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Lowongan Kerja Bank BCA Syariah

Written By Juwita on Saturday, February 11, 2012 | 3:09 PM

Bank BCA Syariah
Lowongan Kerja Bank BCA Syariah - PT Bank BCA Syariah diawali dari sebuah bank umum bernama PT Utama International Bank (PT Bank UIB) yang berkedudukan di Jakarta. Pada tahun 2009, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, mengakuisisi PT Bank UIB yang kemudian melakukan proses konversi kegiatan usahanya menjadi bank syariah, dengan nama PT Bank BCA Syariah. Dari proses konversi tersebut, pada tanggal 5 April 2010, PT Bank BCA Syariah resmi beroperasi. Dalam rangka mewujudkan Visi dan Misi BCA Syariah, berbagai produk funding, jasa dan pembiyaan telah dikembangkan dan dipasarkan kepada Masyarakat. Untuk pengembangan bisnis kedepan yang akan menunjang ekspansi usaha PT Bank BCA Syariah, kami memberikan kesempatan kepada anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang dipersyaratkan untuk mengisi posisi:
Lowongan Kerja Bank BCA Syariah
Customer Service - Semarang


* Membuat dan melaksanakan rencana kerja bulanan untuk pencarian nasabah yang potensial berdasarkan target yang telah ditetapkan.
* Mendukung pemasaran produk (dana, jasa dan produk lainnya) dengan menawarkan alternatif produk yang tepat, sesuai dengan kebutuhan nasabah.
* Memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas kepada nasabah yang datang ke cabang sesuai dengan ketentuan dan prosedur.
* Menggali kebutuhan nasabah.
* Memberikan informasi/penjelasan yang terkini kepada nasabah/non nasabah.
* Menerima permohonan :
1 Pembukaan rekening.
2 Penutupan rekening.
3 Pemberian/pencabutan fasilitas.
4 Perubahan data nasabah dan data rekening.
5 Layanan jasa bank lainnya.
* Melakukan cross selling produk dan jasa.
* Melayani pertanyaan saldo dan mutasi rekening nasabah yang datang ke cabang.
* Melayani pencetakan transaksi/pengambilan buku Cek/BG, Bilyet Deposito, warkat tolakan kliring, rekening koran, kartu Paspor BCA Syariah dan hal-hal lain yang berhubungan dengan kepentingan nasabah.
* Membuat jurnal manual atas transaksi yang terjadi di Customer Service.
* Menangani dan menindaklanjuti keluhan/pengaduan nasabah.


* Pria/Wanita
* Usia 20 s.d 25 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3
* Ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan:
a Komunikatif
b Memiliki kemampuan mempersuasi
c Berpenampilan menarik
d Sigap, Menarik, Antusias, Ramah, Teliti
* Ketrampilan Tambahan:
1 Ms Office, Bahasa Inggris
* Pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki :
2 Pengetahuan mengenai produk-produk perbankan syariah
3 Pengetahuan mengenai Program Anti Pencucian Uang dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme bagi Bank Umum
* Pengalaman kerja
1  Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai Customer Service Bank, diutamakan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Customer Service di BCA. Info Selengkapnya Disini
3:09 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja tvOne

Lowongan Kerja tvOne
Lowongan Kerja tvOne - TVOne progressive inspires Indonesian society to think ahead and make improvements for themselves and their community through its News and Sports program. Earlier this year, TVone have 26 stations and at the end of the year will be 37 stations in various regions with 162 million potential viewers. Through these developments, is expected to spread the spirit of TVOne to promote national development.

Lowongan Kerja tvOne
Organization Development Specialist Ditutup tanggal: 24 February 2012

1. Membantu Human Capital Development Manager dalam tugas yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan organisasi
2. Melakukan analisa dan mendesain sistem pengembangan organisasi yang dapat mempengaruhi efektivitas organisasi
3. Merancang, mengimplementasikan dan mengembangkan sistem Organization Development, Performance Management, Corporate Culture, Competency Development, Talent Management, dan Job Analysis & Evaluation
4. Melakukan koordinasi dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan departemen/divisi terkait dalam hal perencanaan dan implementasi pengembangan organisasi


* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Minimal lulusan Sarjana Psikologi, Teknik Industri atau Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dari universitas terkemuka
* Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Organization Development Specialist minimal 2 tahun
* Memiliki pengetahuan dan keahlian dalam pembuatan rancangan dan implementasi Organization Development, Performance Management, Corporate Culture, Competency Development, Talent Management, dan Job Analysis & Evaluation
* Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris
* Mahir dalam mengoperasikan Microsoft Excel dan Microsoft Visio
* Menyukai tantangan,komunikatif, dinamis, terbiasa dengan deadline dan memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan

STAFF ADMIN PAYROLL DAN PAJAK Ditutup tanggal: 15 March 2012

* Perempuan Usia maksimal 27 Tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3 Perpajakan
* Memahami peraturan perpajakan terutama Pph21
* Memiliki sertifikan Brevet A/B/C
* Tekun dan teliti
* Tahan dibawah tekanan

ASISTEN PRODUSER Ditutup tanggal: 31 March 2012

* Pendidikan S1
* Usia maksimal 28 tahun
* Laki-laki
* Berpengalaman sebagai Reporter / Asisten Produser
* Bersedia bekerja shift

Lihat pengumuman dan Daftar Online Lowongan Kerja TVOne silahkan klik link berikut:
2:33 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Indovision

Lowongan Kerja Indovision
Lowongan Kerja Indovision - PT. MNC SkyVision ( Indovision ), with Indovision & Top TV as two leading brands, is the pioneer and also the largest company of integrated pay television in Indonesia encompassing worldwide channels.

Indovision also part of MNC Group, the largest and integrated media company in Indonesia. Currently we are looking the great talents to be part of our dynamic team.

Lowongan Kerja Indovision
Organization Development Officer - West Jakarta

* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Mathematics, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Human Resource Management, Psychology or equivalent.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in handling Organization Development matters
* Must have good knowledge in organization and productivity.
* Must have good skills in mathematics or calculation formula
* Strong analytical & logical thinking
* Fluent in using MS Office (e.g.: Excel advance formulas and other MS Office Application)
* Applicants must be willing to work in West Jakarta.
* Willing to work hard and underpressure
* Full-Time positions available.

