
Admin Staf (adm) Jakarta Requirements:
* Pendidikan minimal D3 segala jurusan * IPK minimal 2.75 * Jenis kelamin pria / wanita * Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan, cekatan, teliti, komunikatif * Berpenampilan menarik / bersih / rapih * Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office, internet) * Dapat bekerjasama dengan team / unit kerja terkait
Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja diatas, silahkan klik link Quick apply dibawah untuk mengisi lamaran via Jobstreet sebelum tanggal 17 Februari 2012. More Info Here
Lowongan Kerja KOMNAS HAM
1. Warga Negara Indonesia dengan usia minimal 35 tahun. 2. Berpendidikan sekurang-kurangnya Sarjana Strata 1. 3. Berpengalaman sebagai hakim,jaksa, polisi,pengacara, atau pengemban profesi hukum lainnya, tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat,aktivis organisasi non-pemerintah, akademisi perguruan tinggi, jurnalis, dan pembela hak asasi manusia. 4. Berdedikasi dan mempunyai integritas tinggi, profesional, menghayati cita-cita negara hukum yang berintikan keadilan dan penghormatan pada hak asasi manusia. 5. Tidak pernah melakukan perbuatan tercela dalam masalah hak asasi manusia, dan tidak pernah terlibat tindak pidana korupsi. 6. Berpengetahuan dan berpengalaman memajukan dan melindungi orang atau kelompok yang dilanggar hak asasi manusianya. 7. Apabila terpilih menjadi Anggota Komnas HAM, bersedia untuk tidak merangkap menjadi pejabat negara atau penyelenggara negara menurut peraturan perundang-undangan, direksi dan karyawan perusahaan, direksi dan karyawan badan usaha milik negara /daerah, pegawai negeri, pengurus partai politik, pengurus organisasi non-pemerintah yang bergerak di bidang HAM atau profesi lainnya seperti dokter, akuntan, advokat, notaris, dan pejabat pembuat akta tanah atau jabatan lain yang menyita waktu.
Para calon Anggota Komnas HAM wajib menyerahkan :
1. Profil singkat berupa daftar riwayat hidup tentang pengalaman yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan HAM, baik sebagai individu ataupun melalui lembaga tertentu ( formulir dapat diunduh ( disini ) atau diminta di Sekretariat Pansel ) 2. Rekomendasi dari 2 (dua) organisasi atau tokoh masyarakat yang kompeten di bidang hak asasi manusia. 3. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 X 6 sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar. 4. Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar. 5. Fotokopi Ijazah terakhir yang dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar
Kirimkan/antar Lowongan Kerja anda kepada : Panitia Seleksi Calon Anggota Komnas HAM Contact Person : Johana Nunik Widianti Telepon : 62-21-3925230 Ext 128 / 137 Faksimili : 62-21-39252236 Email : sekretariat_pansel@komnasham.go.id - sekretariat.pansel@gmail.com Jl. Latuharhary No. 4 B, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Seleksi mencakup :
1. Seleksi administrasi. 2. Penilaian profil. 3. Masukan masyarakat tentang calon. 4. Wawancara 5. Tes kesehatan (fisik dan jiwa) dan psikotes bagi bakal calon anggota Komnas HAM terseleksi
Ketentuan :
1. Berkas permohonan sebagai calon anggota Komnas HAM yang sudah dikirim ke Panitia Seleksi tidak akan dikembalikan. 2. Selama proses seleksi, pendaftar tidak dipungut biaya apapun. 3. Hanya pendaftar yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tahapan seleksi berikutnya. 4. Panitia seleksi tidak melayani surat menyurat dan korespondensi lainnya. 5. Penentuan calon anggota Komnas HAM oleh Panitia Seleksi dan keputusan panitia seleksi bersifat final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat. 6. Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi hari Senin,13 Februari 2012 melalui email kepada yang bersangkutan, website Komnas HAM dan di kantor Komnas HAM
Panitia Seleksi: 1. Jimly Asshiddiqie 2. Makarim Wibisono 3. Anugrah Pekerti 4. Khofifah Indar Parawansa 5. Ikrar Nusa Bhakti 6. Abdul Mu’ti 7. Ati Nurbaiti Download formulir disini
Lowongan Kerja Indofood. Indofood has transformed into a “Total Food Solutions” company, engaged in all stages of food manufacturing from production and processing of raw materials through to finished products on the retailer’s shelf. A leader within its industry in Indonesia, Indofood is supported by an extensive distribution system that has made its products household names in every part of the country. PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur, Tbk. Noodle Division, a subsidiary of PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk., is one of the world's largest instant noodle manufacturing companies. Known for its quality and outstanding products, our company continues to be in the forefront of Indonesia's noodle industry.