Lowongan Kerja
If you are meet the requirements above Indovision, please send your complete Curriculum Vitae no later than February 23, 2012 to:
2:26 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Danareksa

Lowongan Kerja Danareksa
Lowongan Kerja Danareksa - Danareksa is one of the biggest Indonesian government-owned investment company in Indonesia. Danareksa founded in 1976 and became the first company to introduce mutual funds in Indonesia. It was also the first to launch a US Dollar-denominated fixed-income fund and promote syariah-based investments. Danareksa's head office located in Jakarta and operated 31 branch offices in major cities all over Indonesia. Based on Danareksa Annual Reports 2010, total revenue of Danareksa in 2010 recorded Rp484.06 billion. PT Danareksa (Persero) recorded net profit of more than Rp50 billion in 2010, increased 145.82% from 2009.

Currently, PT Danareksa (Persero) is looking for the potential candidates to join as following position below:
Lowongan Kerja Danareksa
IT Developer (Code: IT-DEV-2011)


* Male / Female
* Hold min Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university
* Mastering in VB programming language, Visual FoxPro, ASP.Net, VB.Net and preferably a master Java
* Mastering in database programming and SQL Language
* Mastering in Microsoft SQL & Oracle database (preferably mastered both)
* Experienced programmer for 2 years

IT Auditor (Code: IT-Audit-2011)


* Male / Female
* Hold min Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university
* Has work experience as a staff of IT Audit, IT-Quality Assurance or IT-Compliance
* Having a CISA or CISSP certification (preferred)
* Experienced as programmer for 2 years

Lowongan Kerja
Should you interested and meet the qualifiactions above, please send your complete application to email address : or by post service to following address below. Please write position code as your email subject or on your top right your envelope. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
HRD - PT Danareksa (Persero)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14 Jakarta 10110. Official Info Here
2:21 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PT Kereta Api Indonesia

lowongan kai
Lowongan Kerja PT Kereta Api Indonesia - PT Kereta Api Indonesia ( KAI ) is the Indonesian largest state-owned (BUMN) transportation company. The Company focused in railways transportation services. PT Kereta Api Indonesia established since 1864 under the Dutch Company named Naamlooze Venootschap Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij. In 2010 the Company's name changed into PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero). The Company based in Jakarta and supported by by 26,520 professional staffs in all over region of PT Kereta Api Indonesia. The Company operated 280 Locomotives, 80 KRDs, 320 KRLs, 1,314 trains, and 2,449 carriages. PT KAI supported by 6 (six) subsidiary companies, consist of PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek, PT Railink, PT Reska, PT KA Pariwisata, PT KA Logistik, PT KA Property Management.

In line with the company's vision, become the best provider of railway services that focus on customer service and meet the expectations of stakeholders, currently, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) invited the Indonesia's best young people to join as following position:

Lowongan Kerja PT Kereta Api Indonesia
Rekrutment External S1/S2 Accounting 2012


* Graduated from S1/S2 majoring in Accounting from PTN/PTS accredited A with GPA min 3.00
* Has certified accountants register
* TOEFL Internet Based Test (IBT) score min 80
* Experienced in related filed min 5 years
* Max age 40 years old

Lowongan Kerja
For further detail information and how to appy, please refer official source from PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) on following link below. Closing date 19 February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Information Here
2:16 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)

Written By Juwita on Thursday, February 9, 2012 | 2:51 PM

Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) - Bank BRI is a Indonesian biggest banking company. The Government of Republic Indonesia became the controlling share holders of Bank BRI. The Company's products and services include savings, loans, consumer products and investment banking. The Bank focused to financing on micro, small and medium businesses. The Company head quartered in Jakarta and Bank BRI operated 17 regional offices, 14 inspection offices, 402 branch offices, 1 special branch office, and 3 overseas branch/representative offices, as well as 434 sub-branch offices, 728 cash offices, 4,538 BRI units, and 68 village service unit.

As a leading bank in Indonesia today, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk currently looking for professionals people which will work under PT PKSS, an autorized sales agency as :

Lowongan Kerja Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)
Frontliner (Custumer Service and Teller)

General Requirements:

* Male and Female with max age 25 years old
* Min height 165 cm for male and 155 cm for female (with proportional weight)
* Hold min D3 any major with GPA min 2.75 scale 4 Single / Not Married

Lowongan Kerja
For further detail information about jobs requirements and to apply, please refer official source from ACEC-UMS on link below. Selection process will held in 20 Februari 2012 at UMS Surakarta. Official Info Here
2:51 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Gudang Garam Tbk

Gudang Garam Tbk
Lowongan Kerja Gudang Garam Tbk - PT Gudang Garam Tbk - Gudang Garam is one of the Indonesian major cigarette manufacturing company. Gudang Garam Tbk Company founded in 1958 and produced various high quality products, varied from Machine-made Kretek Cigarette (SKM), Handmade Kretek Cigarette (SKT), Corn Husk Cigarette (SKL). The Company's product distributed both nationwide and worldwide. Gudang Garam based in Kediri and operated 208 hectares ciggarette manufacturing plants. The company also supported by Machine-made Kretek Cigarette production unit in Gempol, Pasuruan, East Java.

In line with its growth, currently PT Gudang Garam Tbk are seeking individuals with passion for new CHALLENGES and SUCCESS to be PART of our great team as:

Lowongan Kerja Gudang Garam Tbk
1. Maintenance Engineer
2. Production Technician
3. QC Staff

General Requirements

* Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering
* Diploma Debree in Mechanical/Electrical/Industrial/Mechatronics/Chemical/Physics Engineering
* Diploma Degree in Chemical and Mathematics
* Max Age of 28 years old
* GPA : 2.75, Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree (D3/D4/S1), fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Able to handle multiple tasks and rapidly changing workloads
* Pro-active, self-motivated individual with a high energy level and sense of urgency
* Strong teamwork and communication skills
* Able to speak and write in English
* Good analytical and problem-solving skills

Lowongan Kerja
For further detail information about job requirements and how to apply in each positions, please refer official source from ECC FT UGM on following link below. Closing date 22 February 2012 and only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Info Here
2:28 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja FIF Federal International Finance

lowongan fif
Lowongan Kerja FIF (Federal International Finance) - PT. Federal International Finance (FIF), merupakan salah satu bagian dari Astra Financial Services, yang bergerak di bidang pembiayaan sepeda motor khusus Honda. Saat ini PT. FIF memiliki 493 cabang, lebih dari 20.000 karyawan, bekerja sama dengan lebih dari 5251 dealers dan melayani lebih dari 3 juta konsumen yang tersebar di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia.
Untuk menunjang perkembangan bisnis, maka kami mencari orang-orang yang berpotensi tinggi untuk bergabung dengan team kami sebagai:

Lowongan Kerja FIF Federal International Finance
Kolektor - Pekalongan


* Menagih pembayaran konsumen yang menunggak
* Menganalisis kemampuan pembayaran konsumen
* Negosiasi tanggal/waktu serta jumlah pembayaran
* Menginformasikan pokok hutang konsumen


* Pendidikan minimal SMA atau sederajat
* Usia maksimal 27 tahun
* Memiliki SIM C
* Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (minimal roda dua)

Jika Anda sesuai dengan kualifikasi LOWONGAN KERJA diatas, silahkan mengirimkan Surat Lamaran, Riwayat Hidup, Pas Foto berwarna terbaru (uk. 4x6), foto kopi KTP, foto kopi Ijasah terakhir dan foto kopi dokumen pendukung lainnya paling lambat 29 Februari 2012 ke:

PT Federal International Finance
Cabang Pekalongan
2:20 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon

Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon
Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon. PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Danamon) is the second largest private national bank and the fifth largest commercial bank in Indonesia, with a 5% share of the domestic system loans and deposits. Danamon has the widest geographic distribution network of all Indonesian banks with 500 branch offices, 790 ATMs and is well-supported by more than 17,000 employees.
Danamon is recognized as Indonesia's leading SME and consumer bank and also serves corporate and institutional customers across Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon
In line with its growth, currently PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk invites the best Indonesian young people to be next future leaders through:



* Minimum Bachelor degree (S1) majoring from Any Discipline with minimum GPA : 3.00 (for Bachelor Degree) & 3.25 (for Master Degree)
* Age Maximum 28 years old
* Highly analytical and strategic thinking
* Computer literated
* High self confidence and excellent communication skill
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Creative and innovative
* Highly self motivated and committed to strive for the best

Lowongan Kerja
Should you interested, please submit your Application Letter, CV, Recent Transcript and Photograph to: State the application code on your email subject. Only qualified candidates will be processed. Recruitment Event will be held on 23 February 2012. Infonya Disini
2:10 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja XL

lowongan xl
Lowongan Kerja XLPT XL Axiata Tbk. (‘XL’) was established on 8 October 1989, under the name PT Grahametropolitan Lestari. Its main business was in trading and general services. Six years later, XL took an important step by setting up a partnership with Rajawali Group -a shareholder of PT Grahametropolitan Lestari – and three foreign investors (NYNEX, AIF and Mitsui). Its name was changed to PT Excelcomindo Pratama, with the provisioning of basic telephony services as its core business.
XL commenced commercial operations in 1996, primarily covering Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya areas. This made XL the first private company in Indonesia to provide cellular mobile telephony services.

Lowongan Kerja XL
PT XL Axiata Tbk invites the best professional to join as

Specialist Corporate Strategy


* Having 3-5 years of experience in similar field of work
* Strong academic achievement
* Strong understanding about telecommunication business and operation
* Strong business acumen and strategic thinking
* Solution Oriented (Creative & Analytical)
* Result Oriented (Initiative, Innovative)
* Collaborative and a team player
* Strong Communication Skills (Verbal, Written & Presentation)
* Fluency in English is a must
* University Graduate (S1) from a reputable university (preferably from Economics/Marketing/Statistics, S2 degree is a plus)

Specialist Business Control


* Strong business control experience (min 3 years) in a relevant sector – telecoms, IT, management consulting
* A proven track record of monitoring business performance against budget and business target
* A thorough understanding of the telecoms and internet industries
* Strong project monitoring skills
* Solid interpersonal and communications skills (Verbal, Written & Presentation)
* Fluent in English
* Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing, Economics (S2 degree is a plus)

Manager Business Control


* Min 5 years hands-on experience within the business control area in a relevant sector - telecoms, IT, management consulting
* Hands-on experience in corporate financial activities planning
* A proven track record of monitoring business performance against budget and business target
* A thorough understanding of the telecom industries
* Strong project monitoring skills
* Solid interpersonal and communications skills (Verbal, Written & Presentation)
* Fluent in English
* Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing, Economics (S2 degree is a plus)

Lowongan Kerja XL
For further detail information about job responsibilities and to apply online in each positions, please refer official source from Jobstreet on link below. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Info Here
1:59 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Plasa Telkom

Written By Juwita on Wednesday, February 8, 2012 | 3:50 AM

Lowongan Kerja Plasa Telkom
Lowongan Kerja Plasa Telkom - PT TELKOM is the biggest govermnent-owned telecommunication and network service company in Indonesia. The Government of Republic Indonesia with owned 52.47% shares become the contrilling shareholders. PT Telkom engaged in telecomunication, information, media and edutainment (TIME) services. Telecommunication is the core business of TELKOM which has also been the legacy business and the icon of TELKOM. Based on TELKOM Annual Report 2010, As of year-end 2010, total assets of TELKOM Rp99,731 billion with nett income amounted Rp11,537 billion. The company serving millions of customers nationwide, in 2010 the Companys's custumers base grew by 14.6% to 120.5 million customers, comprising of 8.3 million fixed wireline telephone subscribers, 18.2 million wireless telephone subscribers and 94 million cellular subscribers. As of year-end 2010, The Company supported by 26,847 human resources, with 21,138 employed by TELKOM and 5,709 employed by its subsidiaries.

In line with its vission, to become a leading telecommunication, information, media and edutainment players in the region, currently PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk inivites the best professionals to apply position below

Lowongan Kerja Plasa Telkom
Customer Service Representative


* Male / Female, Single with max age 25 years old
* Hold min D3 all majors
* Min heigt: Male Min 165 cm, Female min 161 cm with proportional body
* Good Looking and have a good communication skills
* Willing to be located throughout the territory of Central Java and DIY
* Computer literated min MS Office

Lowongan Kerja
For further detail information, please refer official source from CC UDINUS on following link below. Should you interested and qualified, please submit your application to following address below not later than 29 February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Gedung Telkom LT 7 Utara UP Nuzulul Fitri/Desy Fatmasari
JL Pahlawan No 10 Semarang
Official Information Here
3:50 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah

Bank Mega Syariah
Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah - PT Bank Mega Syariah journey starts from a conventional commercial bank named PT Tugu Commercial Bank based in Jakarta. In 2001, The Group (now renamed the CT Corporation), a business group that also overshadow PT Bank Mega, Tbk., Trans, and several other companies, the acquisition of PT Bank Tugu to be developed into a sharia bank. The results of these conversions, on August 25, 2004 PT Tugu Commercial Bank official sharia operates under the name of PT Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia. And as of 23 September 2010 the Bank legal entity name was officially changed to PT. Bank Mega Syariah.

Full commitment of PT Mega Corpora (formerly PT Global Investindo) as majority shareholder to make the Bank Mega Syariah as the best Islamic bank, this bank is realized by developing strong through the provision of capital for the progress of Islamic banking and economic development in Indonesia in general. Additional capital from shareholders is the bedrock of the banking market to meet the demands of an ever increasing and competitive. With these efforts, PT Bank Mega Syariah which has the slogan “For All of Us” to grow rapidly and uncontrollably and become a successful Islamic financial institutions to obtain various awards and achievements.