Lowongan Kerja Indofood
The Largest processed food company with an extensive distribution network across the country is looking for professional and qualified candidates for :
Entry Data Processing Staff (code: EDP)
Position Requirements
1. Hold bachelor degree (S1) of reputable university, majoring in Computer Literate or Information System disciplines, with minimum GPA of 2.8 2. Have experience in related field, more preferably 3. The position also requires that the candidate possesses basic knowledge of :
* Database creation and maintenance * System creation * MS Office literates (highest proficiency) * Data retrieval system and procedures * Data file formatting, analysis methodology and management reporting, and * Troubleshooting standards, software and hardware evaluation (selection and installment).
Basic Qualifications :
1. Maximum age of 27 years old, 2. Good computer literate, able to operate MS Office, 3. Good command in English, 4. Have good interpersonal and communication skill, 5. Have good analytical thinking and problem solving, 6. Hard working, self motivated, dynamic, with personal integrity and honesty.
Info Lowongan Kerja Resourceful and confident applicants are invited to submit full detailed resume and recent photograph, with the position code as email subject no later than February 17, 2012 to below address : recruit_hrndlho@indofood.co.id or click here
PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk - Bank BII is a financial institution based in Indonesia involved in the general banking sector and other banking activities based other principles of Sharia. The Company established in 1959 and its head office located in Jakarta. On 2008 Maybank, one of the largest financial company from Malaysia, became the controlling shareholders of Bank BII. The Company's subsidiary companies consist of BII Finance Center and PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk. As of December 31, 2009, Bank BII was supported by 61 branches, 189 sub-branches and five Sharia branches.
Bank BII In line with its vision, to become the best local bank providing world-class standard of customer service and product development, currently PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk invites potential candidates to join as:
Should you interested, please refer official source from JobsDB on following link below to apply online. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.. Lowongan Kerja Terbaru More info here
Written By Juwita on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | 9:22 PM
Trans TV (Televisi Transformasi Indonesia) is an Indonesian national television station based in South Jakarta. Owned by Chairul Tanjung, it began broadcasting on 15 December 2001. The station is similar to other commercial stations, showing news, movies, drama series, variety shows, quiz shows, and children's programs.
Trans TV programming includes variety shows such as Extravaganza, the Dorce Show (hosted by Dorce Gamalama) and Indonesian versions of Thank God You're Here (Akhirnya Datang Juga) and The Gong Show. It also broadcasts religious programs, movies, gossip shows soap operas and regular news.
Breakthrough and live your dream. Join ourinnovative and imaginative Trans TV Team. Our company is one of the prestigious rapidly growing televisions and aims to be one of the best TV stations in Indonesia. Trans TV offers a challenging career with many opportunities for growth and excitement. We invite you to join us in the following positions:
Lowongan Kerja Trans TV
Job Title : Camera Person Education Requirement : Min D3 - S1 - Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 0 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE/FEMALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Collection Admin Staff Education Requirement : Min S1 - Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 0 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Computer Graphic Program Education Requirement : Min S1 - Education Discipline : DESIGN GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 1 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Computer Graphic Promo Education Requirement : Min S1 - Education Discipline : DESIGN GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 1 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Finance Operation Staff Education Requirement : Min S1 - Education Discipline : MANAGEMENT GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 0 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Editor Education Requirement : Min D3 - Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 0 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Melakukan penyuntingan gambar, audio dan grafis Melakukan quality control terhadap materi yang sudah di edit sehingga layak tayang
Job Title : Inhouse Budget Staff Education Requirement : Min S1 - Education Discipline : ACCOUNTING GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 0 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Media Planner Education Requirement : Min S1 - Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single/married Experience : 1 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : FEMALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Promo Producer Education Requirement : Min S1 - Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 1 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Reporter Education Requirement : Min S1 - Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 0 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE/FEMALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Staff Upm Education Requirement : Min S1 - Education Discipline : ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY GPA min. : Work Location : Jakarta Marital Status : Single Experience : 0 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : Voice Over Education Requirement : Min D3 - Education Discipline : ANY MAJOR GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single Experience : 0 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE/FEMALE Expired date : 2012-02-29
Job Title : OD Education Requirement : Min S1 Education Discipline : PSYCHOLOGY GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Married Experience : 3 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE Expired date : 2012-03-01
Job Title : Recruitment Education Requirement : Min S1 Education Discipline : PSYCHOLOGY GPA min. : Work Location : JAKARTA Marital Status : Single/married Experience : 1 year Age : 20-30 years old Sex : MALE/FEMALE Expired date : 2012-01-25
* Always cross check any kind information you receive through e-mail, SMS or phone calls with information in your account at http://karir.transtv.co.id/index.php/application_status * Applicant who intentionally makes more than one (1) account for the purpose to incorrectly manipulate this recruitment system will be subject to termination once such action is discovered before and or after employment. * Trans TV will not charge the applicant with any fees in this recruitment program.