Along with the development of PT Bank Mega Syariah and the desire to fulfill the services offered to the public particularly those related to foreign exchange and international transactions, the date of October 16, 2008 Bank Mega Syariah bearing the title as a foreign exchange bank. This recognition further strengthen the company’s position as the Islamic Banking business which can reach out more broadly for the domestic and international.

In an effort to realize the performance according to the name it bears, PT Bank Mega Syariah always adhered to the principle of openness and caution. Supported by a variety of products and the latest banking facilities, PT Bank Mega Syariah continues to grow and develop until now has 394 network with the composition: 8 branches, 13 sub-branches, 49 Gallery Mega Syariah, and 324 offices Partner Mega Syariah (M2S) scattered in Jabotabek, Java, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. By combining professionalism and spiritual values ​​that underlie its operations, PT Bank Mega Syariah be present to achieve the vision of “Bank Syariah Kebanggaan Bangsa”.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah

District Risk Control Officer


1. Education Min S1
2. experience as a financial analyst / Credit Officer / Risk Control of Banking / Leasing / Finance Company
3. Micro-Banking Has knowledge of
4. Residing in Siantar, Rantau Prapat, Pekanbaru

Lowongan Kerja
Send an application letter and CV via e-mail / post no later than February 27, 2012, by writing the code and its placement on the position of Subject field or the top right of the envelope,
Example: Pekanbaru - RC

PT Bank Mega Syariah
HCM Recruitmen & Learning Dept
Gd.Smesco UKM
Jl.Gatot Subroto Kav.94 Lt.14
e-mail :
or Information Here
3:41 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Astra Motor

Lowongan Kerja Astra Motor
Lowongan Kerja Astra Motor - PT Astra Motor was the manufacturing & distribution of the largest motorcycle in Indonesia, with the number of employees more than 10,000 people. In accordance with the vision of the company, PT. Astra Honda Motor is always working to provide the best mobility solution that could meet customer needs with world-class management system.

For that we need the best human resources in a creative, innovative, competitive and ready to join in achieving that goal. In HR management, PT. Astra Honda Motor has a system of management of human resources professionals with the principles of Fair Internally and externally Competitive accompanied by the development of human resources through training programs and other development and a clear career path in line with the development of the motorcycle business increased.

Lowongan Kerja Astra Motor
A/P SECTION HEAD S1 TRE-AP 31 Maret 2012
QT ENGINEER S1 QT-ENG 31 Maret 2012

Every person at Lowongan Kerja PT Astra Honda Motor valued in accordance with the achievements and potential, if you are a person who meets the desired qualifications, we are looking forward to welcoming you to join PT. Astra Honda Motor. Please apply your resume Here or log on
3:34 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Pro Car International Finance

Written By Juwita on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 | 3:10 PM

Pro Car International Finance
Lowongan Kerja Pro Car International Finance - PT. Pro Car International Finance adalah perusahaan pembiayaan yang sedang berkembang dan telah memiliki 38 cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan dalam waktu dekat akan membuka beberapa cabang di berbagai kota. Oleh karena itu PT. Pro Car International Finance membutuhkan kandidat professional yang memiliki motivasi tinggi, ulet dan berkualitas untuk mendukung perkembangan perusahaan yang pesat.

Lowongan Kerja Pro Car International Finance
Surveyor / Marketing

Tegal (Jawa Tengah)


* Pria, Maksimal 27 Tahun;
* Pendidikan Minimal D III
* Komunikatif, jujur, disiplin, bertanggungjawab
* Menguasai jalan-jalan di Palangkaraya
* Memiliki kemampuan analisis yang baik
* Mampu Bekerja berdasarkan target
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
* Memiliki Sim C dan kendaraan bermotor sendiri


* Insentif
* Tunjangan-tunjangan ( Komunikasi, transportasi, kesehatan, premi kehadiran )
* Jamsostek
Info lengkap Lowongan Kerja Pro Car International Finance klik disini
3:10 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Armada Tunas Jaya

PT Armada Tunas Jaya
Lowongan Kerja Armada Tunas Jaya - PT Armada Tunas Jaya adalah perusahaan berskala nasional yang bergerak dibidang otomotif membutuhkan kandidat profesional untuk mengisis posisi dan kualifikasi sbb:

Lowongan Kerja Armada Tunas Jaya
Jawa Tengah, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Yogyakarta

* Pria / Wanita
* Min. S1 Akuntansi
* Memiliki Pengalaman di bidang Administrasi dan Operasional
* Komunikatif dan Siap bekerja dengan team
* Memiliki Visi dan Misi Terhadap Pengembangan Bisnis
* Penempatan: Jawa Tengah, Yogyakarta, Kalimantan, Sulawesi

Kirim lamaran Lowongan Kerja PT Armada Tunas Jaya lengkap ke :
HRD PT Armada Tunas Jaya
Jl. Jend. Sudirman 199 Magelang
email :
3:05 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja UPS Indonesia

lowongan kerja ups
Lowongan Kerja UPS Indonesia ~ UPS Indonesia, a global company with one the most recognized and admired brand in the world. As the largest express carrier and package delivery company in the world, we are also a leading provider of specialized transportation, logistics, capital, and e-commerce services UPS Indonesia.

UPS Indonesia every day we manage the flow of goods, funds and information in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Our Joint Venture in Indonesia is currently inviting potential individual to fill-in the following position in JAKARTA Office:

Lowongan Kerja UPS Indonesia
Customer Service Jakarta

* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, any field.
* At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Customer Service or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
* living in Yogyakarta area
* 3 months contract period

Kindly send your application letter and resume in English within by February 20, 2012 at the latest UPS Indonesia.

PT. UPS Indonesia Cardig International
Attn. Human Resources Dept.
Menara Cardig 1st Floor
Jl. Raya Halim Perdanakusuma.
Jakarta 13610
In zip format only and please do not exceed 80 KB
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Visit our website and find our career opportunity on
2:32 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mandiri

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mandiri
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mandiri - PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - Bank Mandiri is one of the Indonesian biggest government-owned banking company. The Bank based in Jakarta and operated 1,526 branch offices across Indonesia. Bank Mandiri offered a broad range of banking products and services to its customers ranging from individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to large corporations and Government entities. Bank Mandiri also provide Micro Business Loans (KUM) for those who working capital credit (WCC) or need investment credits (IC) to develop micro-scale productive or consumptive business. Bank Mandiri's KUM consists of 2 kinds of loan products: Micro Business Loan (KUM) and Micro Multipurpose Loan (KSM).

In line with the positive growth on Micro Business, currently Bank Mandiri looking for professionals to join as following positons

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Mandiri
Mikro Kredit Analis - MKA


* Hold minimal Diploma 3 (D3), preferably Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in : Aviation/Aeronautics/Astronautics Engineering, Mining/Mineral Engineering, Bioengineering/Biomedical Engineering, Material Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechatronic/Electromechanical Engineering, Computer/Telecommunication Engineering, Metal Fabrication/Tool & Die/Welding Engineering, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Environmental/Health/Safety Engineering, Petroleum/Oil/Gas Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Marine Engineering, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Commerce or equivalent.
* GPA min 2.75
* Computer literated (Min Microsoft office)
* Fresh graduates/Entry level (preferably experienced in credit administration)
* Max age 24 years old (fresh graduate) and 26 years old (min experienced 2 years in credit administration)

For further detail information about jobs responsibilities and to apply online, please refer official info from Lowongan Kerja Bank Mandiri on following link. Closing date 5 March 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Official Info Here
2:28 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Trans7

lowongan trans 7
Lowongan Kerja Trans7 - Trans7 (formerly known as TV7) is an Indonesian commercial television station based in Central Jakarta. It is jointly owned by the Gramedia Group and Trans TV. It began broadcasting on 15 December 2001. On 15 December 2006, the official name became Trans 7 from TV 7 due to its half ownership by Trans Corp, a company that also owned Trans TV.

Trans7, a Trans Corp Company is currently seeking competent candidates for the following positions:

Lowongan Kerja Trans7
Lighting Person
Position Code: TR7-LIGHTING

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* D3 All Programs, a minimum GPA of 2.75
* Having knowledge about lighting

Job Description:
Prepare and operate all lighting equipment in the course of a program supporting the event.

Quality Control
Position Code: TR7-QC

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* Minimal D3 any major, minimum GPA of 2.75
* Have good analytical skills
* Can work in shifting

Position Code: TR7-MG

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* Minimal D3 any major, minimum GPA of 2.75
* Mastering software Photoshop, After Effects, Cinema4D or 3D Ma

Set Design
Position Code: TR7-SD

* Male / Female, age maximum 28 years
* S1 Architecture / Design, a minimum GPA of 2.75
* Software skills AutoCAD and 3DS Max

Set Builder
Position Code: TR7-SB

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* S1 in Civil Engineering, minimum GPA of 2.75
* Has a good analysis of the working drawings

Job Description:
Designed the set for in-house production programs, design tailor design to ideas, themes, and mood that program, so as to produce a set of unique and interesting design.

IT Support
Position Code: TR7-SS

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* Minimal IT D3, minimum GPA of 2.75
* Mastering Hardware and Troubleshooting
* Can work in shifting

Software Developer
Position Code: TR7-SDV

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* Minimal IT D3, minimum GPA of 2.75
* Mastering MySQL, VB.NET, PHP or Programming

Technical Support
Position Code: TR7-TS

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* S1 Electrical Engineering, GPA at least 2.75
* Mastering the technique Audio Video

Video Editor
Position Code: TR7-VE

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* Min. D3 All Programs, a minimum GPA of 2.75
* Being able to use video editing software
* Can work in shifting

Job Description:
Prepare and operate the editing activity (the process of rough cut, finishing the video, and audio mixing) to produce a material with the best quality in accordance with program concepts and standards that have been determined.

Technical On Air
Position Code: TOA-TR7

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* S1 Telecommunication / IT, a minimum GPA of 2.75
* Networking and infrastructure master computer
* Can work in shifting

Camera Person
Position Code: TR7-Campers

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* Min. D3 All Programs, a minimum GPA of 2.75
* Able to operate a video camera

Job Description:
Prepare and process the image according to the target coverage is provided, so as to produce a quality image in accordance with the technical kriterai TRANS7 editorial.

Position Code: TR7-AUDIO

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* Min. D3 All Programs, a minimum GPA of 2.75
* Having knowledge of Audio & Microphone Mixer, as well as skill Audio Recording & Mixing

Job Description:
Prepare and operate all audio equipment, in order to produce the highest quality audio standards and concepts according to a predetermined program.

Position Code: TR7-MM

* Male, age maximum 28 years
* S1 IT, minimum GPA of 2.75
* Mastering MySQL, VB.NET, or programming
* Master the graphic design
* Can work in shifting

Job Description:
Prepare and develop a web site design, both Intranet and Internet, designed the supporting applications and the production of news programs, so it can accommodate the needs of medium to deliver information to internal and external TRANS7.

# Send your resume to: Include the POSITION CODE in subject of e-mail
# Participants whose name is listed, please come to carry out the recruitment process in accordance with the schedule of each Trans7 tests -Not later than 29 February 2012 or by post :

Lowongan Kerja
Ged. TRANSTV, Lt. 3A
Jl. Kapt. Tendean Kav. 12 – 14A
2:22 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Bank Bukopin

Lowongan Kerja Bank Bukopin, Bukopin which since its establishment on July 10, 1970 focusing on UMKMK segment, has now grown and evolved into a group of banks that enter the secondary banks in Indonesia in terms of assets.

Bukopin Along with the opening of opportunities and increased capability to serve the needs of the wider community our bank has developed its business into commercial and consumer segments.

All three segments are the pillars Bukopin business, with services in conventional and Islamic, which is supported by a system of optimal fund management, reliability of information technology, human resource competencies and practices of good corporate governance. This foundation allows Bukopin stepped forward and placed a credible bank. Operational Bukopin now supported by more than 280 offices in 22 provinces throughout Indonesia are connected in real time on-line. Bukopin also has built a network of micro-banking-named "Swamitra", now numbering 543 outlets, as a form of cooperative programs and partnerships with micro finance institutions.

With a more solid capital structure as a result of the implementation of the Initial Public Offering (IPO) in July 2006, our bank continues to develop its operational program priorities by implementing appropriate short-term strategy that has been prepared carefully. Implementation of the strategy is aimed at ensuring compliance with comprehensive banking services to customers through a network connected nationally and internationally, a diverse product and service quality to a high standard.