If you are interested, please apply to : Lowongan Trans TV (src : karir.transtv.co.id)
Lowongan Kerja Trans7. Trans7 (formerly known as TV7) is an Indonesian commercial television station based in Central Jakarta. It is jointly owned by the Gramedia Group and Trans TV. It began broadcasting on 15 December 2001. On 15 December 2006, the official name became Trans 7 from TV 7 due to its half ownership by Trans Corp, a company that also owned Trans TV.
Lowongan Kerja Trans 7
Trans7, a Trans Corp Company is currently seeking competent candidates for the following positions:
No Positions Education Discipline Closing Date PIC 1 IT Support (TR7-SS) Min. D3 Information Technology 31/1/2012 Silmi 2 Mutimedia (TR7-MM) Min. D3 Information Technology 31/1/2012 Silmi 3 Software Developer (TR7-SDV) Min. D3 Information Technology 31/1/2012 Silmi 4 Technical Support (TR7-TS) Min. D3 Electrical 31/1/2012 Silmi 5 Mechanical Electrical (TR7-ME) Min. D3 Electrical 31/1/2012 Silmi 6 Video Editor (TR7-VE) Min. D3 All Major 31/1/2012 Silmi 7 Audioman (TR7-AUDIO) Min. D3 All Major 31/1/2012 Silmi 8 Lighting Person (TR7-LIGHTING) Min. D3 All Major 31/1/2012 Silmi 9 Legal Supervisor (LS) Bachelor / Master degree Have experience 31/1/2012 Lintang & Nia 10 Internal Audit (INT) Bachelor degree Min. 2 years experience 31/1/2012 Lintang & Nia 11 Account Executive (AE) Bachelor degree All Major 31/1/2012 Lintang & Nia 12 Reporter / Presenter (REP) Bachelor degree All Major 31/1/2012 Lintang & Nia 13 Public Relations (PR) Diploma or Bachelor degree All Major 31/1/2012 Lintang & Nia 14 Procurement (PROC) Diploma or Bachelor degree Accounting or Financial Management 31/1/2012 Lintang & Nia 15 Senior Wardrobe Person (WP) Diploma or Bachelor degree Preferably in Fashion 31/1/2012 Lintang & Nia 16 Creative (CRE) Diploma or Bachelor degree Communication / Broadcasting / Journalistic 31/1/2012 Lintang & Nia 17 Assesor for Employee Assessment (ASSESOR) Bachelor degree Psychologist 31/1/2012 Lintang & Nia
Include the POSITION CODE in the subject e-mail Specific to Job List numbers 1-8, please send CV, photograph and supporting documents to: silmi@trans7.co.id
Specific to Job List numbers 9-17, CV, photographs and supporting documents to: lintang.ndaru @ trans7.co.id or niaty.mardiana @ trans7.co.id
Can also be sent via POS to address: LOWONGAN KERJA HRD TRANS7 Ged. TRANSTV, Lt. 3A Jl. Kapt. Tendean Kav. 12 – 14A JAKARTA SELATAN 12790