Overall activities and programs implemented in the end led to the creation of the target image Bukopin as a trusted banking institution with a solid financial structure, healthy and efficient. The success of building trust will be able to make Bukopin still grow in a sustainable manner to give the best results.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Bukopin
Due to rapid expansion and growth, PT Bank Bukopin, Tbk as the one of established national bank is currently looking for qualified and dedicated candidate who seek a challenging career to join our company, for the following positions :

Account Officer UKMK (AO-UKMK)


* Male/Female
* D3/S1 from all major with GPA min 2.3
* Fresh Graduate welcome to apply
* Have work experience
* Maximum age 35 years old (experienced)

Relationship Officer Mass Banking (RO-MB)


* Male/Female
* D3/S1 from all major with GPA min 2.3
* Fresh Graduate welcome to apply
* Have work experience
* Maximum age 35 years old (experienced)

Staff Legal


* Male/Female
* Hold min S1 majoring in Law with GPA min 2.6
* Fresh Graduate welcome to apply
* Have work experience in the field of banking law min 2 years

Should you interested and qualified, please submit your application to following address below not later than 2 March 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Lowongan Kerja
Bank Bukopin Cabang Bogor
Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 36 Bogor – 16122
Info Lengkapnya Disini
2:15 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia, PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. It is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.

The Garuda airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.

Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)

Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia


* Ensure the achievement of Sales & Revenue targets that have been imposed in the form of Sales & Revenue Budget Branch Office
* Ensure the achievement of targets Span Sales Travel / Budget of each corporate client sales
* Ensuring the availability of services to the corporate client sales coaching, sales agents, agents, and other distribution channels
* Ensuring the availability of reports the results of performance studies and evaluation of the corporate client sales, sub-agent, agent, other distribution channels
* Ensuring terimplementasinya program / ​​marketing & promotion activities to increase sales
* Ensure the establishment of good partnership relationships with key account clients corporate sales, sales agents, agents, and other distribution channels


* Male / Female
* Age max. 27 years
* Look attractive and energetic
* Education min. S1 majoring in marketing economics, industrial engineering, marketing communications from leading universities
* Having experience min. 1 year in the areas of Marketing & Sales (preferably with experience in the field of airline business, insurers, and banks)
* Having a strategic planning capability and organizational skills, ability in the field of business acumen, interpersonal skills, communication skills, initiative, self-motivated and good
* Have experience in planning and running the event in large scale
* Have good English language skills (active oral and written)
* Love a challenge and able to work under pressure and exceed targets
* Mastering the use of computers and information system applications (min. Ms Office and internet)
* Placement in Marketing and Corporate Sales Branch Office in Jakarta

HUMAN CAPITAL OFFICER - Closing : 12 February 2012

* Ensuring the availability of manual administration office
* Ensure implementation of operational activities of the administration office of the scope of its responsibilities properly
* Ensure the implementation of the socialization of the Office Administration System manual and electronic correspondence.
* Ensuring the availability of reports and review of activities relevant to the administration office at regular intervals.
* Ensuring the availability of improvements to the Administration Office SOPs applicable to improve quality.


* Male
* Age max. 25 years (for D3) and max. 27 years (for S1)
* GPA min. 3.00 (4:00 scale)
* Education min D3 majoring in Office Administration, Statistics, Mathematics, and Informatics Engineering from reputable university
* Having min 1 year working experience in same position
* Able to operate computer (min. MS Office & Internet)
* Mastering English (Spoken & Writing)
* Able to work properly & thoroughly
* Able to work individually and in teams

MARKETING ANALYST - Closing : 12 February 2012

* Ensuring formulated important issues (objective) of Revenue & Sales Performance / Marketing Planning / Marketing Program Monitoring / Corporate Sales Strategy / Commercial Product & Brand Management / Portfolio Management Channel / e-Business / Management Promotion / PR Marketing and Customer Relationship Management, through the analysis, formulation, compilation, modeling, forecasting data / information in order to see the development of mass / other related indicators as inputs that need to be anticipated by management
* Ensuring the availability of alternative solutions or recommendations Performance improvement Revenue & Sales / Marketing Planning / Marketing Program Monitoring / Corporate Sales Strategy / Commercial Product & Brand Management / Portfolio Management Channel / e-Business / Management Promotion / PR Marketing and Customer Relationship Managementuntuk improve the quality of management decisions
* Ensuring understand the process, methodology or recommendation Performance Revenue & Sales / Marketing Planning / Marketing Program Monitoring / Corporate Sales Strategy / Commercial Product & Brand Management / Portfolio Management Channel / e-Business / Management Promotion / PR Marketing and Customer Relationship Management optimally by the parties related
* Ensuring program associated implementation with the Revenue & Sales Performance / Marketing Planning / Marketing Program Monitoring / Corporate Sales Strategy / Commercial Product & Brand Management / Portfolio Management Channel / e-Business / Management Promotion / PR Marketing and Customer Relationship Management
* Ensuring the availability of reports and review of the implementation of the program implementation


* Male
* Citizen of Indonesia
* Age max. 27 years
* Physically and mentally healthy
* Education min. S1 graduate from reputable university
* Majoring in business management economics, marketing, communications, and public relations
* GPA min. 3.00 (4:00 scale)
* Experienced in the field of marketing min. 1 year and knowledge of marketing
* Communicative, disciplined, hardworking, creative, innovative, dynamic, and can work under pressure
* Ability to work in a team or individual
* Mastering English actively, both verbal and written
* Placement in Building Management Garuda Indonesia - Area Offices Soekarno-Hatta Airport

To apply Lowongan Kerja for this opportunity please sign in to our e-recruitment website with link as follow,

For further information please call :
Dipo Prima Prajoko
Office : 021-2560 1040 or
Mobile : +62 85813981011 (Office hours on 07.30 – 16.30 WIB)
To Apply for this opportunity please submit Here
2:08 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Indosat

Written By Juwita on Sunday, February 5, 2012 | 4:08 PM

lowongan Indosat
Lowongan Kerja Indosat, PT Indosat Tbk., formerly known as PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk. (Persero) is a provider of telecommunication services in Indonesia. It is the second largest telecommunication company for mobile services in Indonesia (Matrix, Mentari and IM3). Currently, the composition of ownership of Indosat is: Qatar Telecom (65%), Public (20.1%), and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (14.9%). Indosat also listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.

Lowongan Kerja Indosat
Technical Support / IT Support (ts)
Jakarta Raya


* Pendidikan SMK (T. Komputer & jaringan, Rekayasa perangkat lunak, T. Informatika, T. Akses Radio, Listrik) / nilai rata-rata 7
* D3 / S1 (T. Elektro – telekomunikasi, T. Informatika) / IPK min 2.55
* Usia maksimal 27 tahun
* Menguasai MySQL, PHP, LAN / WAN, Oracle, JAVA, UNIX
* Memahami BSS,BSC,MSC,BTS, sistem telekomunilasi seluler (GSM) / CDMA / 3G / SS7 signalling type
* Bersedia bekerja diluar kantor / kota & lembur
* Dapat berbahasa Inggris lisan & tulisan
* Dapat bekerjasama dengan team & unit kerja terkait
Lowongan Kerja
4:08 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PT Dian Agro Mandiri

PT Dian Agro Mandiri
Lowongan Kerja PT Dian Agro Mandiri, PT Dian Agro Mandiri Is a fast growing palm oil plantations group company, currently seeking an exceptional individual to fill the following position based at our head office in Jakarta. The position below offers excellent long – term career prospects and a competitive performance based package.

Lowongan Kerja PT Dian Agro Mandiri
Internal Audit Manager - IAM
Jakarta Raya


* The incumbent will oversee the internal audit functions of the company and reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer.

* Main responsibilities will include :
a. To review the implementation of the operational, administrative and financial policies, procedures and regulations of the company and report on their efficiency, economy and effectiveness
b. To report any weakness in the company’s systems and internal controls whether operational, administrative or accounting, and to recommend solutions
c. To assist in the preparation of system documentation and control procedures for the various operations


* Female/ Male, maximum 40 years old
* Minimum S1 degree majoring in Accounting or Agriculture
* At least 5 years experiences as Internal Audit Manager in Plantations company
* Familiarity and experience with a well recognized Accounting software would be an advantage

If you meet the above requirements to please post or email your resume including a current photograph together with your current and expected salary to the address below

References should be submitted along with the application to  Lowongan Kerja:

Official Info Here
4:03 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Pundi
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk, PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk Through the Bank's Executive Meeting of 30 June 2010, PT Recapital Securities gets approval from shareholders as a standby purchaser in the mechanism of Rights Issue (Rights Issue) of 61.71% stake and IF Services Netherlands, BV as much as 24%. Bank Indonesia has also given approval to PT Recapial Securities as the controlling shareholder on the basis of letter No. 12/84/GBI/DPIP/Rahasia dated June 29, 2010.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk
Team Leader Funding ( TLF - JKT )
Jakarta Raya - Bekasi, Bogor, Depok, Karawang, Tangerang


* Memimpin para Funding Officer ( FO ) untuk mencapai target dana pihak ketiga
* Memastikan Sales Proses sesuai dengan prosedur
* Memahami pengetahuan produk dan layanan
* Menjalankan prinsip Know Your Customer (KYC)
* Memonitor target produk Funding dan monitoring setiap FO dibawahnya
* Memotivasi dan membagi informasi market kepada para FO
* Mengevaluasi dan menetapkan rencana sales
* Mendampingi FO untuk kunjungan nasabah
* Menjalankan service excellent
* Mencegah potensi operasional loss
* Menjalankan sistem dan prosedur operasional yang berkaitan dengan sales


* Wanita
* Berpenampilan menarik
* Pendidikan terakhir min. Sarjana S1
* Keterampilan Komunikasi
* Orientasi pada Sales
* Berjiwa kepemimpinan
* Berintegritas tinggi
* Networking yang luas dan baik
* Pengalaman di bidang perbankan selama 3-5 tahun

Benefits :

* Jenjang karir menantang.
* Training & Coaching berkesinambungan.
* Asuransi Kesehatan.

PT.Bank Pundi Indonesia
Jl. RS.Fatmawati No.12,
Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta Raya 12440

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk Kirimkan CV lengkap beserta foto ( maks Size 800 kb ) dengan melampirkan Kode Posisi pada Judul E-Mail ke alamat
Atau Lihat infonya disini
3:54 PM | 1 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PT Bumi Orion Sawit Sukses

PT Bumi Orion Sawit Sukses
Lowongan Kerja PT Bumi Orion Sawit Sukses, PT Bumi Orion Sawit Sukses – Sehubungan dengan program ekspansi dan perkembangan kami yang pesat di Riau, Kab.Indragiri Hilir, PT Bumi Orion Sawit Sukses mengundang para proffesionals untuk bergabung bersama-sama mengembangkan karir di perkebunan sawit:

Lowongan Kerja PT Bumi Orion Sawit Sukses
Manager Humas Pembebasan Lahan
Riau - Indragiri Hilir


Tugas dan tanggung jawab:

* Merencanakan, mengelola, mengorganisir sumber daya yang ada untuk pengadaan lahan baru bagi perusahaan
* Menangani masalah kompensasi lahan berdasarkan arah dan kebijakan perusahaan dan pemerintah
* Memberikan solusi yang terbaik bagi perusahaan dalam hal kompensasi tanah



* Min S-1 Pertanian/ ilmu sosial/ hukum
* Min 5 tahun pengalaman diposisi managerial dibidang pembebasan lahan (land compensasation) perkebunan sawit
* Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi dan jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat
* Mampu menjalin hubungan yang baik dan harmonis dengan pemerintah dan maupun masyarakat setempat
* Cepat beradaptasi dan menyesuaikan dengan budaya dan tata cara masyarakat setempat
* Jujur, bertanggung jawab, dan target oriented
* Rapi dan terorganisir dalam administrasi dan pelaporan
* Mampu mengawasi, mengatur proses, memotivasi pekerjaan para bawahan
* Bersedia tinggal dan ditempatkan dilokasi kebun

Surat Lamaran beserta CV lengkap dengan No. Telp
serta gaji yang di harapkan, Ijazah dan Transkip Nilai, Pas
Poto, berwarna terbaru, Referensi kerja, Sertifikat Khusus
(Jika ada), serta Slip gaji Terakhir,
Kirim Lowongan Kerja ini melalui email ke
alamat :
Atau Lihat infonya Disini
3:46 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PT Huawei

lowongan huawei
Lowongan Kerja PT Huawei, Huawei Technologies is one of the leading players in the global telecom market based in China.Currently, we have over 95,000 employees, of whom more than 46% are devoted to R&D. In addition, 45 of the world’s top 50 operators have chosen Huawei as their cooperator. In 2010, our contract sales reached US$ 26 billion, of which more than 70 % was from international markets, and represented a year-over-year growth rate of over 40%.

Together with customers and partners, we endeavor to enrich people's lives through better communications. For more information about Huawei, please visit:

Lowongan Kerja PT Huawei
Jakarta Raya


* Specify SITAC Scope of Work ,Manage SA Team chase RFC target
* Manage Subcontractor to chase good achievement
* Communicate with customer,Cooperate with the customer to solve the hot SITAC issue
* Prepare and keep updated the implementation program for all implementation projects in cooperation with the project management
* Arrange Site Survey with Planning team,Cooperate with other team to acquire the site
* Specify local government IMB police,Manage subcontractor submit IMB application
* Discuss and Report the implementation process and risk to RPM


* Have 3 years experience as related position in telecommunication project
* Familiar with SITAC, CME ,PLN Procure Flow
* Familiar with SITAC Lease document and Legal package document
* Fluent in English and good argue skill
* Willing to be travel and placed around of Indonesia region
Lowongan Kerja PT Huawei
Official Information please visit here
3:40 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PT Infiltraco Murni - SMA, D3, S1

lowongan kerja infiltraco
Lowongan Kerja PT Infiltraco Murni, PT Infiltraco Murni adalah supplier utama dalam bidang Clean Room untuk beraneka ragam aplikasi. Bermacam-macam industri, mulai dari laboratorium kecil hingga pabrik farmasi ternama di kalangan internasional, telah menggunakan produk dan jasa Infiltraco.

Produk-produk yang ditawarkan oleh Infiltraco antara lain: filter udara dan gas, HEPA dan ULPA filter, clean room air shower, dan sebagainya. Dengan berkembangnya produk-produk baru seperti particle counter, combustion analyzer, dust trak, kultur media, dan dehumidifiers, Infiltraco telah satu langkah lebih maju untuk menjadi "One Stop Solution for Clean Room Equipments." Misi ini, beserta dengan pengalaman dalam industri Clean Room sejak tahun 1989, membedakan Infiltraco dari para pesaingnya. Saat ini dengan memperkerjakan lebih dari 80 karyawan/karyawati, Infiltraco memberikan kesempatan yang tak ternilai harganya kepada individu yang mempunyai talenta tinggi untuk "Bertumbuh Bersama dan Sukses Bersama Infiltraco.

Lowongan Kerja PT Infiltraco Murni
Administration Staff
Jakarta Raya

PT Infiltraco Murni, Melakukan pembelian Berkomunikasi dengan supplier dan forwarder untuk mengupayakan kelancaran pengiriman dan kedatangan barang Mengelola database dan penyimpanan dokumen Memonitor stock Melaksanakan kegiatan kesekretariatan divisi Infiltraco Instruments

* Usia max 30 tahun
* Pendidikan Min. SMA
* Minimum Min. 2 tahun bekerja sebagai staff admin
* Menguasai bahasa inggris (tulisan) adalah suatu keharusan
* Memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi
* Sehat jasmani dan mental
* Memiliki kepribadian yang baik
* Dapat bekerja sama dengan baik dalam tim

Stephanie Winata
Info Lengkap Disini
2:13 AM | 1 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja PT Frisian Flag Indonesia

lowongan frisian flag
Lowongan Kerja PT Frisian Flag Indonesia, PT Frisian Flag Indonesia - Frisian Flag is one of the biggest milk manufacturing company in Indonesia. The Company started its operation in 1922 when the Cooperatve Condensfabriek Friesland under the brand name of Friesche Vlag began shipping its products to Indonesia. The Company is part of Royal FrieslandCampina, one the largest dairy company in the world. The Company based in Jakarta and operated 2 manufacturing plants in Pasar Rebo and Ciracas, Jakarta. The Company brands consis of Frisian Flag Powdered Milk, Yes! Ready to Drink Milk (SUSU Minuman), and Omela Sweetened and Condensed Milk.

In line with the Company's growth, currently PT Frisian Flag Indonesia invites the best potential candidates to join as follow:

Lowongan Kerja PT Frisian Flag Indonesia
Sales Development Program 2012

Will be Trained and Developed by the Specialist, be involved in hands-on project and be able to deal with competitive business enviroment, especially in Trade Marketing (Sales) section.


* Hold min Bachelor Degree (S1) from all major with min GPA 2.75 of Full Scale
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Not more than 26 years old
* Willing to be stationed in all cities in Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru
For further detail information and to apply online, please refer official source from Frisian Flag Indonesia on following link below. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Official Info Here
1:43 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lowongan Kerja Metro TV

lowongan metrotv
Lowongan Kerja Metro TV, PT Media Televisi IndonesiaMetro TV is one of the Indonesian biggest private television broadcasting company. The Company is part of Media Group, one of the Indonesian biggest media holding company. Metro TV established since 1999 and operated for first on air in 2000. Metro TV is the segmented broadcasting tv station with news sector as its main subjects. The Company also as a pioneer in new perspectives and unique one-of-a-kind programs while improving the way information is presented. The company supported by more than 1200 employees, mostly in the newsroom and production division.

Metro TV In line with its vision, became the number one ranking for its news quality and delivery as well as extraordinarily high levels of loyalty from both viewers and advertisers, currently PT Media Televisi Indonesia is looking the best Indonesian young people who interested in broadcasting industry to join as following positions :

Lowongan Kerja Metro TV
News Producer (News-Prod)


* Male/Female with max age 38 years old
* Bachelor degree from reputable university
* Min 1 year experience as Producer at a TV Station or a min 4 years as Asst. Producer on TV
* Well informed in current issues, organized and detail-oriented
* Has good managed skills, shows good team works and able to work under pressure
* Fluent in spoken and written English
* Outgoing and communicative

Media Relation (MR)


* Female with max 30 years old
* Bachelor degree from any majors
* Min 2 years experience in similar position
* Good personality, communication and negotiation skill

Media Planner (MED-P)


* Male/female, max 30 years old
* Bachelor degree majoring in Statistic/MIPA
* Min 1 year experience at media industry (agency) / PR consultant
* Good knowledge in media planning and communication proposal
* Fluent in spoken and written English

Editor (EDT)


* Male/Female, max 26 years old
* Min Diploma Degree
* Good knowledge in Editing Software (Avid, adobe premiere, finalcut pro, etc)

Graphic Designer (GD)


* Male/Female, max 26 years old
* Bachelor Degree majoring in Graphic Design/Product Design/Visual Communication Design
* Min 1 year experience in similar position
* Good knowledge in Graphic 2D / 3D and motion graphic

Compensation and Benefit Specialist (CBS)


* Male, max 32 years old
* Bachelor degree majoring in mathematic/statistics/industrial engineering (preferably)
* Min 5 years experience in similar position
* Able t work effectively under presure
* Computer literacy is required

Recruitment Specialist (RS)


* Male, max 30 years old
* Bachelor Degree from Psychology
* Min 5 years experience in similar position
* Experienced in developing recruitment strategy, system and headhunting
* Familiar with psycological assessment tools and report
* Excellent communication, negotiation and interpersonal skill
* Fluent in written and spoken English

Training Specialist (TS)


* Male, max 30 years old
* Bachelor degree from any major
* Min 5 years experience in similar position
* Experienced in developing training design
* Able to deliver training
* Good knowledge in Training needs analysis and company traning plan (training calendar)
* Selft-motivated with strong organizational, tme management skills and excellent follow-up ability
* Excellent Microsoft Office skills

Lowongan Kerja
Should you meet above criteria, please submit your CV to email : Write the position tittle as your email subject no later than 15 February 2012. For further detail information, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Official Information Here
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